Page 107 - Studio International - July August 1975
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interested in art. It could, of   inclined to consider the formal   the Minister for the Arts that   Paul Overy
        course, be argued that historically   value of works by lesser-known   collectors should value their own   Art critic for   The Times.
        the collector played an important   artists. In its last annual report   works for the purposes of the tax   Caroline Tisdall
        part through his patronage of   the Arts Council made reference   has everything to commend it, so   Art critic for The Guardian.
        living artists, and, later, through   to the financial difficulties faced   long as it is coupled with the
        his contributions and bequests to   by many artists as a result of the   proposed statutory option for the
        the museums. There are still a   cutback of teaching posts in the   Government to purchase at the   Correspondence
        very small number of large-scale   art schools. The Wealth Tax   valuation.
        collectors who are motivated   could have some beneficial effects   Such a system would reduce the   Tate Films
        more by their interest in the   on this situation, since collectors   tendency to abuse and under-  The importance of rigorous
        formal value of the works they   would be encouraged to look for   valuation. If some system of   critical appraisal at this stage in
        acquire than by other factors.   something other than investment   appeal was also set up, the   the development of an
        However, in recent years the   potential.              interests of the private collectors   Independent Cinema cannot be
        social role of collectors on a large   It should, however, be   and those of the remainder of the   overstated. There are too few
        scale, as a group, has changed   recognized that the introduction   population could be adequately   writers dealing with this area of
        considerably. The rapid    of the Wealth Tax will lead to a   safeguarded without the need for   film making (which is far wider
        expansion of the market in art,   relative decline of the existing   an army of Government valuers.   than is generally acknowledged)
        and the escalation of the tendency   private sector in the patronage of            and still fewer art magazines
        to deploy the art work as an   the visual arts. The Minister for   (3) CONCLUSION   publishing regular reviews of
        investment, have made      the Arts has made it clear that                         independent film screenings.
        comparisons with previous   when this occurs he would like to   The Government's proposals as   STUDIO INTERNATIONAL, however,
        historical eras untenable.   stimulate the interest of the small   laid out in the Green Paper have   is one of the exceptions to this
         In his recently published   purchaser in the contemporary   been described by some collectors   rule, notably with Malcolm Le
        autobiography, Lord Kenneth   arts. Such purchasers, who might   as a tax on 'culture', and even as a   Grice's monthly column 'Vision'.
        Clark, himself a former collector,   be expected to acquire one or two   tax on `good taste'. This is   In March of this year the Tate
        discussed the corruption of the   works of art for their homes,   nonsense. In fact, if implemented,   Gallery, in conjunction with Deke
        practice in the post-war years.   would not be motivated by   the proposals would lead to an   Dusinberre, organized a
        `Collecting', he concluded, 'has   investment potential - and, of   extension of the access to, and   comprehensive screening of an
        now become, like the Stock   course, if such interest could be   appreciation of, the works of art   area of Independent Cinema
        Exchange, a form of gambling and   encouraged it would be to the   situated in this country. Not only   concerned with film in relation to
        of tax evasion.' Peggy     advantage of living artists.   would the quantity of works   landscape. The programme, called
        Guggenheim, a leading collector   However, it may also be   available to the public be greatly   'Avant-Garde British Landscape
       of contemporary art, has also   necessary to give consideration to   increased, but the distorting   Films', continued for three weeks;
        written: 'A collector is someone   additional forms of patronage   effects of the excessively strong   and although it indicated an
        interested in art for his own self-  through the State: once again,   relationship between art and   important change in the attitude
        ennoblement. Nowadays, people   this is a separate issue from the   private wealth would be   of gallery organizers towards
        buy paintings mostly out of   desirability or otherwise of the   substantially reduced.   Independent Film Makers, it was
        snobbery or to avoid tax.' These   Wealth Tax. However, the kind of   The application of the tax to   almost completely ignored by the
        are the views of individuals who   measures which might be   works of art will ensure a fairer   art magazines and critics.
        have been expected to take a   considered are an increase in the   distribution of wealth in this   STUDIO INTERNATIONAL, Mee
        relatively favourable attitude   presently extremely small amount   country, and will eliminate the   again, was the exception;
        towards the collector, and his   of money which the Arts Council   possibility of creating a `tax   publicity appeared in the `Vision'
        social contribution. While   makes available for the purchase   haven' for private capital.   column mentioned above and was
        recognizing that there are some   of work by contemporary   However, these facts, though they   followed, in June, by an article by
        exceptions, artists and critics   artists; or perhaps the   constitute persuasive reasons for   Anthea Kennedy, a student at the
        continue to be concerned about   establishment of a system similar   favouring the application of the   Film School of the Royal
        the abuse and debasement of art   to that which prevails in   Wealth Tax to works of art,   College of Art.
        by the majority of collectors for   Holland or, in a modified form, in   should be seen as secondary in the   However, I feel that it was
        monetary ends.             Sweden, through which a     light of the social and cultural   irresponsible of STUDIO
         The introduction of the Wealth   Government agency buys each   benefits which would stem from   INTERNATIONAL to publish a review
        Tax will reduce the attractiveness   year, for the nation, and at a   such a measure. The effect that   which, by implication, damned a
        of art as pure investment. If there   relatively low price, one work by   the tax would have of making an   whole area of film making on the
        is a serious `cultural' role left for   each artist on a national register.   increasing number of significant   evidence of less than one third of
        the large-scale private collector,   This would, of course, be a way   works of art freely available to all   the total screening time. The
        the introduction of the Wealth   of building up 'The National   those who wished to view them   review only covered programme
       Tax will therefore make it easier   Heritage' for both present and   far outweighs the marginal   three, and did not mention the
       for him to fulfil it than in a   future generations, at a relatively   inconvenience that it would cause   three evening programmes which
       situation where the collection of   low cost.           to the small number of wealthy   were introduced by the film
       works of art is inextricably bound   It has been pointed out that the   collectors whose total assets   makers themselves. In short these
        up with capital investment.   existing Wealth Tax proposals   exceed £100,000.     films were seen in such a way as to
                                   might mean that a successful   But this increase in access and   be totally out of context. This
        (E) Living artists         living artist would be eligible for   availability will only be fully   kind of review can only be
          There are good reasons for   the payment of tax on unfinished   realized if the Government accepts   counter-productive, damaging
        supposing, despite the arguments   works in his studio. Since such a   the Wealth Tax's essential   the film maker and widening the
        of the opponents of the Wealth   situation would tend to have a   corollary: the provision, from the   already disturbing gulf between
        Tax to the contrary, that the   depressing effect on the creativity   increased funds which the tax   artist and critic.
        introduction of the tax will be to   of those artists affected, there   will make available to the   Having said this, I would like tp
        the advantage of the majority of   appear to be persuasive   Exchequer, of more money for   conclude by echoing Miss
        living artists.            arguments for exemption, or at   the national museums.   Kennedy's hopes that the Tate
         The excessive emphasis on the   least for special arrangements,                  Gallery will 'continue to show
        investment potential of art in   in this instance.     John Berger                more independent films'.
        recent years has led to extreme                        Art critic and historian; author of   However, let us also hope for a
        distortions within the     (F) Valuation               Ways of Seeing, The Moment of   more satisfactory critical
        contemporary art market. A   Much has been made of the   Cubism, The Success and Failure   response in the future: a response
        relatively small number of artists   difficulties involved in the annual   of Picasso, etc.   based on a proper examination of
        command excessively high prices,   valuation of works of art: this has   Guy Brett   the work and a fair hearing for
        whereas the vast majority sell   been described as 'impossible'   Art critic, formerly for The Times   the film makers concerned.
        their work cheaply, if at all. This   and 'inequitable'. However, those   Richard Cork   Chris Welsby
        is, at least in part, because   using such arguments have done   Art critic for The Evening   Chamberlayne Road
        collectors favour those artists   so disingenuously. The art   Standard; Editor of   NW10
        who, in their view, offer the most   market has never hesitated to   STUDIO INTERNATIONAL.   [There will be a special issue on
        investment potential. The   attribute prices to works of art,   William Feaver     Independent Film in the
        introduction of the tax could lead   nor have its 'experts' held back   Art critic for The Observer;   forthcoming Nov/Dec issue. Ed.]
        to some readjustment in this   from independent valuation prior   formerly Sunday Times Magazine,
        situation. Collectors might prove   to an intended sale. The problem   Peter Fuller   Chichester Judging
        less inclined to make decisions on   that the Government faces would   Art critic, contributor to   1 sent a painting to the
        the basis of the future exchange-  therefore be an administrative   Art & Artists, Arts Review, The   'Chichester National Art
        value of works of art, and more    one. The proposal put forward by    Connoisseur, New Society, etc.   Exhibition', currently being held
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