Page 37 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 37


       L. Moholy-Nagy

        This early statement by Moholy-Nagy, originally published in
        DE STIJL V/7, July 1922, has its roots in Russian Productivist
        ideas. It provides the basis for all his subsequent work as an artist,
        writer and teacher, though the concepts used were later more finely
        differentiated and the framework was broadened out. The essay has
        never before appeared in English, but some of the points reappear in
        a 1925 Bauhaus book which has been published in an English edition,
        Painting Photography Film.

         If we are to gain an adequate       The equipment could be opened up to   More sophisticated examples can be
       understanding of the expressive and   productive ends by bypassing the   found in the work of Ruttmann and in
       formal means of art and other related   mechanical recording process. One   Thomas Wilfrid's Clavilux*, but there
       areas of creative activity, as a basis for   could incise the grooves in the wax plate   the motion appears as an abstract drama
       further development, then we have to   oneself. The kind of sound effects   (abstraction or stylization of erotic or
       investigate the relevant factors : man   played back would, in terms of   natural events), though it does involve
       himself, and the media he uses in his   composition and of the concept of music,   the attempt to include coloured imagery.
       creative endeavours.                imply a fundamental renewal of the   The most sophisticated work to date is
         Man is a synthesis of all his sensory   means of producing sounds (new, as yet   that of Eggeling and Richter, where in
       faculties, ie at any given stage he is most   non-existent sounds and sound   place of dramatic action we find a
       perfect when his constituent faculties   relationships) without new instruments   specially-created play of forms, though
       are developed to the limit of their   and without an orchestra.          to the detriment of motion as a creative
       potential — cells just as much as the most   The basic premise of such work is   element. For motion here is not created
       complicated organs.                 experimental in the laboratory sense:   pure; the over-emphasis on the
         Art is instrumental in this development   close examination of the different   development of formal elements
       — and this is one of the most important   characteristics produced in the groove by   absorbs nearly all the impetus of motion.
       roles art has to play, since functioning as   different sounds (length, breadth,   The way forward from here is to create
       a human totality depends on developing   depth, etc.); investigation of one's own   movement in space without recourse to
       the senses to their fullest extent — for art   independently produced grooves; and   the development of formal elements in
       attempts to create new relationships   finally, work on mechanical processes to   their own right.
       between familiar and as yet unfamiliar   perfect the manually developed language
       data, optical, acoustic or whatever, and   of the groove. (Possibly mechanical   *The name refers to a kind of colour-organ,
       forces us to take it all in through our   reduction of larger hand-engraved plates.)   but the concern here is with light-
       sensory equipment. It is in the nature   Photography. The camera captures   projection on a surface, not in space.
                                                                                        (Translated by Caroline Fawkes)
       of human existence that the senses are   light effects by means of a silver-bromide
       insatiable, that they reach out for more   plate at the back. As yet we've only made
       new experience every time they take   use of this function of the camera in a
       something in. This is the reason for the   secondary sense: in order to capture
        perpetual need for new modes of    (reproduce) particular objects as they
       creativity. From this point of view   reflect or absorb the light. If we are to
       creative endeavours are only valid if they   bring our reassessment to bear on this,
        produce new, as yet unfamiliar relationships.   we shall have to use the light-
       By this I mean that, from the creative   sensitivity of the silver-bromide plate
       point of view, the most we can say of   to capture and fix light effects (moments
        reproduction (the reiteration of   in the play of light) produced by
        relationships that already exist) is that it is   manipulating mirrors or lenses, etc.
       a question of virtuosity.             A great deal of experiment is needed
         Since it is above all production   here. Astronomical photography using
       (productive creativity) which has a role   telescopic equipment, and X-ray
       to play in human development, we must   photography were interesting
       turn to media which have up to now been   precedents.
       used only for reproductive purposes, and   Film. Motion relationships in light-
       try to open them up to productive ends.   projection. These are brought about
       This calls for a close analysis along the   through a linear arrangement of frozen
       lines suggested by the following    partial movements. Film practice to date
       questions :                         has concentrated mainly on the
         What is this equipment medium for ?   reproduction of dramatic action. There
                                           has no doubt been much important work
         What is the essence of its function ?
                                           in film; in part of a scientific nature
         Is it possible, and worthwhile, to open   (the dynamics of various kinds of
         it up so it can serve productive ends   movement: human, animal, urban, etc;
         as well ?                         observations of various kinds : of how
       We can apply these questions to particular   things function, of chemical action, etc;
       instances: gramophone; photography:   film newsreels, etc.); there has also been
       the individual (static) image; film.   some extension of the reproductive
         Gramophone. As yet the function of   function in a constructive direction, but
       the gramophone has always been to   the main challenge is to work with
       reproduce existing acoustic phenomena.   motion as such. It goes without saying
       The sound modulations to be reproduced   that, in order to do this, one has to create
       are scratched into a wax plate with a   a play of forms to carry the motion.
       needle and then translated back into   Animation work (advertising) can be
       sound again with the aid of a microphone.   seen as a naive attempt in this direction.
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