Page 105 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 105

reality, rather than just a Green   works of art would transfer from   This problem arises because a   formal value might be given a
        Paper proposal.)           exclusively private to public   work of art (particularly, a   greater importance. To put this
         (iii) Those owners having no   venues.                painting or a sculpture) creates   another way, the tax will not be
        existing facilities for public   The argument about access is,   two kinds of value. On the one   in the interest of those who trade
        exhibitions, and no possibility of   of course, largely dependent on   hand, it makes (or perhaps fails to   in works of art, who buy, sell, or
       creating them within their existing   the Government adhering to its   make) anaesthetic contribution:   privately amass them in great
        premises, might, in certain cases,   proposal to provide some form of   that is, it has a meaning which   quantity. It will, however, be in
       seek in collaboration with others   cushioning, through deferment of   may be realized in the context of   the interests of those who wish
        to establish new venues for the   the tax (with or without   visual perception. On the other   freely to enjoy them. By reducing
        purposes of public exhibition.   exemption from the interest   hand, the majority of works of   the association between the visual
       Once again, there are already   accruing on deferment) during   art are also marketable   arts and great wealth, the tax
        indications of developments of   such time as the work is on public   commodities. These two kinds of   would also give further impetus
        this kind taking place solely as a   display. Some such cushioning   value may be described,   to the tendency for the visual arts
       result of the discussion about the   therefore seems desirable.   respectively, as formal value and   to appeal to a constituency
       possibility of the introduction of   However, it would also appear to   exchange value. The exchange   beyond that of their traditional
       the tax.                    be necessary to define rigorously   value of a work of art differs   boundaries. Those who are
         (iv) Other owners will offer   what constituted public display.   radically from, for example, the   interested in art, or who are
        works on loan to national and   If too flexible a definition of this   price of a book of poems, a   potentially interested in it, would
        provincial museums, and to   was accepted, many of the cultural   novel, a record or a theatre   benefit considerably from the
        other collections to which the   and social benefits which the   ticket. Art objects — such as   application of the Wealth Tax to
        public has access.         Wealth Tax could create might be   paintings or sculptures — tend to   works of art: the tiny minority
         The Green Paper proposes that   lost.                 be unique. Their exchange value   who have an interest in treating
        the Wealth Tax should be applied   (B) Weakening of the excessively   bears no relationship to the cost   works of art as a means of
        only to those assets held by   strong relationship between art   of their production, and does not   acquiring capital assets would
        individuals whose total wealth is   and private wealth   necessarily bear much     not.
        £100,000 or more. According to   Historically, there has been a   relationship to their formal value
        the Government's figures, such a   close association between   either. In so far as it is an   (C) Dangers of exemption
        measure would affect rather less   privately owned wealth and the   exchange value (rather than the   Assuming that the Government
        than 1 % of the adult population.   visual arts. One of the results of   embodiment of a formal value)   introduces a Wealth Tax in respect
        Of this tiny minority, some are   the old system of private   the work of art is a portable   of these individuals whose other
        owners of important works of art   patronage and private collecting   capital asset. The exchange value   assets exceed £100,000, it is
        which cannot, at the moment, be   which dominated from the   of an art object depends largely on   undesirable that an unconditional
       seen by the public. If the Wealth   sixteenth to the early twentieth   contingent factors such as   exception should be made in the
        Tax proposals were implemented,   centuries was that painting and   fashion, publicity, and rarity   case of works of art. The
        this very small number of   sculpture tended to be relatively   relative to other comparable   resulting shift of capital into the
        privileged collectors would be   exclusive and élitist activities   objects.       art sector would not only
        given reasonable fiscal    appealing to a very small     Manifestly, it is in the material   disfavour other potentially more
       encouragement to share the   constituency indeed. This   interest of those who buy, sell, and   productive forms of investment,
       enjoyment of them. The Wealth   naturally tended to inhibit the   extensively collect works of art to   but would lead to wholly
       Tax would thus play an      potential popular interest in the   try to increase the exchange value   disadvantageous distortions
       important part in creating a   visual arts. They were looked   of those objects in which they   within the visual arts themselves.
       situation in which the visual arts   upon (with good reason) as a   have an interest. In a situation in   The 'special relationship' between
       could be more widely seen and   pleasure available only to the   which the association between art   art and private wealth discussed
       appreciated than ever before. This   wealthy. However, during the last   and private wealth is excessively   in (B) would be strengthened at a
       would not only be socially and   fifty years, this state of affairs has   strong, the tendency therefore   time when it is socially and
       culturally beneficial, but would be   changed considerably. The   arises to confuse formal value and   culturally desirable that it should
       in line with the policies of   national and provincial museums   exchange value. That which a   be further weakened in the
       successive governments in respect   have made original works of art   work means, or 'says', is   interests of democratizing the
       of the arts. Such policies have   available to a far wider section of   underestimated : that which it is,   visual arts.
        been designed to encourage the   the community. Through the   eg 'a priceless original', is   This view is even shared by a
       relative diminution of exclusive   medium of the Arts Council, the   over-emphasized. In its most   number of highly successful
       private ownership in favour of   State has emerged as a significant   extreme manifestations, this   dealers in art. In The Times
       public display.             patron and promoter of the visual   distortion leads to the attribution   recently, John Kasmin, a member
         It also seems reasonable to   arts. Advances in the mechanical   of greater importance to the fact   of the Society of London Art
       suppose that the application of   means of reproduction —  of possession, rather than to the   Dealers, was quoted as saying: 'I
        the Wealth Tax to works of art   specifically in printing,   capacity of an image to function   know that several dealers,
       would substantially increase the   photography, and television —  within the context of the   including myself, do not consider
       number of objects sent for sale in   have further extended the   perception of those who view it.   a Wealth Tax an unjust
        the auction houses and     interest in, and appreciation of,   The effects of this distortion   proposition ... If there is a Wealth
       commercial galleries. At the   the visual arts far outside their   extend far beyond the immediate   Tax, it must obviously apply to
        moment, prices in most sectors of   traditional boundaries.   confines of the art market. For   works of art. If it did not, how
        the art market are relatively   However, despite this progress,   example, art scholarship and   should anyone choose to invest in
       depressed. There are indications   the continuing 'special   museum catalogues often give far   the stock market? ... Since the
       of a marked reaction to the   relationship' between art and   greater importance to provenance   aim of the Wealth Tax is to
       excessively inflated price levels   private wealth is still a matter of   and identification — factors which   distribute the nation's wealth
       of the last 20 years. This   grave concern among art    determine exchange value — than   more fairly, we should read its
       phenomenon appears to be    historians, critics, and producing   to. the meaning of the image in   application to the art work as a
       global and cannot therefore   artists themselves. Many are   question. A record price fetched   means of distributing the
       solely be attributed to reticence   convinced that the influence of   by a particular painting in the   enjoyment of works of art more
       until the Government's      Rrivate wealth over the     auction rooms will appear on the   fairly.'
       intentions in respect of the   exhibition and production of   front page of the national press,   In public statements made in an
       Wealth Tax become finalized   works of art ought to be further   whereas the opening of a major   attempt to refute the idea that an
       Among the factors influencing the   diminished if art is to play its   exhibition of the same artist's   undue proportion of investment
       situation are the overall economic   fullest possible role within society.   work in a national museum would   capital would shift into the tax-
       climate, and the erosion of the   For example, the strength of the   not.           free haven of art, should it be
       belief that art necessarily   existing association between art   Of course, whether or not a   exempted from an otherwise
       constitutes a 'gilt-edged hedge   and private wealth continues to   Wealth Tax is introduced, works   universal Wealth Tax,
       against inflation.' The arrival of   inhibit the achievement of the   of art will continue to have an   considerable reference has been
       an unusually large number of   fullest possible interest in the   exchange value. But, since the tax   made to the experience of other
       objects on to such a market would   arts, and the democratization of   would diminish their investment   countries. But such arguments
       almost inevitably cause prices to   the means of access to the works   potential, it could lead to a   ignore the fact that the
       drift downwards still.further. As a   of art in this country has failed to   desirable adjustment in the   Government is proposing that
       result, the museums and other   keep up with such extension and   `special relationship' between art   special arrangements should be
       public collections, which work on   growth of interest in the visual   and private wealth. The present   made in the case of works of art
       heavily restricted purchasing   arts as has already occurred. The   excessive emphasis on factors   on public display; the distinct
       budgets, would find that their   implementation of the Wealth Tax   determining, or determined by,   economic situation in Britain; and
       allocations went further than   would lead to beneficial   exchange value would be likely   the widely acknowledged
       before. In this way, too, more    adjustments in this situation.   to be reduced. Consequently,    reticence of those owning capital
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