Page 19 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 19

to be explored. Education's only useful   reason: bad judgement of works of art; in   modern sculptor so he gave this
        up to a certain point, only to those who   Darwin's case, ignorance of the subject.   exhibition to Henry Moore because he
        can use it to project it further. Much later   Herbert Read used to hang around   didn't think there was anything
        I saw the little adobe churches of New   gatherings of artists or poets picking up   else to be seen. It was a failure but
        Mexico with their dramatic carved   the crumbs. All his writing was 'lifted'   he wasn't going to give up. No, he'd
        wooden figures . . . Indian art     from other people. It was 'a great   give Moore another one, on two
        overwhelming that of Spain.         What's-Whassery of What is Not'.' But   conditions : Moore would provide some
          I had never any intention of being an   he found art a convenient peg on which to   more photographs and a journalist. 'I
        art teacher but when you have to live on   hang his literary hat. There was a period   vant some beeg introduktion zat
        fish'n chips you have to pay for them.   when he was living in Hampstead beside   compares your sculpture to
        William Ritchie got me to teach children   Ben Nicholson. He said that all forms of   Michelangelo and Rodin. And I vill
        in Selkirkshire and I found out something   painting from nature were at an end and   provide ze catalocks. Eef eets verra gut
        I'd never thought about: they produced   the only painting in the future would be   zis introduktion I vill pay £30'. So
        another kind of primitive art. I found the   abstract! Abstract is a rotten word. There   Mr. Herbert Read wrote the introduction
        children gave me as much as I gave them.   is no abstract art . . . just journalism. So   for £30 saying how Moore compared with
        In 1931 I went to London where I taught   one day, the painter Norman Dawson'   Michelangelo. That was how Henry
        at Haverstock Hill School for Boys. They   came to see me and said: 'Herbert's   Moore was born. To say that Moore is
        were a lot of rough children. All the   parted with anstract art'. I said : 'Never!'   the 'greatest sculptor in the world' is the
        pencils disappeared, and all the rubbers.   He said: 'There's going to be a great big   twentieth-century's biggest over-
        So I caught the one I thought was the   surrealist exhibition and Read's going to   statement. I don't think he has enough
        most wicked and said: Will you take the   write the introduction'. Read then   understanding of form or basic structure
        responsibility of fetching the pencils and   changed from that to something else! Pay   to be a really great sculptor. He doesn't
        rubbers back to me ?' We never lost any   as you learn. The funny thing was that he   relate to his time as (for instance) the
        more. But these same boys took down the   got so confused with his contradictions   French sculptors like Rodin, or Arp, or
        science teacher's trousers and spanked   that he eventually wrote a pamphlet   Zadkine, or Lipchitz.
        his bare bottom. R. R. Tomlinson was   called 'To Hell with Art'.         But to go back. Tomlinson saw what I
        chief art inspector for the London County   Dawson was a great friend of Henry   did with the children at Haverstock Hill.
        Council. He was a very clever man, very   Moore's — they used to read the Sunday   They've never had a man like him since,
        independent of the Ministry of      `Observer' on Primrose Hill and so on —  and there was nobody like him at the
        Education. He was positive I had a big   and they planned to have an exhibition   Ministry of Education . . . they were all
        contribution to make to art education in   together. Few galleries would touch   blockheads. He got me two days' teaching
        London. By the early thirties the three   modern art, but they thought the best   at the Regent Street Polytechnic where I
        main art schools in London were dead.   possibility was with Zwemmer. So it was   taught various things including basic and
        Every idea rots into academicism. Art   agreed. Moore to show sculpture and   industrial design in the Schools of
        education was futile. The only artist of   Dawson paintings. Now, this is Dawson's   Architecture, Engineering and Motor-
        any importance was Percy Wyndham    report to me. Sometime after, he says to   body Building, so I gained a practical
        Lewis. He belonged to my time. He was a   Moore : 'Don't you think we should go   experience of specialist and quantity
        protest, but I don't think he had any   and see Zwemmer about this exhibition,   production. I taught design at the Royal
        continuity.                         Harry ?"What exhibition ? Zwemmer's   School of Needlework where I discovered
          If you ask me who were the most   offered me an exhibition with him'. So   what a great tradition England had had in
        damaging influences on British art in my   Moore had his exhibition and, of course,   the art of embroidery. Tomlinson used
        period I would say Kenneth Clark,   it was a failure. Zwemmer told me this   me at as many salient points as he could in
        Herbert Read and Robin Darwin. My    afterwards : he said England had no    the shortest possible time. Tomlinson's

                                                                                     Frottage 1931. Watercolour, 14 x 21i in.
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