Page 37 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 37

considering those holes and limits. Every   really direct and difficult at all, but easy   `Should a critic be neutral?
        artist above a certain level of intention   and predictable and elite. Those are not   Should she theorize about the art?'
        and seriousness has strengths and   contradictions. It's easy to be fashionable   `Theorizing is the greater part of some
        weaknesses, and should be considered.   and elite because the lines are so carefully   critics' activity. I don't mean that as a
        Of course it's hard, I'm sometimes   drawn out it's only necessary to follow   putdown, but I think one should give
        outraged by work that I find pretentious,   them or rebel against them, to be   oneself wholly to the art being discussed
        and I get moralistic about it. I guess   accepted.'                      rather than maintaining a "superior"
        everyone has blind spots.             `Are you happy about the           distance or using the art to concoct
          `I think critics have a responsibility to   influence of magazines?'   theories in the air. I've often said there is
        complain about things, like the       `Not at all. I wish artists and    no such thing as real objectivity — but
        situation now, where people are showing   audiences thought more for themselves.   that the inevitable subjectivity demands
        too much too soon. There's a kind of   But visiting all those cities in the US —  an urge towards, or longing for,
        control, or lack of it, in the galleries, the   virtually all but New York now — which   objectivity to provide some tension, to
        whole situation seems out of hand.   have no critical vehicle at all except   keep one from sinking into dull self-
        I feel like keeping things stirred up.' •   newspaper journalism (usually abysmal,   indulgence. I don't feel at all neutral.
                                            probably thanks to editors who haven't   But I make the choice for the artist
                                            any respect for their readers'       before writing because I simply don't
                                            intelligence) — those cities miss that   write about work I don't like. Life is
                                            dialogue or feedback so much that I have   short and I don't want to spend my time
        Lucy Lippard                        to realize that at its core criticism is   on things I don't find interesting. I've
          `How has your thinking changed    valuable. The problem is how to keep it   only "attacked" an artist's work a couple
        between the span of the "Changing"   from being used wrong — by artists as well   of times, and then because I've felt that it
        essays, the "Dematerialization"     as by critics, dealers, editors et al. Not to   was so overrated that the situation was
        book, and your Studio column?'      mention an audience which by        actually harmful to other art and artists.
          `I'm not so sure the attitudes in any of   swallowing everything whole, by not   I don't theorize much because I'm not
        these are so drastically different from   thinking before and during reading (and   much good at it and I find other people's
        each other, although there has been a   by not even looking before reading) is   theorizing pretty dull on the whole. I'm
        gradual disillusionment with criticism,   doing the art the greatest injustice of all.   more interested in ideas, how they float
        and with the art world in general.   The magazine — so dependent on     and come to rest on various points of the
        Mainly, however, I just get progressively   advertisements — is a commodity too and   aesthetic network and then perhaps float
        less worried about what anybody else will   to survive it exploits the art in turn.   on again and are transformed into some
        think, freer about expressing my own   Because art economics is so centralized,   entirely different visual phenomenon.
        attitudes without checking them against   magazines, more than individual critics,   I recognize them from my own experience
        others — maybe sloppier in the process.   have much too much power.'    and from the information I'm able to
        In "Changing" I was concerned with    `Do you think art or art criticism   pick up (usually from artists) after that
        making a hard, clear, intelligent   can be a political activity?'       initial impact. Theories have to add up to
        counterpart of the art; in "Six Years"   `Only in regard to the art establishment,   something, like logic, and that's
        with criticism as a framework rather than   which is a minute part of the whole   dangerous. Really "good" theories are
        a commentary — an information network   establishment (capitalist society) that   captivating, but if another equally good
        set up for work which often, literally,   governs all aspects of our lives. There is   one comes along it's equally captivating,
        spoke for itself; the Studio columns are   no such thing as "anti-art". Or if there is   but the art itself, and the viewer's
        an isolated example. I'd hoped for a lot   we have no idea what it is, because it has   responses, remain more valid in
        from them, but was so dissatisfied with   not been and cannot be seen in the art   themselves. I'd rather trust my own eyes
        the way they were handled by the    context.'                           and associations. I'm certainly not saying
        magazine that I quit before I could   `How much are your future         anybody else has to think like I do, but
        really get moving. That "stream of   interests likely to be influenced by   presumably it's of some interest to get
        consciousness" criticism I'd hoped to   your past interest in Surrealism, and   informed feedback even if one doesn't
        reach is still pending. In the meantime   "Eccentric Abstraction" — the non-  agree. Theories tend to include certain
        I'm treading water more than anything   visual?'                        insights, to smother the work. When an
        else, at least in terms of any innovative   `To begin with, none of these things   artist changes styles in midstream, his or
        approach. I'm less interested in new   was "non-visual", but were, in fact,   her theoretical supporters tend to be
        styles of writing than in pinning down   highly sensuous artifacts. Dada's   caught in the lurch, and their theories go
        content where I was afraid to see it   iconoclasm, as well as Ad Reinhardt's   through riotous contortions to keep up
        before. It seems particularly important   at the other extreme, have been great   with events. Theories trap writers too.
        at the moment, especially from a feminist   influences on my thinking. My "future art   How awful not to be free to confront and
        point of view, to clarify not only the   interests" will depend entirely on what art   encounter a work of art on its own terms,
        reasons for the art being the way it is,   is made in the future, and in what   first of all, rather than squeezing it into
        but the reasons why it has been handled   contexts I see it, where my head is at the   some preconceived framework. What a
        and responded to in certain ways. I also   time.'                       sad life for an art critic — to feel that the
        find myself wanting to set up a more   `Might content replace taste for   work has to be such-and-such to be good,
        sensuous or intimate relationship with   you?'                          to only be able to enjoy a few "quality"
        the reader, as well as with the art. This is   `No. The only thing that replaces   works — that famous line that you can't
        unquestionably the result of writing and   Taste with a capital T (or general, ie   (are not allowed to) like, say, Louis's work
        talking on women's work to other    imposed taste) is taste in lower case, my   if you don't like it for the right reasons,
        women, becoming less afraid to expose   own case — personal taste. I can say   that is, for reasons imposed on you by
        myself and my feelings about what I see.   without wincing that I know what I like,   someone else's taste and theories.'
        That's been the catalyst for change as   but I can also say I know something   `What's missing from today's
        much as anything.'                  about what I like as well. You find out   criticism — what would you like it to
          `In the "Cult of the Direct and the   what you like by long experience. I know   be?'
        Difficult" essay you rejected "easy"   my own taste well, much as I try to   `I guess if I really knew, I'd be doing it.
        art...'                             subvert it. I sometimes surprise myself by   A lot of the more literate criticism lacks
          `That made sense at the time — 1966 —  liking some work that "isn't what I   fire; it's so damn careful, so academic and
        and I still admire the work made under   usually go for", but for the most part I   theoretical. A lot of the more fiery
        that impetus, but having been       have come to terms with my own taste,   criticism is written so miserably it's hard
        politicized in the meantime, I feel that if   limitations, prejudices. It is important to   to take it seriously even when I'm
        it can't be communicated on other levels   stay aware that these are the components   sympathetic to the content. Recently I've
        as well as the "highest", most      and not to begin to think that personal   found myself veering back to where I
        specialized and rarefied plane, and to   taste equals general GOOD TASTE.   started, before I was publishing — an
        other kinds of people than the inner core,   The real problem is : where to go from   interest in associational, personal
        then it's likely to end up sterile — not    there ?'.                   approaches, but only if it's raw enough,
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