Page 29 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 29


                                 forestalling  similar  misjudgements  in  the  future.   Athenian  does  not  have  the  opportunity  to study the
                                  What was lacking in the first Athenian  Biennale was  development  of  European  art  as  a  whole,  as  does  a
                                 precisely  a  sense  of  purpose  and  programme­  citizen  of  Paris,  Amsterdam  or  London,  let  alone  the
                                 selectivity  in  theme  and  an  agreed  artistic  standard.   often puzzling negation of tradition in current develop­
                                 It  is  not  enough  to  attempt  to  ensure  the  inclusion  ments. Thus the organisers of this first Greek Sculpture
                                 of almost every famous name of the century.  The past   Biennale  may  have  felt  some  pressure  in  bringing  to
                                 60 years of art has certainly seen many diverse talents,   Athens  what  is  virtually  a  museum  of  20th  century
                                 and  a  few  geniuses,  as  well  as  many  discordant  sculpture.  But  it  was  a  collection  reflecting  undue
                                 investigations  into  the  role  of  the  artist  and  art.   respect, almost greed,  for important names rather than
                                 Merely to jumble together on a hill in Athens the most  important pieces of sculpture.  It is like a rich collector
                                 distinguished  artists  of  the  century,  and  a  barely  insisting on a famous name without exerting personal
                                 related group of traditions, styles and experiments, does  choice,  and  without  any  understanding  of  the  erratic
                                 not make for a cohesive festival of sculpture.     development of  20th century art.
                                  The  problem  must  be  seen  against  the  context  of   Certainly  in  Athens  there  was  no  lack  of  famous
                                 modern Greece. The country does not possess a single  artists,  although a distinguished  name  did not always
                                 museum of modern art, and being so poor and distant  guarantee  work  of  importance;  and  there  was  also
                                 it  does  not  enjoy  regular  exhibitions  of contemporary  an  oddly  chosen  group  of  unimportant  names  whose
                                 work.  Thus there is an inevitable ignorance of modern  work  made  no  contribution  to  any  possible  theme.
                                 art  in  Athens  and  a  great  hunger  for  knowledge   Given  the  unique  role  of  Greek  sculpture  in  the
                                 (except  of  course  among  a  small  minority).  An   European tradition, and the glorious setting in Athens, it
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