Page 86 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 86

slightly fantastic, slightly folksy,   usually small surface (never any   of Latham's activity, but what is   joke on the elections. In England
      are of a kind you'd need to have   more than about 12 x  8 in.) of the   badly needed is a full presentation   such wit is reserved for
      known long enough to become   drawing, as a temporal continuum,   of his activity over the past   commercial advertising - note the
      really fond of before you could   while making more central the   twenty years to clarify the frequent   Smirnoff campaign and The
      tell how good they were. Two of   character of the objects on which   misunderstandings generated by a   Times's 'Our sages know their
      the sculptors I'd rather pass over   his drawings are presented.   piecemeal treatment of the   onions'. KP Brehmer has a
      in silence, but Rauni Liukko's   The One Second drawings are   complex inter-relations which   similar background of unlimited
      life-size (or natural size, as the   perhaps the best exemplification   knit together his creative activity.   posters and postcards but he has
      catalogue more precisely   of Latham's general cosmology             Rosetta Brooks   found that the form does not
      expresses it) mixed-media   (the Time-Base Theorem) which                          reach the people in need of
      figures seemed the best things in   individuates and analyses things   ART INTO SOCIETY:   instruction. His recent work is
      the show after Westerlund's   in terms of their existence on   SOCIETY INTO ART    intentionally 'saleable' - objects
      drawings. Engagingly good-  different time-bases (as aspects of   Seven German Artists, at the   for the art collector - but still
      humoured and unpretentious,   events belonging to longer   ICA, London             containing the message. He
      they record a straightforward   events of differing scales). The   29 October - 24 November 1974   exhibited his proposal for altering
      interest in people as individual   newest One Second drawings are   The German month at the ICA   the colours of the German flag to
      creatures of circumstance, worthy   the best representations yet of   in November succeeded in   form a key to the distribution of
      of regard, without the slightest   this metaphysical view in that their   drawing the crowds back to the   wealth amongst the social
     self-consciousness about how to   status as drawings is given the   Mall. Whatever qualifications one   classes. Another graph represents
      present them stylistically as art.   physical status of event (one   feels about the exhibition and the   the massive wealth (ie power) of
                  David Thompson   second duration) and their   theme, it proved that the ICA's   international companies. General
                                 status as artefacts the status of the   reputation is not beyond repair.   Motors make £800,000,000 profit
                                 transformation from trees                               each year, and their annual
      JOHN LATHAM                                            If they make a good show, the
                                 (nature) to artefact (culture) as an                    turnover is more than
      At the Gallery and at Art Net,                         support will follow.
                                 event. The presentation at Art Net                      Switzerland's GNP. Hans
      London                                                   The success of the month was
                                 seemed to suffer from the                               Haacke's work dealt with similar
      November                                               achieved by a German
                                 largeness of the gallery square in                      information within the art world.
       John Latham's recent                                  organization - the Goethe
                                 relation to the minuteness of the                       In the catalogue he presented a
      exhibitions at the Gallery and at                      Institute, their equivalent of the
                                 One Second drawings.                                    new work on the Guggenheim
      Art Net were of very different                         British Council. They provided
      character both in display and   The exhibition at The Gallery   our own Arts Council with an   Museum in New York. He lists the
      underlying intentions.     represents Latham's political   object lesson in how to co-  business activities of the Board of
       The work at Art Net consisted   rather than metaphysical   ordinate London, organizing a   Trustees of the Museum: Peter 0
      of Latham's continuing series of   concerns, though the works still   variety of events at the Serpentine,   Lawson Johnston, the Director of
      One Second drawings embarked   represent a questioning of the   the NFT, the Roundhouse and   the Board, is shown as a director
      upon initially in the late 1950s.   identity of things - here, the   the ICA.      of many companies including
      One Second drawings consist of   questioning is in terms  of human   The exhibition looked rather   Kennecott Copper Corporation
      configurations of black spray   action rather than its absence   unappetizing. It suffered from   and Anglo Company Ltd which
      paint emitted for one second onto   (as in the drawings).   being cramped in what is left of   have extensive interests in Chile,
      various surfaces; paper, canvas or   The work, Offer for Sale, is a   the ICA's mutilated space. It had   were nationalized by Allende and
      small wooden panels. Latham has   display and relates formally to   a certain revolutionary flavour,   are now receiving compensation
      always sought to emphasize the   the other display exhibitions   professional and considered,   from the Junta. It is interesting to
      physicality of the surfaces of his   mounted at the Gallery in the   unlike the concurrent anarchy of   see how closely the enlightened
      drawings as one device (amongst   past. Offer for Sale consists of a   their Chilean brothers. The   museum world is connected with
      others) for making unified the   photographic representation of a   exhibition acted as a platform for   the 'real' world. It was a pity that
      potentiality or actuality of   series of documents drawn up at   the main activity which was   Haacke did not have the
      physical degeneration and   the time of the APG exhibition at   contained, theoretically, in the   facilities to look at the
      temporal change. The arbitrary   the Hayward gallery where the   catalogue and, practically, in   background of the ICA.
      configurations have in common   artist's organization, Artist's   contact and dialogue with the   Dieter Hacker's work was less
      their definition of time span, and   Placement Group was offered for   artists. This was the intention of   accessible, partly because he was
      considered in this (temporal)   sale as the result of a coincidence   the organizers. Exhibitions are   unable to present a model of his
      dimension appear to be minimal   in the naming of APG with the   irrelevant to this type of work, but   Produzentengalerie in Berlin. It is
      'assisted ready-mades' or 'atoms'   similarly named and registered   they are still the accepted form -  a viable and efficient artists co-op,
      of Latham's own temporal   company the Allied Polymer   and this was after all an official   but the essence of the idea did
      metaphysics. They are, in his own   Group. Rather than engage in   German government sponsored   not emerge from his theoretical
      and in Whitehead's terminology   legal battles to establish priority   show.       banners. Albrecht D(D for Dürer)
      'least events', and in his own view,   of the use of the name APG, a   The catalogue suggested that   suffered in a similar way. His
      literally products of time. They   settlement was proposed which   we should look at the exhibits as   Xerox photographs and fluxus
      seem like minute maps of the   involved the sale of the name by   a visual manifestation of the   typography is not effective in a
      infinite forces and occurrences   Latham to the Allied Polymer   dialogue in radical political   gallery situation. It is impossible
      which converge to produce   Group, providing him with the   circles. The artists represented a   to cover the area of commitment
      insignificant and often unnoticed   opportunity for engaging in   generalized selection of agreement   his activities embrace in a semi-
      events. It is with these discrete   another identity problem within   on the eventual Utopia but   detached atmosphere. Gustave
      minutiae that Latham focuses his   the sphere of social activity and   complex disagreement on 'how   Metzger only contributed to the
      attention, seeing in their   its institution and one which   do we get from here to there' and   catalogue and the symposium. In
      formalization in One Second   was also directly concerned with   that is the real question. As always   the catalogue he published an
      drawings (temporal) reifications   the activity and institutions of   the most viable positions were the   exhaustive bibliography on art
      of his time-based cosmology. if   art.                 least radical. You can have either   dealing. If anyone reads further
      the configurations of the    The display at the gallery   a small shift acceptable to the   on this topic, they will discover to
      drawings are treated as temporal   consists of three screens on which   majority or a major shift   what an extent art, like every
      units, the nature of the drawings   are mounted photographic   acceptable to the minority. Klaus   thing else, is controlled by the
      as physical objects is stressed in   documentation of the proposed   Staeck's rationality seemed one   men with the money.
      order to make clear their   Offer For Sale in a triangular   of the more feasible models. He   And so we come to 'the Frank
      subjection to time. They are both   format which is the insignia of   works closely with trade unions   Sinatra of the Art World', the
      products of time in their   APG and was adopted to further   and other community action   wonderful Joseph Beuys. In the
      configurations and subject to it in   confuse their identity with the   groups on topical campaigns,   transcript of the colloquium for
      the ageing and changes which   Allied Polymer Group who use an   using posters, leaflets and   the exhibition, Beuys declared he
      occur to the surfaces of the   upright pyramidal insignia.   postcards. Much of the work relies   would need 'no special space -
      drawings.                   Latham's pyramid which is   on Heartfield's use of     just four blackboards and some
       Some of the One Second     printed over the screens is,   photomontage but it is   red and white chalk'. In the event
      drawings shown at Art Net are   however, a pyramid tipped on its   attempting a social function   he littered the entire gallery with
      sprayed on to small sliding   side typifying his manner of   unburdened by artistic   over seventy blackboards. An
      panels so that the frozen 'one   identifying the role of the avant-  connotations. The example he   admirable display of energy which
      second' configuration itself is   garde artist and particularly his   used in the catalogue was a poster   cuckooed every other artist out of
      subject to change. In some of the   own role in opposing a static and   made for the 1972 election in   the nest. Beuys would have been
      newest drawings, the object-  mechanical institutionalization of   Germany. The posters read 'the   the star attraction under any
      character of the surface has been   activity with one based on change   rich must get richer - so vote   circumstances. He behaved in a
      emphasized to the extent of using   and assessed on a time base.   CDU' (CDU =Conservatives).   way which showed how easily
      sawn logs suspended by chairs   The two exhibitions go some   The slogan was taken up all over   democratic intentions break down
      from the ceiling to prevent the    way to individuating the breadth    the country and became an ironic   even amongst seven artists. Beuys
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