Page 3 - Studio International - October 1965
P. 3

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                                                         culture in tbe

                                             round in tbe land of tbe Dragon.

                                         Music, ancient and modern. Paintings,

                                        present and futuristic. Books. Pla�s. Lec­

                                     tures. Bus-loads of enthusiasm nigbtl� from
                                 miles around. Born 1948 & growing stronger eve�

                               �ear. Deserved{'). G�{ gerdd a cbe{f Abertawe. et, et,

                                BP FESTIVALS SERIES  No. 24.  Bra11g11•911 Hall Co11certo. Wee/{ co111111e11ci11g
                                October  rrtb. Lo110011 S9111pbo11,1J Orc&eotra. Thee cboiro Feotiva( cboruo.
                                 Co11011ctoro: coli11  Davia Dr. Melville Cooh, cbriotopber Robi110011 1
                                   Iotva11 Kerteo. so/oiota:  Job11 O oo11 Ericb Gruenber ,  Hepbzibab
                                    Me11ubi11 Heatber Harper, Ke1111etb  Boi v e11 Tbomao He111o/e9.
                                      Brocbureo fro111 1ot Aug1wt:  Boohi11g office, s,va,wea Corporatio11 1
                                       GuilobaU, S11 1 a1wea. ·  ·  ·  Geraloi11e Kni bt (ex R.A. scbool­
                                         Prix oe  Ro111e-1101v a teacber) pni11teo tbe picture.
                                         BP FOR THE CAR� AND UFE
                                                 IN YOUR           :  •     IN \'OUR
                                                        UFE                 CAR
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