Page 20 - Studio International - July 1965
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to nature, individualism to responsibility, nationalism to   From all surrounding cities people came. The dam had
                                internationalism,  internationalism  to  universalism   broken.  The  way  was  opened  for  two  progressive
                                observer to  actor,  onlooker  to engage          galleries  (Alfred  Schmela  and  Jean-Pierre  Wilhelm)
                                 In pursuit of all this then,  Mack and Piene topped-off  which opened the same year. And gradually the painters'
                                their  art  school  with  three  years  of  philosophy  at  own styles started to take form. At the fourth  Evening
                                Cologne  University. They kept themselves by working   Exhibition in  September  1957  Piene showed so-called
                                in applied art and industrial design. They went on paint­  Rasterbilder,  whose monochrome white  surfaces with
                                ing  and  experimenting,  'regarding  ourselves  as  artists  tiny  points  articulated  light.  Success  encouraged  the
                                and nothing else'. In 1956-7 their studies finished. They  production  of  a  publication,  Zero,  with  the  seventh
                                had no  programme.  Their home was  Dusseldorf;  and  exhibition  (April 1958).  Most of the articles concerned
                                painting there lay passive under the dead hand of the  themselves with a new approach to colour. In this show.
                                Rheinische  Sezession.  The  younger  Gruppe  53,  to  quite  unnoticed,  was  a  certain  Gunther  Uecker.  The
                                which  they  both  belonged.  made  small  effect.  The  eighth  exhibition, 'Vibration'  in  October of  1958 was,
                                galleries concerned themselves with locally established  in effect, the last. A line, if not a style was formed. with
                                Germans and with international names. How could they  the help more especially of Oskar Holweck and of Almir
        1                       break through 7 And to what precisely 7           Mavignier.  Its  characteristics  were  vibrating  surfaces,
        Hans  Haacke
        Cube  (Condensation)  1965   They had one valuable asset, Piene's big studio in the  the use of light, implicit or explicit movement and space
        Plexiglass  & Water     harbour qua ter of  Dusseldorf, with  Mack's smaller one  seen  as extension  of  the  picture-plane.  It was  a  cool
        2                       next  door.  In April  1957  they  began  a series of  'one­  style, without stifling geometry.  Meanwhile in 1957 the
        Hans  Haacke            evening  exhibitions'  there.  They  showed  not  mainly   Schmela  gallery  had  brought  Yves  Klein  to  Germany.
        Liu/e Sail 1965
        Chiffon.  weights  &  ventilator   their  own  work,  but  all  the  things  of  interest  which   He  burst  there  like  a  bomb.  His  monochromes,  his
        3                       could not be seen in the galleries.  Unconsciously,  the  theories,  his  demonstrations,  his  personality  had  far
        Gunther  Uecker         principle of inner and outer circle was established from  more influence than they had had in France. The second
       New York Citv 1965
        Nail  relief            the  start.  Success  was  unexpected  and  sensational.  contact came early in 1959 with Tinguely, imported too
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