Page 34 - Studio International - September 1974
P. 34

structure laid out, one could have asked   rhythmic qualities of other symbolic systems.   compact and highly organized set of rules. The
    reasonably why they never serve potatoes in   The capacity to recall the whole by the structure   clear focus on the selected aspects of the food
    meal B. The answer now would be that potatoes   of the parts is a well-known technique in music   system seen as a system of rules making a formal
    are the staple for meal A course one. That part   and poetry for arousing attention and sustaining   pattern enables us to explain some characteristics
    of the pattern would lose its distinctiveness and   interest.                       of the nutritional part of the food system which
    the pattern would lose its shape if potatoes were   The same recurring theme is visible in the   otherwise remain mysterious. Nutritionists tend
    served in course two or meal two. There may   sequence from thick gravy to thicker custard to   to deplore the preference of some parts of
    also be a rule of non-reversibility as between the   solid icing sugar. One of the structural rules of   English society for carbohydrate and highly
    first and second meal, course or item concerning   this food system is progressive desiccation and   processed foods instead of more nutritious raw
    hot and cold: a hot course one can be followed   geometrication of forms through the day. The   fruits and vegetables, but there is no explanation
    by a hot or cold course two, but a meal that   first course of the main meal is presented in   to my knowledge of how this kind of preference
    starts cold cannot go back to a hot course later.   what appears to the uninitiated as a slushy   arises. In the food system I have just described
                                               indistinguishable mixture in which it is difficult   there is obviously no place for raw fruit. Any
                                               to distinguish the trimmings and solid dressings   housewife who puts money aside for buying raw
                                               from the meat and potatoes under their lavish   fruit will still have to spend again on the main
                                               coat of rich brown gravy. The second course,   structure part of the food system. Fruit can only
                                               though still wet and viscous, has an undeniable   come into the system as a snack. She would be
                                               sculptural form, whether it be the sphere of the   condemned by her family on all the criteria they
                                               Christmas pudding, or the trifle decorated with   use for judging what is a meal and what is a good
                                               fruit.                                   meal if she were to try to serve them with raw
                                                 We can summarize the rules transforming the   fruit instead of puuding. Of course there is an
                                               elements of the sweet part of any meal, through   important economic factor here. Carbohydrates
                                               the sequence of meals as follows :       and sugars are cheaper than meat an fruit. But
                                                                                         what is interesting is the large amount of work
                                                                                         the housewife is prepared to do herself in order
    On to the three courses of the main meal are                                         to peel, cook and serve and wash up after her
    mapped the sequence, ranking and rules of the                                        daily potato meal. The combination of the food
    three meals of Sunday. First the potato meal,                                        system as it has developed autonomously and
    second the main cereal meal, third the last cereal,                                  the economic factors explains the extraordinary
    sweet and dry. The diagrams in the unpublished                                       phenomenon of the British cheap biscuit. Here
    report show that the last course of the first two                                    is an example of a national preference, the kind
    meals and the only solid of the third meal is                                        of taste-formation which the economists are
    exactly the same item except that it is                                              only too glad to leave aside as not susceptible of
    progressively drier. The lavish liquid dressing of                                   economic analysis. The British like to have
    sweet custard has been poured over a cake,                                           cheap biscuits and they do not mind whether
    whether plum cake or jam sponge and dried in                                         they all taste much the same so long as they are
    the form of icing sugar. The option to select any                                    very varied in their shapes and sizes, colours and
    of the possible ingredients of a second course in                                    geometrical decoration. The same designs of
    the main meal is given even more latitude in the                                     biscuits are found in other European nations but
    minor meal, but working through the menus,                                           they are generally expensive and of good quality
    week by week and month by month the                                                  materials, with considerable difference between
    prototype puddings and custard in the second   The movement from wet food to dry food   one biscuit and another as to its taste. The
    course of the main meal are recognizable in the   through the day involves a shift in utensils;   explanation that is offered here of the British
    minor meal in their dry forms as plum cake and   fingers can take up dry food, but forks and   demand for cheap biscuits is that the biscuit is a
    jam sponge cake. When it comes to the final   spoons lift wet food to the mouth. The axis   condensed symbol of all the food events and the
    course of the main meal or the last meal on   between wet and dry used in this way allows of   social events of a day and a week and a life-time.
    Sunday night, the range of sweet biscuits reveals   a correspondence between intimacy and   It has to be cheap because it has to be used so
    the pudding again, in its most desiccated forms :   distance, thus linking this aspect of the food   often to make the regular summation of the
    currant biscuits, sugar-coated biscuits, jam-  system to a dimension of the social system. The   symbolic system which in the case of the food
    centred biscuits. Nowhere else in the world is   main course of the Sunday dinner is for the   patterning that we have described occurs very
    there a steady demand for small geometrically   intimacy of the family circle. When this circle is   frequently. It has to be cheap because it is an
    shaped sweet biscuits with a layer of jam or   greatly enlarged, as for the weddings, New Year   integral part of the working-class food system.
    cream in the middle and coated with icing, at a   party, 21st birthday or Christening celebrations   From the perspective of this system the wedding
    sufficiently modest price to permit them a   that Michael Nicod attended, dry foods are   cake can be presented plausibly as the most
    regular place in the daily menu of the majority   suitable. Thus the third course and the third   formal pile of biscuits offered in the course of a
    of the population. In so far as the sweet biscuit   meal have a further dimension of usefulness in   life-time. As the ordinary biscuit sums up the
    eaten last thing at night on Sunday is a dry   summarizing hospitality when the intimate mode   daily and the weekly food system, so does the
    version of the cake, and the cake a dry version of   is not appropriate or possible.   wedding cake sum up the high moment in the
    the pudding, we can regard it not merely as a                                        life cycle. It is a sweet cereal confection on which
    coda or as an irrelevant conclusion, but as a   Conclusion                           a white liquid dressing has been poured, but the
    summary form, literally, of those courses. The   This account is notable for what it omits to   dressing has set into the hardest, shiniest and
    biscuit is capable of standing for all the   discuss. We have said nothing about the taste of   most improbably patterned crust. The icing of
    sequences of puddings through the year and of   the food or the smells of food, nothing about the   the wedding cake is able to express what it does
    wedding cakes and christening cakes through   division of labour, nothing about the way the   because it is at the pinnacle of a very rigorously
    the life cycle. Our analysis is beginning to reveal   food is served. By confining our observations to   formalized set of rules which segregate liquid
    a dietary system, which, with undeniable   a few very salient characteristics of the food   from solid with complete consistency right
    economy of means, has all the mimetic and    system we were able to get out this extremely    through all the constituent food occasions.q
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