Page 64 - Studio International - April 1967
P. 64

on all your houses'—is sustained in the details of   and the Far East. The East is expressed not only   thinker in some lights, and his a priori decision to
        Fahlström's work.                        in specific notations such as  Communist and anti-  break pictorial conventions such as composition,
         In his sketches, by far the most impressive work   Communist Indonesian fingers etc.,  but in Fahlström's   highlighting, climax and so on, works against him.
        in the show, there are hints of the surrealist esprit.   adaptation of the Japanese woodcut line for his   His confusion, candidly stated in one of his mani-
        One could imagine Fahlström studiously applying   caricatures. There are even quotations from   festoes, is typical of the confusion of many younger
        himself to the Petite Larousse in quest of associations,   Japanese prints. The whole racist problem is   artists attempting to follow the same principle. As
        or, as he would prefer, `bisociations'.   covered not only in terms of the war in Vietnam,   he says, 'I deplore my incapacity to find out what
         Catching up a host of contemporary fads, Fahl-  which Fahlström obviously loathes, but also in his   is going on.  To find out what life, the world, is
        ström succeeds in presenting them with enough   allusions to American negroes.     about, in the confusion of propaganda, communi-
         idiosyncrasy to make them interesting. For in-  Everywhere there are rats—the only form of wild-  cations, language, times, etc.' A big etcetera....
        stance, the current preoccupation with early   life, we are told by Vietnamese wildlife conserva-
         comic strips emerges in several of his teeming   tors, that has survived the holocaust there. Fahl-  At the opposite pole is the new work of George
         drawings based on Krazy Kat. Grade B movies   ström's rats are usually presented serially, and move   Mueller at the  WADDELL GALLERY.  Eclecticism
         and television  schmaltz  also come in for oblique   from incident to incident unaltered. Although he   and impurity are alien to Mueller's temperament.
         criticism in his serialized sagas such as Eddie in the   fights the notion of symbolism, he avails himself   That was apparent even in his earlier work where
         Desert.  Eddie's adventures (and either Eddie or   of symbols at a rudimentary level as the con-  porches, houses, rooms and even landscapes were
         one of his friends looks suspiciously like Mao Tse-  tinuity factor in his work. For this reason, the   subjected to severe rationalizations in terms of
         tung) are linked with those of Ian Fleming, which   compact sketches, with the intimate record of a   perspective and colour. His stringent geometricity
         in turn are linked with Fahlström's favourite   brilliant imagination, seem more compelling to   made of these representational paintings intricate
         theme, the Cold War.                     me than the large experiments with segmented   and intelligent commentaries on the art of con-
         To some degree the monstrous daily news has   imagery, or the enviromental monster show   trolled illusion.
         altered Fahlström's work. There seems to be a   occupying one room of the gallery with its cut-  In the new paintings, Mueller's discipline has
         more insistent reference to identifiable situations:   outs and hanging elements.   led him to undertake a different but related experi-
        white phosphorous, weapons, torture instruments,   Fahlström appears to be a rather dogmatic   ment in illusionism. He shows mainly horizontal
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