Page 25 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 25

These exercises, however, were to have
                                                                                several important repercussions. For
                                                                                they concentrated Van Doesburg's
                                                                               attention on the kinetic nature of colour
                                                                               and the relationship of colour and form
                                                                               to architecture and encouraged him to
                                                                               think in terms of three rather than two
                                                                                dimensions, thereby anticipating his
                                                                                remarkable architectural experiments of
                                                                               1922 and 5923. To the other De Stijl
                                                                                painters, however, this sort of
                                                                                collaboration indicated compromise
                                                                                rather than co-operation; for Mondrian
                                                                               himself would never indulge in what he
                                                                               called 'mural art', which he believed
       Jan Wils                                                                destroyed rather than enhanced
       Sketch for a country house with pre-cast concrete walls                 architectural form, while Van der Leck
                                                                               resigned from the group almost as soon
                                                                               as he had joined it because of the
       was the instigator and high priest of the   `struggled for the development of a new   threatening and compromising presence
       movement, acting as its law giver as well   style,' but the true torch-bearers were the   of architects as co-members.
       as its interpreter, and since he was the   painters who had destroyed their past and   Before he resigned, however, Van der
       only member of the group to work both   transcended nature, convention and   Leck had contributed an article to the
       as an architect and as a painter,   tradition in order to create a new and   first issue of De Stijl magazine in which
       consistently maintaining that architecture   universal aesthetic. 'Only in our own   he spelled out the differences, as he saw
       should demonstrate the values inherent   times,' he wrote, 'has painting, the most   them, between painting and
       in abstract art, it is worth considering his   advanced form of art, shown the path   architecture; and his 'contrasts' are worth
       ideas and achievement in some detail.   by which architecture might reach, like   quoting in that they highlight the
         He began his career as a self-taught   painting and sculpture, the mechanical   inadequacies he found in existing
       painter, and first became preoccupied   and disciplined realization in material   architectural form when measured
       with the metaphysical significance of art   form of what the other arts have already   against the transcendental ideals of
       in the years immediately preceding the   achieved in an imaginary (aesthetic)   Neo-Plasticism.
       first World War when he was writing for   manner.'                        `Building,' he wrote, 'is clearly
       Eenheid, an avant-garde magazine with   The quotation is from a speech made   something quite different from painting
       faintly Hegelian overtones. In his   at Weimar in 1922 in which Van     and stands in a quite different relationship
       capacity as art critic Van Doesburg read   Doesburg demonstrated, by reference to   to the infinite. We list below five ways in
       Kandinsky, Marinetti and Boccioni; the   the work of Mondrian, Van der Leck,   which building differs from painting,
       former confirmed his conviction that   Wils, Oud, Van t'Hoff and Rietveld,   from painting as, in the last analysis, it
       `religion and art can only be understood   the triumphant emergence of a new and   really is.
       by the spirit,' while the Futurists showed   universal style which, inspired by the   1. Modern painting is destruction of
       him that it was possible to convert   precedent of the painters, would embrace   naturalistic plastic expression as
       dynamic theory into dynamic action.   architecture, graphic and industrial   against the naturalistic plastic
       He also read Berlage, however, whose   design, and express its functional and   constructional character of
       seminal Gedanken über Stil had been   aesthetic purity in new forms as well as   architecture.
       published in 5905, and whose Studies in   new materials. By that time, however,   2. Modern painting is open, in contrast
       Architecture, Style and Community were   divergencies and differences had already   with the combining, closed nature
       published in 1910. The experience of   begun to emerge among his disciples,   of architecture.
       Berlage's writing, as well as of his   for attempts to put the ideal into action   3. Modern painting is colour and
      architecture, no doubt contributed to   had pinpointed the differences between   space-imparting, in contrast with
       Van Doesburg's initial assumptions   the architects' and painters' intentions,   the colourless and plane [sic]
       concerning the nature of style, the need   their conceptions of space, form and   surface character of architecture.
      for style to express the spirit of the age,   function. The architect members of the   4. Modern painting is plastic
      and the role of the architect in     group, as has already been pointed out,   expression in spatial flatness :
       determining as well as demonstrating   were working within a tradition which   extension, in contrast with the
      that style. For Berlage's definition of   did not admit the painter as form-giver,   space-restricting flatness of
      style as 'Unity in Plurality' had social as   but reduced his role to that of form-  architecture.
      well as aesthetic connotations, and   enhancer or interior designer — a role   5. Modern painting is plastic balance,
      linked a Hegelian preoccupation with the   which neither Mondrian nor Bart van   as against the constructional balance
      unity of form and content with a more   der Leck could accept, but one which   (load and support) of architecture.
       pragmatic consideration of the role of   Van Doesburg had already assumed in   Modern painting reduces corporeality
      architecture in a socialist society. And   1917 and 1918 when he designed stained   to flatness and, through the space
      Berlage's conviction, expressed in some   glass windows, tiled floors and colour   concept, arrives at the destruction of the
      of his later writing, that a new style was   schemes for work by Jan Wils and Oud.   natural associated with the plane, and so
      about to emerge that 'would be the                                       at spatial relationship. Architecture
      perfect expression of the whole of                                       constructs organic corporeality in closed
      modern life" no doubt confirmed Van                                      relationships. The architectural plane
      Doesburg's belief that he and his                                        is the delimitation of light and space."
      colleagues were completing an                                              Over the next ten years, however,
      inevitable historical process, and that                                  Van Doesburg was to demonstrate
      their search for a 'universal collective                                 architectonic ideas which incorporated
      manner of expression' would culminate                                    all the qualities that Van der Leck
      in a 'synthesis of art and life."                                        attributed to painting, and he, of all the
        Such a synthesis, however, in Van                                      architectural members of the De Stijl
      Doesburg's view, involved a complete                                     group, came nearest to a consistent
      and total break with the past, so that                                   matching of ideal with achievement. On
      there could be no precedent in                                           one level it was, of course, easy for him
      architectural form for the new Style.   Theo van Doesburg                to do so, since his projects (apart from the
      Certain architects, he conceded,     Tile floor in holiday residence,    Aubette scheme in Strasbourg and the
      including Berlage, Frank Lloyd Wright,   Noordwijkerout 1917             house that he built for himself in Paris
      Behrens, Saarinen and Perret had     (In collaboration with J. J. P. Oud)    just before he died) remained in model

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