Page 55 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 55

Paris  Commentary


                                    In  Moser's  art  there  is  a  certain  element  of  Pop  Art,   Christopher  Fremantle,  of  British  origin  (who  had
                                  but from which, he told me, he wished to free himself.   lived for several years in  New York) is holding his first
                                   In  his  powerful  composition,  entitled  La  Marie,  there   one-man  show  at  the  Galerie  Valerie  Schmidt.  I
                                  is  both  a  figurative  and  non-figurative  form  of   admire him for his hiding and living and working quietly
                                   expression but where a third dimension also exists.   back  in  Paris  for  several  years,  never  wishing  to  ask
                                    As  I  have said,  Moser has had a great  admiration for   any fellow artist or critic what they thought of his efforts.
                                  the  work  of  Bissiere.  This  brilliant  artist  died  recently,   Finally he has come forward to exhibit what he has been
                                  at the age of seventy-seven.  In homage to him, the last   struggling  to  express  in  silence.  He  is  principally
                                  picture he painted. significantly entitled Au Crepescule,   inspired  by  the  work  of  Turner.  Matisse  and  Picasso.
                                  was  also  exhibited  at  the  Galerie  Jeanne  Bucher.   His  art  is  both  figurative  and  non-figurative  and  his
                                    At  Jacques  Desbriete,  a  new  gallery,  on  the  Left   technique is mainly palette-knife painting  Some of his
                                   Bank,  a  talented  young  artist,  of  twenty-seven   canvases  are reminiscent  of  those of de Stael  but more
                                  years  of  age,  named  Michel  Henricot,  is  exhibiting   fragile and translucent in their subtle colour harmonies
                                  strange,  quasi-surrealist  paintings  which  remind  one   with  distinct  plastic  tonal  values.
                                  somewhat of the work of  Max  Ernst  and his  Germanic   At  another newly opened  gallery on  the  Left  Bank­
                                  expressionism.  Henricot's painting is both smooth and   the  Galerie  Anne  Colin-Henri  Maik,  a  Naive  painter
                                  metallic.  His  subJect  matter  is  mostly  inspired  by  the   (the work of  Les  Peintres de  Dimanche are now much
                                  unique collection of Egyptian mummies in the Museum   in demand following the crisis in abstract expressionism
                                  in  Turin.  In  a  certain sense,  he is haunted by the  larva   since  1963).  exhibits  attractive,  decorative  com­
                                  of  the  underworld,  he  told  me.  I  consider  Henricot  to   positions  which  may  best  be  described  as  colourful
                                  be a young artist of great promise.                enlarged  Indian  and  Persian  miniatures.   ■
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