Page 53 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 53

Martial  Raysse on the  move

                                 Paris  Commentary  by  Alexander Watt

                                 Martial  Raysse Tableau  Turc et lnv,aisemblable,  made in Japan 1965  Mrxed  Media. 137  x  211  cm.  Galerie Alexandre lolas

                                 At the moment of writing we are at the height of what  contact  Martial  Raysse and speak to him at length, So
                                 they term the Paris season; that is to sav that the month  all  I  could do  was  to  arrange  an  interview  with him
                                 of June is the most exhilarating and entertaining thirty  over the telephone, This he confessed to be somewhat
                                 days of the year, as far as art exhibitions are concerned.   amusing  because,  owing  to  his  sudden  success,  so­
                                  Considering the fact that there exist more than three  called  art  critics  have  run  after  him  on  the  spot  to
                                 hundred  art  galleries  alone  in  Paris,  it  is  a  task  to  question  him  about  his  art  formula  and  of  course  to
                                 describe  which  are  the  existing  art  shows  of  real  photograph  him  ,  ,  possibly  to  intrigue  the  pop  art
                                 interest now being held in  Paris.  Consequently, it is a  enthusiasts who would be enchanted by his charm and
                                 difficult  decision  to  make  as  to  which  exhibitions  to  engaging young looks.
                                 refer  to :  I  have  attempted  to  cut  these  down  to  no   As it was so difficult to contact him at the press view
                                 more than five or six.                             of  his  show,  I  succeeded,  nevertheless,  in  getting  in
                                  The  most  sensational  show  at  present  being  held at  touch  with  him  over  the  telephone.  We  had  a  long
                                 the  newest  and  best  established  gallery  in  Paris­  conversation and he ended it by saying that he found it
                                 the  Galerie  Alexandre  lolas-is  that  of  the  work  of  'gai'  that  this was the first  long interview he had had
                                 Martial  Raysse,  whose  impressive  compositions  are  with an art critic over the telephone,
                                 striking on account of their originality,           My first question was,  did he come from a family  of
                                  Martial  Raysse has  earned  a  sudden  and  remarkable  artists  to  which  he  answered  quite  simply  that  his
                                 success,  especially in the  United  States.  He was born  father was a ceramist who lives and works in Nice, near
                                 in  France  at  Golfe-Juan,  and  he  is  only  twenty-nine  where he himself was born.
                                 years  of  age.  He  has  an  engaging  and  intelligent   'Where,  when  and  how  did  you  start  painting  and
                                 character,  and  he  does  not  demonstrate  any  outward  taking an interest in art?' I asked him, His reply was that,
                                 sentiment  of  snobbism  ,  ,  ,  thank  heaven,  when  we  having been born and living in  Nice, he had made the
                                 are  reminded  of  the  regrettable  tachiste  attempts  of  early  acquaintance  of  Matisse,  whose  art  greatly
                                 the artists  of the  New York School.              impressed him-particularly because  Matisse was then
                                  There were, of course, too many people present at the  preparing the decoration  for the  Chapel at Vence.
                                 opening show at the Galerie lolas for me to be able to   I, myself, had already made the friendship of  Matisse
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