Page 48 - Studio International - November 1965
P. 48

Emilio  Pettoruti

                                By  Frank  Elgar

                               The retrospective exhibition of  Emilio  Pettoruti's works  Art of  La  Plata as an  example;  its director since 1930
                               held  at  the  Galerie  Charpentier.  in  Paris.  in  January  was  Pettoruti.  He was soon after invited by the  Com­
                               and February of this year.  under the title of  'Fifty years  mittee  for  lnteramerican  Artistic  and  Intellectual
                               of  painting·.  was  without  any  doubt one  of the  most   Relations to visit the United States for an eight months'
                               notable  post-war  artistic  events.  Of  course.  the  great  trip  and  to  study  the  organisation  of  the  principal
                                Argentinian  artist  is  not  unknown  in  Paris.  where  he  museums of the Union. At about the same time. he had
                               has  lived  since  1953.  nor  had  his  canvases  passed  received  another  invitation.  this  one  from  the  San
                                unnoticed  when  he  had  consented.  not  without  Francisco  Museum  of  Art,  which  wanted  to  exhibit
                               reticence.  to  expose  a  few  of  them.  It  is.  however.  groups of  his  works in  San  Francisco and  in  the  big
                                North  America  which.  first  after  his  mother-land.  cities of the United States.
                                recognised  his  worth  not  only  as  painter  and  as   Pettoruti  was  to  stay  there  from  September  1 942  to
                                educator but as an initiator of modern art.       June  1943.  His  first  exhibition  took  place  in  San
                                 In  fact.  in  1941.  a  commission  of  North-American  Francisco Museum. It was then successively transferred
        Young  Har/equ,n  1926   specialists. who had come to visit the various museums  to  New  York.  Saint-Louis.  Kansas  City.  Cincinnati.
       Oil  on  Wood
       33  X  30  in.           of Latin America held up, in its report. the  Museum of   Chicago,  Cleveland.  Detroit.  Columbus.  Toledo.  Port-

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