Page 43 - Studio Internatinal - October 1974
P. 43

developments of life in different directions, and   result of topological order. They are inclusive   relationships. The plan has an outspoken
         they are susceptible to be appropriated. They   i.e. they easily absorb 'impure' everyday   Palladian character, but whereas in Palladio's
         don't create monuments of any great superiority   devices and so they suggest personalization.   villas one hardly experiences the refined mutual
         but they are interested in the quality of   Moreover, they acquire other dimensions   proportions of the different rooms which can
         ordinariness.                             according to one's movement through the    only communicate through open doors,
           Bob van Reeth, a young architect, started   structure. The resulting spatial complexity   Vandenhove has designed an open structure,
         his career with a rather unusual office building   gives an image of 'unsurveyable, insusceptible   generating continuous space and making
         in Kalmthout near Antwerp, combining some   life'. It constitutes a sort of artificial ecology,   evident relations. This feature is not due to the
         influences of Le Corbusier and James Stirling.   and in this sense joins the Belgian Art Nouveau   technological methods that are considered often
         When working on this design he gradually   tradition as it was created by Victor Horta.   the main source of architectonic invention.
         dismissed the functionalism on which it was   The work of Charles Vandenhove looks in   Palladio had the disposal of all the techniques
         still partly based. He himself has stated:   many ways like the visual opposite of van   Vandenhove employed in the Olne house and
         'Architecture doesn't mean solving functions.   Reeth's. His work has little or nothing to do   hence could have built the same or a similar
         Architecture means to formulate responses to   with the Belgian vernacular. The pitched roofs   structure; but sixteenth-century man had
         situations, answers to questions arising from   of his latest houses are perhaps the only formal   different, more hierarchical, views of family
         intercourse with a situation. Questions are not   concession in this direction. His work, on the   life. Every room was clearly subordinated to
         problems. Questions are not so outspoken. They   contrary, can be considered as a participation in   the central living room, and the house itself
         come from and belong to people. As a rule,   the idealist tradition of modern architecture —  significantly dominated its surroundings. The
         striking solutions amount to the negation and   a tradition based on the conception that   house in Olne, on the contrary, is hidden in its
         the destruction of values in the existing   architecture should be structured according to   surroundings, and all its spaces have an equal
         context. They are not answers.'6  He thus   certain ordering principles found throughout   weight, symbolising open relations of equals.
         experienced the current functionalism as an   nature, and on the belief that the projection of   As Louis Kahn stated: 'The kitchen doesn't feel
         abstract and alienating problem-solving process,   this order in the built environment can be a   humiliated by the living room'. Every space is an
         and instead began to look for an architectural   contribution to more harmonious human   equivalent articulation of the same structure.
         approach susceptible to generating 'immediate   interrelations. The intuitive tradition, in which   Finally, despite its clear neo-platonic structure,
         and spontaneous translations of life'. This he   van Reeth participates, has similar aims, but   the house claims no perfection of content. The
         found in the work of Rudoph Schindler and   whereas it refers to a visible structure of nature   materials the structure is made of are not
        also in the Belgian vernacular I mentioned   and traditionally connotes anarchism, the   untouchable. Despite their refined jointing they
         before. In the work of the Californian master he   idealist tradition is bound up with a bona fide   preserve a provisory character and suggest
        discovered an alternative modern architecture,   democracy and looks for its foundations in the   appropriation. The structure offers places of
        the identity of which was no longer determined   hidden structure of nature.         application for life which develops in and
         by the segregation of abstracted functions, but   While designing several houses and semi-  around it as a counter-structure. Whereas in van
        by the embrace of human complexity: an     public buildings, Vandenhove patiently developed   Reeth's houses the enjoyment one experiences
        architecture thought from the inside out and   his own building system during the sixties with   stems from a dynamic empathy, and from the
        hence not exhibiting the object character of   refined structure elements, a kind of grammar   assimilation of personal culture, in Vandenhove's
         European purism, but linking up its complex   of mutually conjugable forms and spaces. In his   it stems from the confrontation of two distinct
        relations with its context. In the Belgian   first works he coupled his research to a well-  complementary structures. Although his houses
        context it was mainly the 'back vernacular' he   tempered 'brutalist' idiom and deliberate   suggest order and harmony, they happily
        felt attracted to. In this native 'architecture   picturesque planning, but from about 1965, it   associate with changing pluriformity and
        without architects' he discovered neologisms   drove him to systematic geometric configurations,   ordinariness.
        and popular ad hoc  planning (the imaginative   with an outspoken symmetry. Unlike van
        use of industrial products for new purposes).   Reeth who creates an elaborate accompaniment
        He unified these factors into an inclusive idiom   to life, Vandenhove confines himself to a
        which fitted into the Belgian context, or at least   structure capable of bearing life and stimulating
        its vernacular. But he did not of course confine   its development. This doesn't mean at all that
        his idiom to the outside but projected it to the   he designs flexible neutral spaces. His geometry
        inside. In fact, he designed his houses from   is not Miesian but can be traced back to the
        within, out of close intercourse with his clients.   idealist approach of Louis Kahn and Aldo van
        In each case he tried to identify with their way   Eyck. He once summarised his intentions in this
        of life and to grasp their mutual relations. As a   way: `If I came to design systematically
         result he has realized very different structures   modulated spaces, it is because I wish that these
        which are not a gratuitous plastic whim but a   structures should provide starting-points for the
        kind of open portrait of his clients' life patterns.   most diversifying human action. But I want
        This empathy for private and popular culture   these structures not only to be strong enough
        led him away from the classical geometry of   not to be destroyed or damaged by the interplay   1  The Observer  24 September 1967.
                                                                                              2  Dutch Forum  July 1970 p.15.

        modern architecture (which largely originated   they allow, but also open and rich enough to
                                                                                              3 Neither Ch. Jencks, 'Modern Movements in
        from the studio houses of intellectuals and   evoke continuously new alternatives, to provoke   Architecture' (1973) nor D. Sharp, 'A Visual History
                                                                                              of Twentieth-Century Architecture' (1972) mention
        artists) and generated a topological approach   new exchanges, and to nourish new dreams.' 8
                                                                                              any work by a Belgian architect after 1940.
        with a 'geometry of innocence'7, answering a   So his structures are less an accompaniment   4 See: M. Culot and F. Terlinden, 'Antoine Pompe
                                                                                              et ('Effort Moderne en Belgique 1940-1970', Brussels
        desire for small-scaled articulations and images.   than a counterform of life. He doesn't design
                                                                                              1969; G. Bekaert and F. Strauven, 'La Construction
        Many Belgian people do not like the hard-edged   portraits but a kind of universal matrix. The   en Belgique 1940-1970', Brussels 1971.
                                                                                              5 See Ch. Jencks, 'Modern Movements in
        clean environments of modern architecture, but   house he built at Olne (1968-69) for a family
                                                                                              Architecture', Pelican 1973.
        like to surround themselves with all sorts of   with three children, has a refined crystalline   6 See Bekaert and Strauven, op.cit., p. 366.
                                                                                              7 Bob Dylan, Highway 61 revisited; 1965:
        images (wall papers, hangings etc.), and van   structure portraying a concept of harmonious
                                                                                              'The geometry of innocence
        Reeth meets this wish by originating images   family life. Covered by a unifying low pyramidal   flesh on the bone
                                                                                              caused Galileo's math book
        from the building structure itself. These images   roof, the carefully articulated and mutually
                                                                                              to get thrown.'
        are by no means applied decoration, but the    balanced inner spaces suggest gentle, releasing    8 	See Bekaert and Strauven, op.cit., p. 359.
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