Page 31 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 31
Sculpture returns to Athens
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dichotomy already noted in Rodin, the attempt at a of Delphi, a comparison which underlines a funda
balance between the idealised projection of man and a mental difference in the role of art.
personal identification with his torment. On the other hand Henry Moore's Standing Figure
An interesting variant on this theme, and in some (Knife-edge). which readers may remember seeing at
ways less directly in the Hellenic tradition. would have the last Battersea Park exhibition, made a very Greek
been the work of middle-European artists-Lehmbruck, impression with its impersonal. heroic, god-like air of
Barlach, Rik Wouters. Epstein. Permeke. even Marcel being above mortal involvement.
Gimond, Lipshitz. Laurens. In Lehmbruck, for instance. These comments. I hope, indicate the variety of
the elongated. Flemish nude is a suffering Madonna, thematic treatment which could have raised a fine
not a militant Athena, to which the sturdy figures of exhibition to an altogether more valuable experience.
Maillol and Renoir can be traced. Here. perhaps, is With such innovators as Picasso, Matisse, Brancusi,
indicated the influence of Christian thought, of the Archipenko, Arp, Boccioni, Ouchamp-Villon. and the:r
expressionism which stems more from the North, and lesser followers, one was on to anothPr r..ind of
a hint of theatrical posing in the direct statement of exhibition. These artists and the questions they raise
emotions. This theatrical quality was evident in a could well have been saved up for the second Biennale.
work like Zadkine's Orpheus. with its angular gestures Here one opens up vast are.35 of discussion, the stylistic
of anger and despair-emotions the ancient Greeks influences from Africa, the problem of science versus
reserved for their theatres rather than their sculpture. empiricism, ideas versus facts, the suspicion of a
Even Marini's giant bronze horse seemed to be tradition weakened by academicism-indeed the virtual
protesting too much in contrast to the famous Charioteer breakdown of conceptions handed down by the