Page 20 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 20

them up and replanted them all in one
                                                                                plot at Weimar where they grew and
                                                                                multiplied exceedingly. Lethaby's ideas
                                                                                became formalized. His individual
                                                                                workshop/studio ideas were merged with
                                                                                true Germanic thoroughness into an all-
                                                                                embracing creed. The Bauhaus sold this
                                                                                prescription of Basic Design throughout
                                                                                the world. But, like all theories, it died the
                                                                                death. Edward Johnston, the famous
                                                                                calligrapher, went to Lethaby to enrol at
                                                                                the Central. Lethaby said: 'You'll be
                                                                                taking the class on Monday. Teaching it'.
                                                                                `But I don't know what to do !"That's
                                                                                why I want you to teach'. I took all
                                                                                Lethaby's methods and updated them
                                                                                and brought in new ones. Lethaby was
                                                                                very much against personality
                                                                                development. Anonymity is the hall-
                                                                                mark, and of me too. This is why I
                                                                                haven't really been successful as a
                                                                                professional artist. Each time I've got to
                                                                                the scaffold I've decided to come down.
                                                                                Halliwell was splendid. I never had to
                                                                                bother again with the mothers' wondering
                                                                                why their children didn't have jobs.
                                             Moving Forms 1974. Ink drawing, 25 32 in.   Between Halliwell, Eric Fraser,
                                                                                Toni del Renzio and Gertrude Hermes
        `thug'. I saw the War looming up and   good taste on to these students so that at   we had them up to such a standard that
        that I would be unemployed; my security   least they'd get something different from   there was a queue of employers waiting
        was tenuous. When the Principalship of   the depressed environment they had.   for them.
        the Camberwell School of Arts and     Kenneth Clark, who I think is always   I made it a condition when I was
        Crafts came up I applied and got it. My   likely to be wrong, sensed that a frightful   appointed to Camberwell and (after the
        father said : 'Until this generation no   attack was going to be made on the Right   War) to the Central, that 1 would have
        Johnstone has ever been a servant. You   by Bolshevist art coming from Paris, so he   complete charge of the appointments and
        are a servant of the London County   set up the Euston Road School with the   the organization of the School without
        Council'. However William Ritchie was   full support of Clive Bell and the 'New   any interference from anyone, including
        overjoyed that I should have reached such   Statesman'. He got together Pasmore,   the Ministry of Education. I was lucky
        a dizzy height at Camberwell because it   Coldstream and Claude Rogers. Jane   that I didn't have to do more than seven
        had a long association with the     Clark said: 'K. says when he's going to   years teaching altogether, just 13 months
        Pre-Raphaelites, Robert Browning, the   buy a picture he consults three people :   full-time, the rest part-time. So I had
        South London Art Gallery and Dulwich.   Harry Moore because he's so sound,   time to paint. An artist at the top of the
        He told me to get an act: 'Whatever your   Mary Kessel because she's so discerning   School gave my staff great confidence. A
        staff look like . . . long hair, dirty shirts or   and senses the right things, and Victor   presence. My staff never had such
        unbuttoned trousers . . . you must have a   Pasmore because he's so dotty'. I didn't   freedom in their life. I never taught. I
        respectable suit, a black hat, a black   know anyone in London with a    just guided. Myself, I don't think I had
        umbrella, a sober tie'. I did.      knowledge of French painting, so I went   any theories about teaching. I taught as
          I was determined to counteract this   and saw Pasmore's pictures and I thought,   L'Hôte taught me, as an artist. But I got
        superior elitist notion disseminated by the   this is the bloke for the good taste   as many good artists together as I could,
        Bloomsbury set that no real artist could   department. Then I got Norman Dawson   and let them get on with their job. Cross-
        have anything to do with art teaching.   and dropped him amongst Pasmore's   fertilization, like putting Alan Davie in
        Middle-class, moneyed, 'artistic',   good taste. Another man appeared,   the jewellery department. And I got
        supporters of the 'New Statesman and   Toni del Renzio. He had run a magazine   things done with Tomlinson there, and
        Nation' . . . London provincialism at its   called 'Polemic', one of the early   under Herbert Morrison the LCC was
        silliest. 'Don't touch it, Wilfred' School.   magazines on modern art. He was a   autonomous, of course. I would never
        So I completely ignored the Bloomsbury   typographer. Before I started at   have got the Jeannetta Cochrane Theatre
        set as fatuous and Augustus John as a lot   Camberwell I spent the summer in   built with a Tory Council. They were like
        of romantic havers. Then I had to think   Selkirk with Guthrie Thompson, the   the Groucho Marx song: 'No matter what
        out a policy. What staff had I got ? One   printer and editor of the 'Selkirk   it is, I'm against it !' Which is a splendid
        brilliant thrower of pots with a brother   Advertiser', learning all I could from him   attitude.
        who was a dud, blocking any progress. I   about printing and, by the end, he had   My efforts at Camberwell and the
        wrote under his name: 'Dispatch as soon   been able to give me a rough   Central were art problems wherein I
        as possible'. But I got him to dispatch   understanding of the problems. I   wanted to prove conclusively that the
        himself, which is far nicer: never touch   staggered the Council by my exact   artist, if he wished, can organize, direct,
        the body! Vivian Pitchforth was an   estimates of costing because an artist's   influence and control any department
        excellent teacher of drawing. In Book   supposed to be a bloody fool, you know.   down to the man at the door, provided he
        Production I had a really sound     Things began to move. I revived the idea   is an artist. Way down, art . . . my own
        perfectionist, Eric Fraser. I had a Head   of doing finely printed books at   painting . . . gave the inspiration. The
        Printer who was dead already, but had   Camberwell, with the encouragement of   students did the rest. I was practising
        excellent technicians in his Department.   T. S. Eliot. Even my bone-headed printer   being an artist all the time. There's a
        A deputation of threatening mothers   approved of this idea. Then, last, I got   chap, Long, who went to Honolulu and
        came to see me and said that none of their   Albert Edward Halliwell. Halliwell was   left a watch there. Then he went
        children had got jobs. 'Ladies', I said, 'I   the best I'd seen in Britain with the   somewhere else and he did something
        promise you before long they will all be   Bauhaus idea. Now the Bauhaus didn't   there. He went trailing round the world.
        employed'. I saw that I'd have to get   grow out of Walter Gropius, it grew out   And that's all! Well, I used to practise
        somebody who could link illustration to   of Lethaby and the Central School of   that every day for about 13 years, little
        printing and somebody who could link it   Arts and Crafts. William Lethaby saw   exercises on my desk, on my blotting pad,
        to (what was then called) commercial   that the craftsman could become in the   while I listened to parents, to my staff,
        art . . . I had to get a man with supremely   future the designer for industry. He   to the School cleaners, to the caterers, to
        good taste so that he would percolate    planted the roots, the Germans lifted    prospective employers of my students .. .

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