Page 22 - Studio International - June 1965
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                               exhibition  which  also  included  works  by  some  of
                                Bury's  fellow-artists  at  the  significant  Mouvements
                               exhibition of  1955-Agam, Soto, Tinguely. Since then,
                                Bury's contributions in last year's Venice Biennale pro­
                               vided  one  of  the  few  authentic  sensations;  Jean­
                                Franc;;ois  Revel.  summing  up  in  L 'Oeil.  commented:
                                   'We  all  know  that  there  are  two  forms  of  modern
        72 balls, big, lmle and medwm 1 964   sculpture.  one moves. the other does not.  Pol  Bury,
       Wood  and cork            touched  by  genius.  discovered  a  sculpture  which
       80 x 62 x  15  cm.
        Collection:  Stedl1Ik  Museum,   moves so little that at first sight you will rank it with
       Amsterdam                 those that do not move   . to  see it is as  terrifying
       2                         as a tale by  Edgar Allan  Poe·.
       23  balls  on  8  me/ming planes   Bury's first one-man show in the U.S.A. at the Lefebre
        200 x  70 x 40 cm.
                                Gallery, New York. opened on October 12th 1964. with
        15 upright cylmders,  6 cubes   every one of the twenty or more constructions already
       and  18 balls  1962      sold.  including  two  simultaneous  purchases  by  the
       39  x  53 x 33 cm.       Museum of Modern Art. This new series of constructions
        Collection:  Mr.  &  Mrs.   carry his globe and wire compositions a stage further:
       Weisberger,  New  York
                                now the globes are  massed  or distributed  sparsely on
       Detall of 3 ,n movement   slanted plane surfaces. and the wires have become thick.
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