Page 61 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 61

new from                                                                               SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS LTD
                PITMAN                                               available  from  all  booft.sellers   39 PARKER ST LONDON WC2

                       THELMA R. NEWMA'N

                    AS AN ART  FORM
                                                                         PREHISTORIC ART  ROBERT  MYRON

               PLASTICS AS AN            IMAGINATIVE TECH­
               ART FORM                   NIQUES IN PAINTING         PREHISTORIC ART                 ORIENTAL BRUSHWORK

               Thelma  R.  Newman         Leonard Richmond           Robert  Myron                    Wang  Chi-Yuan
                                                     R.0.1.,  RB.A.
               The developments and uses of   In this new and stimulating work,   An  exciting  and  detailed  account  of   This book will appeal to the reader who
               modern plastic materials in the   the author, a painter and teacher   prehistoric art is provided by this book.   wishes  to  acquire  detailed  knowledge
               creative  field  of  art  today  are   of  enormous  experience, shows   The  author,  in  his  studies,  covers  a   on  the  technique  of  Oriental  Brush­
               incredible,  and  this  volume   students  of  painting  how  to   span  of  30,000  years,  following  the   work.  The  author's  approach  to  the
               presents them in this new light   harness  their imagination to the   development and  cultural progression   subject is uncomplicated and the tone
               of  potential  creativity  for  the   service of their skill.  He achieves   of  man,  and  through  the  rich  pictorial   of his text could be described as con­
               first  time.  It  is  essentially  a   this   by   demonstration   and   language of prehistoric painting forges   versational - he  addresses  the  reader
               source-book for artists, crafts­  example  in  a  wide  variety  of   a  fascinating  account of the lives  and   in  much  the  same  way  that  he
               men,  and  art  educators  who   media.  Numerous  illustrations,   beliefs  of  early  man.  The  book  com­  addresses  his  students  in  class.
               wish  for  a  foundation  in   sixteen  in  full  colour,  show  the   mences  with  a  description  of  the  dis­  Believing the reader to be creative, the
               plastics as an art form.  Unlike   infinitely more satisfying results   covery  of  the  cave  paintings  at  Alta­  author  does  not  lay  out  a  specific
               previous  publications  in  the   that  can  be  achieved  by  the   mira  and  Lascaux, and the subsequent   method  or  short-cut  towards  the
               field of plastics, the most com­  artist  who  prefers  self-expres­  chapters  include  descriptions  of  early   creation  of  a  finished  painting;  rather
               monly  used  terminology  is  as   sion   to   slavish   imitation.   sculpture  and  monuments.   Many   he  shows  the  reader  how  to  express
               non-technical  as  possible  so   Through  the  study  of  this  book   examples  of  prehistoric  art  illustrate   personal  appreciation  in  physical
               that the artist-designer can be­  the student  will acquire a know­  the book throughout.   terms through the technique of brush­
               come  reasonably  conversant   ledge  of  drawing,  painting  and   6s net            work.  The  book  includes  many  and
               with  the  complex  of  polymer   composition that  will serve as a                   varied  examples  of  Oriental  painting
               chemistry and engineering.  To   sound  basis  for  the  expression                   by the author, and the caption accom­
               enable  the  creative  user  to   of  his  personal  interpretation                   panying  each  illustration  indicates
               apply theoretical knowledge to   and creative impulse. Numerous                       particular  elements  of  method  or
               practice,  art  projects  are  pic­  demonstrations are designed to                   technique.
               tured  in step-by-step  descrip­  show how accidental effects can                     6s net
               tions.  Thus  the  reader  finds   suggest  subject  matter  to  the
               actual  experience  with  these   perceptive  artist.
               new  materials and is  provided   45s net
               with  the  background  for  his
               future  solo explorations.
               80s net

                Rochdale  Col-lege  of  Art                                           ARTISTS  PROPERTIES
                                                                                            with  STUDIOS
                              Principal:  L.  Solomon  A.T.D.
                     King  Street,  Rochdale,  Lancashire.  Telephone  48097.   ESSEX.  In  picturesque  village,  45  miles  London.  Pleasant  House, 30ft
                                                                            lounge  dining-room,  4  beds.,  bath,  garage,  garden  and  Fine  Modern
                                                                            Studio  (42ft  x  17ft  6in).  Freehold  £9,750.
                                 Full-time  courses  in                     CORNWALL.  On  edge  of  Harbour  of  lovely  old  fishing  village.  Two
                                                                            reception, 3 beds., bath. Large Lofty Studio.  Freehold £12,000.  Further
                     Pre-Diploma  Interior  Design                          large  Quayside  Studio  available.
                 Advertising  Design  Textile  Design                       CORNISH  ESTUARY.  Lovely position  on waters  edge.  Stone  built at
                                                                            present 3  Studio  Flats easily made conventional house wholly or in part.
                               General  Design                              NORTHWOOD,  MIDDX.  Handsome  modern  house  converted  to  2
                                                                            spacious flats (one let).  Garage.  Garden.  Detached Studio (24ft x 15ft).
                                                                            Freehold  £13,500.
                      Full  particulars  may  be  obtained  from  the  Principal.   Harrods  Estate  Offices,  32/36  Hans  Crescent,  London,  S.W.1.
                                                                            KEN  1490  (Ext.  809).

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