Page 37 - Studio International - August 1966
P. 37
Young Moscow kineticists Only the two youngest, Akulinin and Galkin, began
directly with kinetic drawings. In these and in their
The group of Soviet artists led by Lev Nusberg first paintings the basic aesthetic element of shape is sym-
attracted attention when it held an exhibition in Moscow metry as an expression of the inner freedom of geometri-
in 1964. Several commissions resulted, among the most cal abstraction, while the main feature of their aesthetic
important being the entrance hall decoration of effect is moving nearer and nearer to real movement.
Kom-somolskaja Pravda editorial office and the setting up of A third aspect is the trend towards an all-embracing
kinetic objects in a coffee-bar on Gorki Street. kinetic 'vision'. It is worth noting how consistently
In 1965 a large exhibition, part of which was devoted `humane' is Nusberg's concept of these visions. They are
to kinetic works, was held in Leningrad, and in the not to be limited by an intellectual approach but are
same year drawings by members of the group were to count with a wide public; they are not to sing the
shown in Prague. On this latter occasion reference was praises of technocracy nor to use effects that might shock
made to certain connexions with Opart. Nusberg's people; they are to be primarily emotive in character,
work, however, has developed organically from the arti- appealing to all the senses, and in the final phase of
ficially-interrupted experimental work of Russian and perception are to lead to a state of mental harmony and
Soviet constructivists. These artists are also trying to balance. Even the fragmentary exhibition in Prague
learn from kineticists throughout the world, and from indicated the artistic potential of the Moscow kineticists
their perfected and highly-refined techniques. It must be and the possible application of their work to architec-
emphasized that they did not take over any finished ture, scenography, films, etc.
formulae, but approached modern artistic thinking by Dusan Konecny
apparently outdated and rather ineffectual ways. (Nus-
berg, for instance, studied Minis and Klee intensively.)
Vladimir Akulinin Kinetic object 1964
14 1/8 x 10 1/4 in.
A page from the Nouvelle Tendance 3 catalogue illustrating works
exhibited by the Russian group 'Movement' at Zagreb