Page 42 - Studio International - March 1965
P. 42

                                                                                years  in  Sweden  provide  a  clue 7  But  the  Norwegian
                                                                                nature  in  his  paintings is  darker  and more  mysterious
                                                                                than  the  geniality  of  the  Swede's.  His most extended
                                                                                works to date are the internal and external murals for the
                                                                                Norsk  Hydro building.  One interior wall  (illustrated) is
                                                                                of pure painting. but on the others he has incorporated
                                                                                sand-blasting to make a fascinating texture of paint and
                                                                                concrete. The support for mural decoration in  Norway
                                                                                today is nearly as great as twelve years ago  when.  as
                                                                                 Revold  noted.  it  was  second  only  to  that  of  Mexico.
                                                                                The  majority  of  artists  discussed  in  this  article  have
                                                                                undertaken some. and my impression is that the best of
                                                                                these are more likely to be of international interest than
                                                                                those  of  the  previous  generation.  Most  are  charac­
                                                                                terized  by  a  lively  interest  in  new  materials.  Sigurd
                                                                                Winge·s symbolic frieze at the Oslo Handelsgymnasium
                                                                                is  a  terra-cotta  mosaic.  partly  painted  with  plastic
                                                                                colours.  Carl  Nesjar  (b 1920).  has  an  approach  more
                                                                                similar to Weidemann. both in his atmospheric abstract
                                                                                designs and in his use of composite materials and tech­
                                                                                niques like sand-blasting.
                                                                                  Gunnar  S.  Gundersen  (b 1920).  seems.  with  Weide­
                                                                                mann.  to  be  one  of  the  two  major  painters  of  his
                                                                                generation.  However.  his  main  sympathies  are  com-


                                                                                pletely  non-figurative.  Compare  his statement:  'In  my
                                                                                opinion pure colours and shapes are most effective. The
                                                                                less  one  operates  within  a  framework  of  external
                                                                                attributes.  the  greater  the  clarity  and  tension·.  with
                                                                                Weidemann's 'I  shall make an abstraction of the forest
                                                                                ground  in  Norway·.  Where  Weidemann  is  rough.
                                                                                Gundersen is polished; where Weidemann seems to feel
      1                                                                         his  way  through  the  paint  to  his  ideas.  Gundersen  is
      Knut  Rumohr
      Composiuon.  1963                                                         precise. balancing his well-considered forms with dis­
      Wood engraving  17¼  x  i¾ in.                                            criminating sensibility.  His work has a  distinctly inter­
      Norwegian  Embassy,  London
      2                                                                         national look.  and it is no sur(:irise to hear that he has
      Jakob Weidemann                                                           been  taking  part  in  exhibitions  abroad  since  1952.
      Mural  for  Norsk  Hydro  building,
      1959/60                                                                   Nevertheless,  Gundersen  has  also  continued.  at  least
      3  x  8  metres                                                           until  quite  recently.  to  paint  watercolours  of  delicate
      Trond  Botnen                                                             northern nature. perhaps as a relaxation from his major
      Heroes,  1963
      4                                                                         paintings.
      Ludvig  Eikaas                                                             Among older  men.  artists  such  as Alexander  Schultz
      Etching 50  :-:  50 cm.                                                   (b.1901 ). and Erling Enger (b.1899). still maintain their
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