Page 52 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 52


        1                        The late  Morris  Louis  was  an American painter who  atmosphere  through  which  we  are  conscious  of  his
        Jean  le  Moal
        Hills m Springtime  1965   died tragically only three years ago.  His paintings were  forms  of  trees.  gardens.  streets.  The  floating  masses
        Molton Gallery          seen at the Venice  Biennale last year where they made  have that magic feel of hot humid days and the palpable
        2                       a  profound  impression  on  sensitive  eyes.  At  the  lushness  of  vegetable  growth  is  never  distant.
        Sven  Berlin            Whitechapel  Art  Gallery  a  selection  of  his  beautiful   John  Selway a  younger  painter also showing at the
        Tall Madonna and Child
        Alabaster 73 in.  high   stains  were  on  view.  They  made  an  unforgettable  same  gallery evokes  the  transparency  of  solids  in  his
        Creative Art  Patrons Gallery   memory of large areas of misty colour floated on top of  paintings of figures in a way that is highly engaging.
                                others.  the earlier ones in  petal groupings the  later in   Two new galleries have opened.  One. a small branch
                                vertical  stripes.  Casual  as  the  method  seems.  the  of  its  parent  in  Morocco  is  The  Tangier  Galleries;  it
                                selection  of  the  colours-orange,  blue.  green.  brown  shows artists who comprise the naive-Hamed  Larbi­
                                and  purple-stood  up  securely  to  exposure  on  retinal   to the abstractions of Julio Ramis and Lars Pranger, both
                                nerves.  They represent the  utter neutrality-neither by  of sophisticated excellence.
                                movement,  contrast  or  unrest  do  they  perturb.  They   The  Creative  Art  Patrons  Gallery  has  the  declared
                                reverberate in  the atmosphere like  the  last  echoes  of  policy  of  extending  the  promotion  of  their  artists
                                chords played on a celestial harp.                beyond  the  usual  channels  of  exhibitions.  First
                                 Leonard  Rosoman.  showing  recent  paintings  at  exhibitor  was  Sven  Berlin.  well  known  as  author and
                                Roland  Browse and  Delbanco,  is an artist of comple­  painter who now emerges as a sculptor of strength and
                                mentary  delicacy  and  strength  that  sometimes  within  imaginative range.  His  Tall Madonna and child. which
                                the one canvas set up their tensions as when the face  is reproduced.  is  a massive conception on an original
                                of a figure is drawn in realistic vigour sharpened against  note of a subject that replete with history. might have
                                the shimmering nets of broken colours that suggest the  tempted another carver into more outre stylisation.  ■
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