Page 44 - Studio International - November 1965
P. 44
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Zao-Wou-Ki (born 1921 in Peking), whose work best known abstract painters of today, exhibits a two
I have always much admired. exhibits a huge and dimensional black and white composition. Strange, to
impressive canvas in abstract form. say the least. is the ·canvas· by Horia Damian (born
The well-known American abstract painter, Paul 1922 in Bucharest). This is simply a series of quad
Jenkins (born 1923 in Kansas City), shows another of rangular gold reliefs stuck on to a black background,
his very decorative two-dimensional paintings, which much reminiscent of the highly inventive work of Yves
he calls Phenomena Grev Unfurled. Klein, who was the founder of the New Realist group
Alexandre lstrati (born 1915 in Rumania), whom I of artists.
have known personally over the years, and whose I was astonished to see that Kumi Sugai (born 1919
brilliant abstract compositions I have always admired, in Japan) has so completely changed his form of art
has now completely changed his style of painting; he expression. From abstraction, he has now gone back
has gone back to pure black and white. His work to what I would describe as a rather banal form of
remains poetic in its expression. which may explain decorative painting, entitled Eclipse du Soleil.
the strange title he gives to his canvas: Corymbe. La Pluie, by Sayed Haider Raza (born 1922 in India),
From lstrati's black and white composition. we next is a curious form of expressing 'Rain', yet it does have
come up against a startling, highly chromatic painting an undeniable plastic quality of painting. Another
by Claude Bellegarde (born in 1927 in Paris), which is abstract painter whose work I must admit I have long
indicated in the catalogue as being a 'Psychograme admired, is Pierre Dmitrienko (born 1925 in Paris). He
d'un Musicien de Jazz'! still retains the subtle chromatic combination of red
Pierre Alechinsky (born 1927 in Brussels), one of the and grey, as in the canvas he here exhibits, entitled-
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Karl Godeg Antonio Segui
Er! Kon,g 1964 Double Portrait of Professor B 1 964
130 x 94 cm. 195 x 130 cm.
Gallery Suzanne de Coninck Galerie Jeanne Bucher
2 Alain Hieronimus
Kandinsky 1866-1944 Hammes d Armes
M,ssdes 1927 Tapestry
Gallery Suzanne de Coninck Galene V1scont1