Page 62 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 62

Classified  announcements

                             The  rates  for advertising  in  the  classified  announcements  column of  Studio  International
                             are  25s for the first twenty  words  (minimum).  and  9d for  each additional  word.
                             Use of  box  number  4s.  These advertisements are  prepayable.
     Painting  Holidays      Holiday  Painting  Classes  and  Private   Le  Cinque  Terre  Studio.  Painting  centre   Spain. Single room  with bath inclusive of
                             Tuition. Beginners and advanced students.   and  school  in  Italian  fishing  village.  no   fees.  all travel and meals from London  to
                             Landscape,  still  life.  etc.  Large  country   cars.  Large  studio  open  every  day.   London  £108.0.0.  The  ferry  to  Gibraltar
                             studio.  Particulars from  David  Cox,  r.w.a.,   Accommodation arranged. Write Catherine   takes  20  minutes  from  Algeciras  and  it
                             Underwood   Grange.   Naughton.   nr.   Ensor.  Manarola  (La  Spez1a).  Italy.   takes  2½  hours  to  Tangiers  in  Morocco.
                             Ipswich.  Suffolk.  Telephone:  Offton 355.                        Private swimming pool and private beach.
                                                               Painting  Holiday in Algeciras-14th Oct.-  Write  for  full  details  to:  Trust  House  Art
                             Landscape  Painting  in  Suffolk.  Holiday   28th Oct.             Schools. 48 York Street. Belfast 1 5.
                             classes for  advanced students  and begin­  Demonstrations   daily.   academic  and
                             ners.  Prospectus  from  Lawrence  Self.   abstract.  under  the  direction  of  Kenneth
                             a.r.c.a ..  The  Butterfly.  Great  Finborough.  Webb.  a.r.w.a ..  n.s ..  a.t.d ..  a.r.m.a ..  in  the
                             Stowmarket. Suffolk.              famous  Reina  Cristina  Hotel.  Algeciras.
     Tuition                 Contemporary  Artist,  extensive  studies   Furniture.  Building  Construction.  Design.   workshop   practice.   This   programme
                             London   and   Continent.   also   with   Materials.  Furniture  and  Fittings.  Colour.   includes  drawing  and  three-dimensional
                             Kokoschka.  will  give  tuition  in  modern   Application.  Any  subject  can  be  taken   design.
                             painting at her  Kensington studio. Twelve   separately.  Brochure  from  the  Registrar.   Applicants  should  be  over  21.  For  more
                             three-hourly lessons. 1 Ogns. Kristin  Berge.   Dept. St.. Rhodec School.  BCM/Rhcdec.   information  on  this  and  other  courses  in
                             22  Campden  Hill  Gardens.  London.  W.8.   London. W.C.1.        the visual arts beginning September 1965.
                             Park 5777.                                                         write to the  Hend of  the Art  Department.
                                                               Full-Time  Course  in  Studio  Pottery.  A   East  Ham  Technical  College.  E.6.
                             Interior Design and Decoration. A diploma   two-year  course  leading  to  the  college
                             is awarded after the successful completion   diploma covering the making of handbuilt
                             of  our  correspondence  course  covering   and  thrown  pottery  in  stoneware  and
                             Draughtsmanship.   History  of  English   earthenware.  theory. the care of kilns.  and
     Miscellaneous           To  Let-in  a  large  old  house  6  miles   Tapestry  Embroidery:  artists.  traditional   Nude  Figure  Studies  of  100  top  models!
                             from St. Albans-a  basement room 25 ft.   and  contemporary,  able  to  handpaint   Artists·  aid to study  anatomy  and posing.
                             x 16ft.. facing North. plus a communicating   designs (20 in. square) well on embroidery   Sample  set  (Classical  or  Contemporary
                             door  leading  to  a  stone  floored  narrow.   canvas  and  to  co-operate  on  long  term   style).  20s.  plus  s.a.e.  ( Overseas  5s.
                             shelved room. suitable for equipment. etc.   basis  by  post.  please  write  and  send   additional  airmail).  No  callers.  State  age.
                             Kitchenette.  Perfect  for  artist's  studio.   samples  of  their  work  to  Heinz  Edgar   Geo. Jordan  ( Dept. S). 17 Cheyne Close,
                             Lullingstone  Silk  Farm  Ltd ..  Ayot  House.   Kiewe.  Art  Needlework  Industries  Ltd ..   London,  N.W.4.
                             Ayot St.  Lawrence.  Hertfordshire.   7  St.  Michael's  Mansions.  Ship  Street.
                                                               Oxford.  England.
                             Christmas  Card  Designs  wanted.  Good                             Mayfair  Exhibiting  Artist  seeks  outlet  for
                             payment  by  arrangement  for  those   Art  Club  in  London.  Life  and  portrait   paintings described as "gorgeous". but "too
                             accepted.  Write  first  for  details  to:   models  Tuesday  evenings.  Write  Miss   small  to  show."  Box  No  2546.  Studio
                             Britannia  Colour  Ltd.,  135.  Newhall   Mansfield.  Heatherley  Art  Club.  33  War­  International.  Chestergate  House.  Vaux­
                             Street.  Birmingham  3.           wick Square.  London.  S.W.1.    hall  Bridge Road.  London  S.W.1.
     Personal                In  Glasgow this August?  Visit  Stewart  B.   efficient  bureau  in  the  North.  with  a   The  Monkton  Marriage  Bureau,  1  Elm
                             Johnson's one man show at the Armstrong   nation-wide  clientele.  Scrupulously  con­  Road.  Leigh-on-Sea.  Essex.  England.
                             Gallery,  29  St.  George's  Road.  Charing   fidential  and  discreet.  Full  details  under   being  the  country's  leading  Christian
                             Cross.  2nd until 14th August.    plain cover on request.          bureau. has persons of all age groups and
                                                                                                in all parts of the  British Isles available for
                                                               Heather Jenner Marriage Bureau, 124 New   introduction.   Persons   also   available
                             The  Margaret  Moody  Marriage  Bureau,   Bond  Street.  W.1.  Mayfair  9634.  Advice   throughout  the  Christian  World.  Full
                             1008  Anlaby  High Road.  Kingston-upon­  Bureau  Incorporated. Open Thursday until   confidence assured.
                             Hull.  Yorkshire.  The  most  successful  and   8 p.m .. lunch hour and Saturday morning.
     Official  Appointments   Laughton College of  Further  Education   School of  Design  and  Furniture.  Head of   essential.  The successful applicant will be
                             Art  Department.                  School:  D. M. Williamson.       expected to carry out all kinds of research.
                             Studio Assistant required. 38 hours a week   Part-time teachers required for Foundation   conservation and display work connected
                             from September 1 st.  1965.  Knowledge of   Studies  Course  (up  to  three  days  teach­  with the collections of historic and modern
                             Lithography  and  Screen  Printing  an   ing)  commencing  in  September  1965.   textiles.  and  can  expect  to  gain  some
                             advantage.  Salary  within  scale  £645  to   Applicants  should  have  a  qualification  in   experience of the other collections and to
                             £845  according  to  age.  experience  and   Design  or  Fine  Art.  and  must be  capable   acquire  a  thorough  knowledge  of  all
                             qualifications.                   of teaching visual fundamentals  (in 2 and   aspects  of  gallery  administration.  The
                             Life  Models, male and female required for   30) in a progressive  context.  appointment  is  for  one  year  and  may  be
                             academic  year  starting  September  1965.                         renewed  for  a  further  year.  Duties  to
                             The College is situated near Debden Tube                           commence  on  October  1 st.  1965.  Initial
                             Station  (Central  Line).  Applications  to:   The University of  Manchester   salary  in  the  range  of  £850  to  £900  per
                             The  Principal,  Loughton  College  of   The  University invites applications for the   annum.  according  to  qualifications  and
                             Further   Education.   Borders   Lane.   post of Research Assistant in  the  Depart­  experience.  Applications  should  be  sent
                             Laughton.  Essex.                 ment  of  the  History  of  Art  for  work  in   not later  than  August  10th.  1965.  to  the
                                                               connection  with  the  Whitworth  Art   Registrar.  the  University.  Manchester  13,
                             Buckinghamshire  Education  Committee.   Gallery.   Previous  experience  is  not   from  whom  further  particulars  and  forms
                             High Wycombe College of Technology and   required.  but  a  university  degree  or   of application may be obtained. on quoting
                             Art. Principal:  D. J. Everett. b.a .. f.f.t. Com.   academic diploma in the  History of Art  is   reference 146/65/ST.

     CONDITIONS OF SALE AND SUPPLY: This periodical  is sold subject to the following conditions: that it shall not.  without the written consent of the publishers first given.  be lent. resold.  hired out
     or otherwise disposed of by way of the Trade except at the full price of  Six  Shillings: and that it shall not be lent, resold.  hired out or otherwise disposed of in  a  mutilated condition or in  any unauthorised
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