Page 90 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 90

attention to his panel, which   Artemis adheres strictly, as   I trunk is going very tar indeed   Sam Green, who is currently
     included Pierre Cabanne,   strictly in fact as Modarco, to the   and does less than justice to what   preparing the 1975 exhibition for
     J. P. Hodin, Pierre Kister and   traditional recipe for making   Artemis does offer its shareholders   the new Boston Institute of
     Michel Seuphor, for by the first   money — buy cheap and sell dear.   — the possibility of investing in a   Contemporary Arts building and
     year of trading — 1971—      The original shareholders in   sophisticated, securely financed   who organized Andy Warhol's
     Modarco had run up a 20%   Artemis were primarily rich   dealing operation which may   first one-man show as well as the
     position in some pretty lacklustre   friends of Baron Lambert who   make them a great deal of money   'Art for the 60's' exhibition',
     impressionist and post-    believed with him that money   if and when it offers its shares in   contributes advice on American
     impressionist works at near the •   could be made from art-dealing.   the public market.   art. Also on the independent
     top of the market. Indeed,   Their accurate assumption was   Artco International can only be   advisory panel are Mr Emile
     despite his claim that 'quality art   that due to the ebullient post-mid-  discussed in this context because   Veranneman and Mr Teto
     appreciates at a much more   century art market, few of the   it believes, like Artemis and   Ahrenberg, both well-known for
     satisfactory rate than speculative   good traditional dealers could   Modarco, that art, if wisely   their deep commitment to
     or trend art', the hopeful   afford to replace their stock and   purchased, is a very sound   contemporary art. As was
     investor might be forgiven for   thereby take advantage of the   investment. in every other respect   mentioned in Studio International
     having some difficulty     boom. So by pooling a percentage   it differs from them   in October, Veranneman's
     distinguishing between the two, so   of their considerable fortunes, a   fundamentally. it does not   ambitious project of creating a
     swiftly was every nuance of   vehicle would be created wich   manage funds entrusted to it in   private museum in the Belgian
     fashion reflected in Modarco's   could use its substantial reserves   order to act as a mammoth   countryside for modern and
     portfolio. Thus, while     to exploit the very situation that   institutional dealing operation; it   contemporary art has now come
     impressionists were being   was proving so elusive to the   aims on the contrary to provide its   to fruition. Mr Ahrenberg, a
     accumulated in 1971, the   cash-hungry dealer.         customers with professional   perceptive Swedish collector, has
     surrealist section represented a   The initial influx of capital —  advice as to what paintings or   for many years provided and
              of the collection. As
     meagre 	 85,000,000 — was deployed with a              sculpture they should buy for   continues to offer space, working
     high fashion now favours the latter   restraint and eye for quality that   their own collection. Artco freely   facilities and lodging in the
     at the expense of the former, the   has characterized Artemis's   concedes that its investors may   grounds of his house near
     situation has been almost exactly   programme from the beginning.   surrender quick profits generated   Lausanne for promising artists.
     reversed with impressionists down   Its expertise, which covers the full   by energetic trading as well as   Jean Tinguely, Niki de Saint-
     to 5.1'"„ and surrealists figuring   range of fine art irrespective of   sacrifice a measure of liquidity   Phalle and Mark Tobey are three
     prominently with 20.3%. The   period or culture, is drawn from   through the potential sale of   of the many artists who have
     only deviation from this agile   within and outside the company.   shares, but asserts that these   benefited from this.
     exercise in trend-hopping was the   An outstanding example of their   disadvantages are outweighed   It is the job of these experts,
     almost total omission of    own expertise is David Carritt, a   by three factors. First, Artco   together with a group of leading
     American art until last year, when   director of the company from the   believes that the investor in   galleries throughout the world, to
     it still only constituted 1.6% of the   beginning and famous in the old-  art is in fact a long-term investor;   recommend artists whose
     aggregate. Mr Sam Hunter,   master field for his dramatic   there are better instruments   importance or contribution has
     formerly the enterprising director   discoveries in the 1960s, which   available for short-term profits.   not been sufficiently recognized by
     of the New York Jewish Museum,   though now less well publicized   Therefore instant liquidity is not of   the market. The majority of these
     was appointed recently to the   doubtless contribute effectively to   paramount importance, and   are already 'establishment'
     advisory panel and will     the company's dealing margins.   indeed, as an owner of art rather   figures selling for between
     doubtless be expected to modify   For its independent expertise,   than of shares, the investor will be   $10,000-$50,000, a range chosen
     this astonishing statistic, thereby   Artemis relies on a loose network   less vulnerable to fluctuating   for marketability and swift
     reinforcing yet another trend, this   of collaborators, leading dealers   market factors. Second, the Artco   growth potential, but great care is
     time to the contemporary sphere.   in their field, who notify the   client takes delivery of his own   devoted to establishing a more
       Meantime, while the purists   company of major works that   'assets', which thereby protects   'speculative' group of lesser-
     may carp at Mr Ilin's purchases,   they alone may not be able to buy.   him from changes of policy and   known artists for the more
     with or without his advisers'   Perhaps, prudently, Artemis   personnel in the company and   adventurous client.
     endorsement, of such investment   initially fought shy of the   relieves him of the necessity to   Some of us may be wistful for a
     giants of the 20th century as   contemporary market, although it   monitor the continuing efficiency   less professional era, when art at
     Lucie Cousturier, Georges   did buy important 20th-century   of management. Finally, and   worst was used as a lever to
     Valmier, Moise Kisling and   works including an early   most important, he exercises   prestige, but the purchase of art
     Alberto Magnelli, often doubtless   Mondrian, Picasso's Baste de   direct unencumbered control over   for investment is now a deeply
     at record-smashing prices in the   Femme of 1919 which recently   his own collection, which can be   rooted phenomenon. Whichever
     sale-room which seemed trigger-  failed to find a buyer at Christie's   disposed of or supplemented with   avenue the modern investor
     happy at the time, the overall   at £304,500, some important   or without Artco's intervention or   chooses — the share in a fund
     profit picture seems to have   Moores, and, as they gained   advice. Of course, as Artco is at   concept or the advisory service
     emerged unscathed. Indeed, the   confidence, Gorky, de Kooning   pains to point out, its job does not   method — will probably not make
     Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas   and even Tony Smith's Amaryllis.   stop once the collection has been   much difference in terms of
     client who bought his shares in   It appears, however, that   assembled. On the contrary, the   overall profits; these will
     197I at just over $100 each   Artemis has been stimulated to   one-time fee of 8% is designed to   inevitably depend on the
     can, at the time of writing, sell   look more closely at the   cover the initial advice and   continued vitality of the art-
     them on the Geneva over-the-  contemporary field (an orientation   adminstration in forming the   market. And short of a total
     counter market for $240, which   we have also discerned at   collection as well as careful   reversal in capitalist values, the art
     by any standard constitutes a   Modarco) by two of its associates,   subsequent supervision of each   market still looks like a boisterous
     pretty solid return on capital over   Walter Bareiss and Heinz   individual account so that timely   baby.• 	Michael Goedhuis
     three years.                Berggruen, the Paris dealer,   selling recommendations can be
       Modarco shares with Artemis   and to reject too close an   made and/or quality-improving
     the difficulty of having to combine   involvement with the increasingly   options advocated.
     aggressive trading (which catches   unfashionable 20th-century belle   Mr Eddo Bult, the dedicated
     the approving eye of the    peinture. Joseph Cornell and   founder of Artco, makes no
     shareholder) with the purchase of   Michael Heizer are two of many   apologies for a purely financial
     good art that may be        artists in the contemporary   approach designed to achieve
     unfashionable. Ironically,   category who are being looked at   maximum profitability for his
     Artemis has waged an irritated   closely. Another fresh   customers. As the appreciation of
     campaign to free itself from the   development is their recent   the collections depends exclusively
     persistent image of an investment   purchase of a number of Belgian   on the acuman with which the
     company buying art for long-  symbolist paintings which are still   works are selected, Mr Bult has
     term appreciation. This is in   considered to be undervalued and   gone to some lengths to provide
     fact a misapprehension and   whose reputations, according to   top-quality advice. He has
     obscures the essential nature of   Artemis, are due shortly to be   attracted to the company a panel
     the company, which was founded   resuscitated.         of experts which draws upon a
     by its chairman, Baron Lambert   Artemis remains a private   rich and disparate fund of
     of the Brussels bank, as quite   company, in other words its shares   expertise ranging from the critic/
     simply a 'trading concern'.   cannot be freely bought and sold,   historian to the benefactor/
     Despite its air of effortless   although it has always intended to   collector. A recent appointment in
     distinction, its elitist banking   go public. Meanwhile, its board   the former category has been that
     support and its board star-  claims that 'one might perhaps go   of Pierre Restany, the 'inventor' of
     studded with names drawn    so far as to call Artemis an Art   'le nouveau realisme' and a major
     from the European beau-monde,    Investment Banking Firm', which    European art critic and author.
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