Page 30 - Studio International - September 1974
P. 30

He would of course have read about Kava   compare with other food arts in other cultures.   presentation of food are similar to those which
    ceremonial in Tonga and tea ceremonial in   It can be assumed that food is taken partly   prevail in the other applied arts in that culture.
    Japan. Their complexity of ritual would pale   because it serves a biological function,   In other words, is food just treated as another
    into insignificance compared with the     nourishment. It shares its part-instrumental   medium in which the same patterns are worked
    ceremonial surrounding the cutting and     part-aesthetic place in the range of all art forms   out? For example, I once had the pleasure of
    distribution of the wedding cake. At military   with clothing, architecture and utensil design.   attending the Dublin cattle show. There was a
    weddings he would see the bride try to cut the   With these it belongs to the group of applied   big tent with cake stalls and stalls for other
    cake with a sword, unable to succeed without the   arts which is instantly distinguishable from the   handcrafts on sale. The latter included those
    help of her spouse. He would see in photographs   pure, or fine arts such as music, sculpture or   thick creamy-looking Arran sweaters, with
    the bride standing near the cake about to cut it.   visual arts. Therefore the questions which are   cable-pattern knitting and regularly spaced
    He would observe the bride's mother in tears,   suitable to address to the applied arts should   knots and twirls on a very bold and chunky scale.
    the cake being parcelled into minute portions to   also be addressed to food. In most of the applied   Turning to the crochet, embroideries and
    be distributed around the room; a large section   arts there is a tension between the requirements   tea-cosies and hot water bottle covers I noticed
    of the cake being distributed even more    of function and the requirements of design; one   that these too conformed in style to similar rules
    elaborately in small postal packets to be eaten by   can find the utensil or building badly adapted to   although carried out in a different material.
    absent friends. Asking about the mythology of   its function in the interests of design but one   Turning further to the cake stall, the Arran
    the cake, he would hear that those young   does not normally expect to find these things   sweater cable-stitch was replicated in icing sugar
    maidens who receive a portion should sleep with   created with no intention of serving any function   and cream. A well-trained Martian
    it under their pillow and dream of their future   at all. However, this is not quite true of food.   ethnographer would have gone out to the
    husband, and also that the top portion of this   Curiously, there is no difficulty in thinking of   churches and graveyards and found similar
    towering three-tier confection should be put   examples of food that is produced entirely for   plaited twirls carved in Celtic style in the stone
    aside and kept for the Christening ceremony of   display, so that food can be separated from its   monuments of the region. But I forebore to
    the first child, etc., etc. Taking an old fashioned   nourishing function and be associated with the   pursue my research. The Irish cake is an apt
    diffusionist approach, he could trace this cake   decorative arts, flower arrangements and   illustration of common rules being shared
    through the history and geography of weddings   painting. This line of enquiry suggests that one   between several media. It will serve to illustrate
    in Europe. He would conclude that he had seen   might ask how much its adaptation to the   the range between complete autonomy and
    the apotheosis of the cake form, something as   biological function is deformed by its structuring   complete permeation between the different
    worthy of study as the American Indians' sun   into an art form. For example, there might be a   media. But it is a thoroughly bad example of
    dance. He would have no difficulty in getting   direct correlation across cultures, the more   structural analysis because it takes one item of
    pictorial records of the cake for he would find   developed the aesthetic the more the biological   food, the cream cake, one item of clothing, one
    that no bakery that produces wedding cakes is   function may be subordinated and ill-served.   tea-cosy and one hot water bottle cover. The
    without its album of photographs of famous   This is one of the questions that we shall raise,   arbitrary selection is inexcusable. It would be
    cakes that it has made. If he had Marxist   but be unable to answer. Quite conceivably the   less arbitrary to compare food to a medium
    leanings he might be worried to see the    correlation could go in the opposite sense: the   which had a sequential development over time,
    extraordinary uniformity of the wedding cake   more developed the aesthetic side, the better   music or poetry, because food has an important
    formula across the class structure. Although   calculated to make the digestive juices flow and   temporal dimension. Even among the applied
    there will be many discernible differences in   the better nutritional needs would tend to be   arts it is not the only one which develops its rules
    quality and price between one cake and another,   served. I would like to know what systematic   over the course of a day. Clothing also has a
    for any guest standing at the other end of the   work has been done to resolve these issues which   range from night to morning to afternoon to
    room it is hard to see the difference; the wedding   are obviously of supreme importance for the   mid-day to evening, as well as seasonal rules.
    cake seems to be relatively classless — perhaps a   current concern with the feeding of our planet.   But food can develop its sequence and display
    symptom of the embourgeoisement of the       Obviously there is scope for argument in the   its structure over time more quickly than can
    European worker or perhaps the reverse     identification of the aesthetic elements in food.   clothing. Like the fruit fly which is so useful in
    process. When he had completed filling in the   My own preferred approach would be to take   genetics because of the speed of its reproductory
    diffusionist and sociological background of the   the aesthetic as distinct from the nutritional   processes, food is very well adapted to this kind
    cake ceremony the researcher would embark   aspect of food to be that part which is subject to   of analysis. This introduces another set of
    upon the structural analysis which I shall not   pattern-making rules, like the rules of poetry,   dimensions which can be proposed for
    describe in detail. Essentially this technique of   music or dance. The explanation of any one   comparison between applied arts.
    study would require him never to consider the   such rule will only be found in its contribution
    cake as a genre, still less the wedding cake alone   to the pattern which it helps to create.   The temporal dimension
    apart from the food system in which it appears.   Consequently rules which are explained with   Does the food system unfold the rules which
    The food system would be seen as a series of   reference to pathogenic dangers such as   make its patterns in a short or long time? How
    events using a defined medium combined    indigestibility, bacterial transmission, toxic   quickly does the pattern repeat itself? Is it more
    according to clearly understood rules. He would   elements, etc., would be counted as rules   like a poem consisting entirely of rhymed
    have to set all the cake forms that he could   concerned with nutrition and not with the   couplets with a fixed metre? Or does it develop
    record into the context of all other food forms   aesthetic side. It is an arbitrary and difficult   like a great epic poem, with galloping rhymed
    habitually used by the people under study. This   separation to maintain but essential for this kind   couplets when the narrative is jolly, blank verse
    approach allows a very different set of questions   of investigation. If it can be accepted that there   when the theme deepens, and all the chapters
    to be posed, neither diffusionist nor sociological.   is a field of behaviour which consists in making   symmetrically concluded with sonnets in the
      If food is to be considered as an art form it   patterns which are in themselves the only   strict ab, ba form? Although food is capable of
    would be necessary first to choose questions   justification of the elements which go into them,   developing all its patterns in the course of a
    which could be asked equally well of other art   then this approach to the aesthetic aspects of   day (as we shall see from the example to be
    forms and then to identify an area of problems   food suggests various dimensions which can   discussed) it need not necessarily do so. Indeed
    which are specific to the food medium. Having   apply to food and the other applied arts.   the real sequence of patterning is only concluded
    first distinguished what kind of art form food is                                    at the end of the life-cycle when we have moved
    amongst the others in that culture, it would then   The dimension of autonomy        from the Christening cake, to the wedding cake,
    be right to ask how does the local food art    One can ask whether the rules which govern the   to the funeral baked meats. This potentially

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