Page 98 - Studio International - July August 1975
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point of view. This is not art but   But if we would take it in its   the idea in Five Structures   clinical precision paradoxically
     journalism.' And a challenge   totality as a work of art, then   (Scottish National Gallery of   becomes picturesque.
     reinforced in the question, 'Do   maybe the colour photographs   Modern Art, permanent   The wall drawings reveal the
     you really expect people to   alone might well have served to   collection) that a clear and simple   same underlying preoccupations.
     change their ideas or opinions   make its point. For these images,   Euclidian concept fully expressed   Each wall, painted white for the
     after viewing what they see   carrying so many of the   as a physical object can be quite   occasion, was first mapped out to
     everyday for real?' poses the   indicative slogans and initials,   bafflingly complex. Here he takes   LeWitt's instructions with a
     whole problem of What is Art?   have a sufficiently clear verbal   it further to explore the ambiguity   complex geometric grid in
     Perhaps the most unexpected   content. No work of art can   inherent in the expression or   pencil. Against this grid he
     comment was made by a highly   contain and communicate the   projection of any idea as image,   placed a series of lines and
     literate visitor who transcribed   total situation, however, and   the gap between seeing and   simple geometric figures using
     Yeats' poem, The Second     though an honest effort has   knowing. He sets out in four   black and coloured chalks. Their
     Coming, with its sharply    been made to bind picture and   different ways all the 122   shape and position was chosen
     applicable lines : 'Things fall   printed word together, and the   variations on a basic cube that   intuitively, but as each is in a
     apart ... The blood-dimmed tide   artist-organizer has scrupulously   result from removing in all their   sense inherent in the pattern of
     is loosed ... The best lack all   avoided the temptation to cover   various combinations the first   the grid, it is capable of
     conviction, while the worst are   the fissures in his lines of   nine of its twelve angles. The room   description in terms of it and of its
     full of passionate intensity ...'   response with adventitious   in which the work was set out was   relation to others. This
       However, to measure its   adhesives, it must be confessed   dominated by a three-dimensional   description is written in pencil
      success or unsuccess, 'A Shade of   that the demands which he makes   model of the whole sequence   alongside each line and figure,
      Green' must be set against work   upon his spectator-audience are   meticulously constructed in   but the meaningless rigmarole
      in other arts of the same period   insurmountable. One visitor   wood to the artist's instructions,   that results reveals the
      and place. It is worth noting that   added his note to the blizzard of   painted a clinical white, and set   indefinable complexity of the
      the annual exhibition of the   comments: 'What is the aim and   out on a grey table squared with   simple intuitive act, thus;
      largest art society in the province   message of this exhibition?' I   white lines. The walls were hung   `A red not-straight line drawn
      held at the same time had,   should have difficulty in   with paired photographs and   from the mid-point of the top
      among its 150 paintings and   answering with any precision.   isometric drawings of each   side to a point halfway between
      drawings, only one item                    John Hewitt   separate part, and small linear   the mid-point of the yellow
      relating to the continuing unrest,                     diagrams of the whole sequence   straight line and a point halfway
      and that reference seemed wholly                       and various groups within it. All   between the centre of the wall
      in its title, Ulster '74. Only   Sol LeWitt            these show each part from the   and a point halfway between the
      George Campbell in his one-man   Scottish National Gallery   same point of view.   mid-point of the top-side and the
      show last year came near to   of Modern Art, Edinburgh   The concept here is simple   upper right corner'. This is as
      finding effective images of our                        enough, and being           remote from the simplicity of what
      tragedy: the hooded and masked                         mathematically definable is   it describes as our perception of
      man, the tarred and feathered   Scottish Sculpture '75   perfect and unalterable, but as   the three-dimensional model of
      victim, and the group of burnt-                        soon as it is projected into the   the Incomplete Cubes is from the
      out buses. But even these,   The Fruitmarket Gallery,   visible world, no matter how   idea it represents. The subject of
      powerful as they were, are only   Edinburgh            `scientifically', it loses its   the work is not merely the
      symbols of limited aspects of   12 Aprit-3 May         immutable clarity. The four   concept as the name the artist has
      the vast agony. Others have                            series in which it is described are,   coined might imply, but the
      attempted to charge their motifs   LeWitt coined the phrase   in visual terms, each absolutely   relationship, or lack of it,
      with significance, but unless you   `conceptual art' to distinguish his   different from the other, and   between concept and percept.
      have lived here, the parcel on the   own particular version of   apparently, in spite of logic, from   This art belongs in the austere
      doorstep or the bundle on the   'minimal art'. His phrase has   the original concept itself. Thus   tradition that descends from
      backseat of an unattended car   become the catchword over here   the linear diagrams inform us   De Stijl. Fifty years ago Theo
      can carry little menace,   to describe a whole variety of more   with delicate irony that the   van Doesberg dictated a painting
      however skilful the pictorial   or less artistic activities, so it is   cube is in fact a hexagon and   over the telephone and so with
      representation. By bringing   timely to be reminded by this   entirely without right angles.   great economy demonstrated his
      together traditional bits and   selection of his work of what he   Likewise the photographs and   insistence that the material part
      pieces - Union Jack, Tricolour,   actually meant by it. The show   isometric drawings, apparently   of a work of art and what goes
      Ulster Flag, Harp, Red Hand -  included four main works each   so nearly identical, show us two   into its making are only the
      some have tried to find a   of which is a sequence or set,   quite different things, and the   vehicle of its idea and without
      composite emblem, but the   and a group of small, very   three-dimensional model, where   intrinsic significance. LeWitt
      opposite pulls of abstraction and   beautiful prints and drawings   the whole sequence is set out   takes the matter further than
      emotive form have drained   most of which are coloured.   independently of the conventions   van Doesberg's simple gesture to
      these of any aesthetic quality.   The most elaborate work,   of representation, is just a pretty   insist that the significance of a
      The writers, the poets and the   Incomplete Open Cubes, develops    confusion of shapes whose       work of art is intrinsic to neither
      dramatists, have done better.
      But the short compassionate   Sol LeWitt. Installation of  Incomplete Open Cubes at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
      poem and the poignant ballad,
      while penetrating, fail of the
      larger scope, and many have only
      achieved a splintered, hysterical
      effect. Fewer in number, the
      playwrights have found O'Casey
      a useful examplar, though of
      necessity adjusting their
      vocabulary to a more laconic
      idiom. But here again the play
      which can only fill one evening
      must still be a mere pintpot in a
      Sargasso Sea. No novels have yet
      been published by local authors
      in this field; a steady stream has
      issued from other typewriters,
      and yet none of these, which
      could, by precedent, reach out in
      the expansive gesture, has so far
      risen above the low horizon of
      the thriller.
       So it can fairly be maintained
      that 'A Shade of Green, an
      Edge of Orange', for all its
      selectivity, makes a more
      comprehensive and emphatic
      impact than any other body of
      work on its particular theme.

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