Page 45 - Studio International - March 1965
P. 45

Oslo  as an art centre

          Gunnar S.  Gundersen   deeply  into  most  Norwegians.  Norwegians  seem  to
          Composition.  1 964
          120  x  120 cm.       accept  art  rather  as they  accept  nature,  as part  of  the
          Acrylic paint on canvas   community  life;  both  public  authority  and  private
          Collection of
          Haaken  Christensen   buyer  support  it  to  an  extent  unknown  in  Great
                                Britain,  even  if  the  results  sometimes  fall  below  the
                                highest level.  Oslo is a small. not particularly beautiful
                                city, which visitors would more usually think of visiting
                                for sport rather than art. Having been there, it is stimulat­
                                ing to find that there is so much going on that is worth
                                looking at.                                   ■
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