Page 50 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 50



          Daniel Buren

          SINCE THE                           duration of its exhibition.          come down to a bid for isolation,
          RENAISSANCE                           Now let's exhibit a bit of bread in a   extraction from reality, in fact once
                                              baker's and it will be very difficult, if not   again making on another scale one's own
          We can speak of the internal        impossible, to distinguish it from the   little picture.
          architecture of a painting, or of any   other bits of bread. Now let's exhibit
          other work of art.                  a work of art - of any kind - in a Museum :   TENSION-CRISIS
            This architecture of the work, the way   can we really distinguish it from other   It seems to me that it is much more a
          in which it is constructed from its frame,   works of art ?             matter of showing what a work will imply
          the canvas and what is expressed on it                                   immediately in a given place, and
          (or beneath it), has an exclusive   DESTRUCTION,                        perhaps, thanks finally to the work, what
          development which, since the        EXISTENCE, FRAGMENT                  the place will imply.
          Renaissance, has not ceased to distance it                                The crisis between the function of the
          further and further from the        A work taking into consideration the   Museum (architecture) and that of Art
          architecture, place in which the work   place in which it is shown 'exhibited,   (visual object) will appear dialectically
          becomes known.                      cannot be moved elsewhere and will have   from the tension thus created.
            It can be said that the history of   to disappear at the end of its exhibition.
                                                The idea of disappearance through
          Modern Art (in particular) is the   destruction opens a breach in the    THE NARCISSISTIC
          history, recounted and repeated, of the                                  DISCOURSE
          internal architecture of the work, seen   dominant artistic ideology which wants
          simultaneously as content and container.   a work to be immortal and therefore   The radical questioning of the
                                              indestructible by definition, in any case
            However, 'the work of art only exists,                                 architectural limits in which the work
          can only be seen, in the context of the   in the surroundings 'shelter of the   is installed - if it does not break them
          Museum 'Gallery surrounding it, the   Museum.                            escapes on the other hand the sclerotic
                                                This indicates one of the difficulties
          Museum Gallery for which it was     encountered by any work of art which   limits of the work of art and its
          destined and to which however no    would not take into account, which would   narcissistic discourse. In fact, the
          special attention is paid.' (Extract from   not respect this clause to be able to be   pseudo-freedom of a work under the
            Limites Critiques, October 1970).                                      pretext that it can be transported from
                                              protected - but would, on the        here to there, anywhere, from one
          THE HISTORY STILL TO                contrary, take its unique form of    exhibition to another, regardless of the
                                              existence from its individual and
          BE MADE SHOWS ITSELF                continual destruction. Moreover, the   architecture of the place in which it is
          The history still to be made will take   implication of the place of exhibition, as   displayed, presupposes either that this
                                                                                   architecture is familiar, or that it is being
          into consideration the place (the   an integral part of the work, fragments   deliberately ignored.
          architecture) in which a work comes to   the afore-mentioned work into as many
          rest (develops) as an integral part of the   occasions as there are places used.   THE CUBE. WHITE.
          work in question and all the consequences                                IDEALISM
          such a link implies.                RADICALLY,                           To know the architecture without
            It is not a question of ornamenting   DIALECTICALLY
          (disfiguring or embellishing) the place                                  having seen it is to accept working a
                                                                                   priori in the context of an aseptic and
          (the architecture) in which the work is   Every place radically imbues   (so-called) neutral place, cubic, vertical
          installed, but of indicating as precisely   (formally, architecturally,
          as possible the way the work belongs in   sociologically, politically) with its   walls, horizontal, white floors and
                                                                                   ceiling. This architecture is the well-
          the place and vice versa, as soon as the   meaning the object (work /creation)   known kind, since it is more or less what
          latter is shown.                    shown there. Art in general refuses to be
                                              implied a priori and so pretends to ignore   is found in all the museums and
          A BIT OF BREAD                      or reject the draconian role imposed by   galleries of the Western World, a place
                                              the Museum (the Gallery), a role both   architecturally adapted to the needs of
          An empty Museum or Gallery means    cultural and architectural.          the market implied and allowed by such
          nothing, to the extent that it can at any   To reveal this limit (this role), the   a transportable commodity.
          time' be transformed into a gym or a   object presented and its place of display   This white and 'neutral' cube is
          baker's, without changing what will take   must dialectically imply one another.   therefore not as innocent as all that, but
          place there or will be sold there, in terms                              is in fact the value-giving repository
          of works of art in the future, since the   IT IS NOT A MATTER OF         already often mentioned. Certain artists
          social status will also have changed.   CREATING ONE'S OWN               consistent in their work, who know that
            Placing/Exhibiting a work of art in a                                  their work can only be interpreted in a
          baker's will in no way change the   MUSEUM                               place like the one described above, have
          function of the aforementioned baker's,   So it is not a matter of creating one's   places of exhibition specially built inside
          which will never change the work of art   own environment, which at best would   which do not correspond to these norms,
          into a bit of bread either.         come down to pushing the problem to   cubic and immaculate spaces. They
            Placing/Exhibiting a bit of bread in a   one side rather than facing it. It is not a   thereby demonstrate that their work does
          Museum will in no way change the    matter of creating one's own Museum,   indeed depend on architecture, but not
          function of the aforementioned Museum,   either architecturally or culturally, under   just any one, since it cannot submit to
          but the latter will change the bit of bread   the pretext of escaping from   any other which is not cubic or white :
          into a work of art, at least for the   MUSEUMS, which once again would    ideal.

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