Page 18 - Studio International - July 1965
P. 18

The Story of Zero                                 by John Anthony Thwaites

                               The Zero Group from Dusseldorf, Heinz             The  story  starts  with  three  connected  elements:  a
                               Mack, Otto Piene, Gunther Uecker, was             personal relationship, a situation in society, a swing in
                               shown at the Mc Roberts and Tunnard               the  history  of  art.  First  was  the  friendship  of  two
                               Gallery in June, 1964. In January it had a        students in the early  Fifties. They were very  different.
                                                                                 The Rhinelander Heinz Mack is blond, vivacious, some­
                               strikingly successful exhibition in New           times  a  little  showy;  but  his  temperament  in  art  is
                               York. Now the three artists can be seen at        classical. Otto  Piene, a Westphalian, is dark,  reserved,
                               the Kestner Gesellschaft in Hanover. This         romantic,  but with a  gift for contacts,  organising and
                               personal group forms the core of a larger         publicity.  He is an intellectual, in the sense of needing
                               and looser association in Germany and as a  to give ideas and intuitions form in words.  In  Beatrice
                               point of contact for groups in France,            Webb's  phrase,  'these  two  minds  were  marvellously
                               Holland, Italy and Yugoslavia. What               attuned'.  The  situation  of  their  meeting  was  West
                               follows is a short account of Zero's history  German  Reconstruction. Of  this  Otto  Piene  writes:
                                                                                 'Our  suspicion  of  the  soulless  efficiency  and  shabby
                                                                                 neatness ... was fundamental. We despised the encom­
                                                                                 passing  Christian materialism and saw in it a Western
                                                                                 version  of  the  Socialist  materialism  of  the  Marxist
                                                                                 world,  or as American materialism in miniature'.
                                                                                   In art in  Germany,  an  imitated  Action  Painting  was
                                                                                 about  to merge into epigonal Tachisme.  Writers were
                                                                                 exploiting the experience of the  Forties. The time was

       Heinz  Mack
       Light Dynamo  1965
       Aluminium & Glass
       Oskar  Holweck
       Mobile on the roof terrace of
       the  Faculty of  Law and
       Economics. University of
       Saarland,  1963/64.  Aluminium.
       3.5m. high x 20m.  long
       Heinz  Mack
       Light Relief 1963
       100 x 168  cm.
       Collection:  Peggy Guggenheim
       Heinz  Mack
       Light Relief 1960
       Aluminium &  Glass
       45 x  70 cm.
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