Page 37 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 37

The  Israel  National  Museum

           Interior  view  of  the  Shrine  of
          the  Book  showing  the
           Dead  Sea Scrolls
          1  + 2
          View  from  the  Sculpture  Garden,
           Israel  National  Museum


          Sculpture by  Jean Tinguely                                               ·designed  striking  settings  for  the  Martha  Graham
          in the garden
                                                                                     Dance  Company,  is  theatrical  in  the  best  sense.
                                                                                     Instead  of  imposing  discordant  forms  on  a  powerful
                                                                                     natural setting, he has moulded the landscape with the
                                                                                     sympathetic  understanding  a  real  artist  brings  to  his
                                                                                     materials. The undulating, wave-like forms, created with
                                                                                     boulder  walls  and  heaped  earth,  echo  the  shape  of
                                                                                     ancient terraced agriculture and the historic moulds to
                                                                                     be found throughout the  Middle  East. With an intuitive
                                                                                     sense  of  history,  an  oriental  respect  for nature,  and  a
                                                                                     modern artist's daring,  Noguchi has produced the most
                                                                                     beautiful  and  important  contribution  to  the  Museum.
                                                                                      The garden, in fact, is a finer piece of sculpture than
                                                                                     anything  it  contains.  The  Billy  Rose  Collection,
                                                                                     generous  though  the  gift  is,  proves  to  be  rather  dis­
                                                                                     appointing.  Mostly figurative work of the late  19th and
                                                                                     early  20th centuries, the finest group are the delightful
                                                                                     Daumier bronzes. These, of course, are not shown out of
                                                                                     doors.  The  Rodin Adam is a powerful  work,  also  more
                                                                                     suited  to  indoor  display;  Maillol,  Epstein,  a  thick
                                                                                     limbed  Lipshitz Mother and Child,  inferior examples of
                                                                                     Archipenko  and  Zadkine,  weak  American  academic
                                                                                     sculpture  by  Zorach  and  Richard  Hunt,  make  up  the
                                                                                     rest.  Fortunately a few acquisitions or loans of import­
                                                                                     ance  are  also  on  view.  notably  two  masterly  Henry
                                                                                     Moores, perfectly placed, a powerful Wotruba, a monu­
                                                                                     mental iron structure by  Cesar.  A number of important
                                                                                     artists,  such  as  Arp,  Uhlmann,  Richier  prove  unsuited
                                                                                     to  the  setting.  The  Israeli  sculptors  Dantziger,  Shemi
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