Page 39 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 39

visibility and so its freedom. When we   The reverse is true, they are totally   enormous throughout the modern
       speak of sculpture as 'active' we do so   inimical. Modernism, born and nurtured   period, whether the ground of relief has
       metaphorically: at most it resists our gaze,   in painting, generates its deepest energy   been the wall or the floor, or recently the
       receives light, withstands gravity.   from the idea of the plane. From such a   surface of landscape itself. In each case
         The 'free-standing' of sculpture must   view, the free-standing of sculpture is an   the condition of gravity is ignored, and
       be understood in the light of these   intolerable anomaly. Thus Worringer, in   sculpture is reduced to a more available,
       primary conditions.  `Free', as wholly   the classic statement of early modernist   more 'present', but in fact hollow and
       exposed to our perception, in light;   criticism, Abstraction and Empathy: 'It is   perverse surrogate-painting. (Only David
       `standing', as withstanding the pull of the   relatively simple to wrest the things of the   Smith of the great modern sculptors
       earth. We perhaps, take the free-standing   outer world from the flux of happening   accepted painting's planar directive and
       of sculpture too much for granted, not   and to render them perceptible per se in   turned it to sculpture's profound
       realizing how recently it was regained for   their material individuality and closed   advantage, giving sculpture a new order
       us (by Rodin and Degas), how        unity by projecting them on to a plane   of depth and transparency.)
       infrequently it has obtained within the   surface; but the means of sculpture in the   Sculpture's 'free-standing' is thus more
       European tradition, and how it is a   round are ill-adapted to this aim, for in   than a neutral description : it is an
       quality that has to be recovered in each   truth a free-sculptural representation   aspiration. To stand free, for sculpture,
       sculpture as it is made even, or especially,   occupies just as lost and arbitrary a   demands a positive acceptance and
       now.                                position in the world-picture as its natural   understanding of its condition; and it
         Because they coincide in time, the rise   model, which the artist had simply tried   follows that a free sculpture will remain
       cf modernism in the visual arts, and the   to eternalize in stone.'     inconvenient, obtrusive — a challenge to
       idea of the free-standing in sculpture   The pressure on sculpture to adopt the   facile and conventional views of history
       might be thought to run a,common path.    painting-directed role of relief has been    and aesthetic. •
                                                                                                  Julian Hawkes
                                                                                                Kam, 1973
                                                                                                Leather, wood, steel
                                                                                                0.61 x 3.05 x 3.05 m
                                                                                                2. Isaac Witkin
                                                                                                Everglades 1975
                                                                                                Mild steel
                                                                                                1.08 x 3.05 x 2.92 m
                                                                                                3. Loren Madsey
                                                                                                Untitled, redwood,
                                                                                                cable, eyebolts
                                                                                                13 ft dia. X 2 ft high
                                                                                                4. Katherine Gili
                                                                                                Kinchin 1974
                                                                                                Mild steel, painted
                                                                                                1.69 x 0.97 x 1.01 m
                                                                                                5. David van de Kop
                                                                                                Untitled 1974
                                                                                                Steel, sand
                                                                                                6. A. Fauteux
                                                                                                North West 1974
                                                                                                63 x 144 x 51 in
                                                                                                7. Jacqueline Winsor
                                                                                                Four Corners 1972
                                                                                                Wood, hemp
                                                                                                o.68 X 1.22 X 1.22
                                                                                                 8. James Wolfe
                                                                                                 rhrice  1974
                                                                                                 18 x 85 x to in

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