Page 46 - Studio International - March 1965
P. 46

Europe is the hotbed of art

      1                       London  Commentary  by  G.  S.  Whittet

                              Art is a  flower  that  often  benefits  from  transplanting.   is parallel or at right-angles to every other.  In another.
                              Cross-fertilization  of  ideas  and  images  are  common­  the angles will be jumbled with here and there a tiny
                              place but more than a little influential is the finding of a  vertical pillar punctuating the mass.
                              stimulating  atmosphere.  a  congenial  ambience  where   Like  other  contemporary  sculptors  using  un­
                              talent  can  find  its  manure  from  appreciation  and  the  conventional  materials  such  as  Kemeny  and  David
                              genuine  interest  of fellow-creators.  This  is  how  Paris  Partridge,  Carmargo  guides  light  and  shade  to  lend
                              had and still maintains its attraction for artists though  movement  to  his  third  dimension.  The  tonal  change
                              its dealers seem to have lost their flair for finding them.  varies  from  the  faintest  paling  of  the  painted  white
                                Sergio de Camargo is a young sculptor from  Brazil. a  wood  to  the  comparative  black  of  its  deepest  cross­
                              carioca who has lived in Paris since 1961  and who won  shadowing.  Some reliefs use little cylinders set broadly
                              the international sculpture prize at the Biennale there in  in facetted waves with more calm effect. others isolate
                               1963.  He held his first one-man exhibition  in  Europe  just one split column that creates  with  its  shadow an
                              at the Signals Gallery in Wigmore Street.          impressive  singularity  placed  in  its  seemingly  pre­
                                At first glance the impression of his reliefs hung on  ordained proportion of the white ground.
                              the wall is of assemblage composed from the ruins of a   Frankly erotic  yet with its inordinate  delicacy is the
      1                       miniature  Doric  temple.  Wooden  cylinders  of  varying  relief titled Couple proving yet again  that the shadow.
      Giacomo Manzu           thicknesses  are  cut  on  the  bias  and  glued  to  a  flat  never  the  highlights.  reveals  the form.  In  his youthful
      Painrer wirh Model.  1957
      17¾  X  23½  in.        support.  In  their  glaring  whiteness  they  could  be  sensitivity  Camargo  generates inventiveness;  he is no
      Hanover  Gallery        Carrera marble but their apparent disorder harbours an  slave to a formula as we know from his plaster cast for
      Camargo                 ordered scheme that is almost classic Cubism. Though  a  sombre  winged  sculpture  and  other  images  in  the
      Relief number 19/46.  1964   we  shall  search  in  vain  for  the  suggestion  of  a  form  round.  He is no Vasarely in relief; as I have said. he is a
      Painted wood 33½  x  24 ,n.
      Signals Gallery         allusive to life. we find none the less that each relief has   carioca  who lives and works in  Paris with a  keen  yet
      3                       its  own  intrinsic  image.  In  one.  for  example.  we  see  unhurried  zest  for  life  and  art.  He  is one to  watch.
      Relief ·couple' number  1.  1964   that though  each truncated cylinder is set at angle to   At  the  Commonwealth  Institute  gallery.  with  its
      Painted wood 32¼   24  in.
      Signals  Gallery        the plane of the base. viewed from the front. each axis  perfect lighting. 'Indian Painting Now· brought together
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