Page 38 - Studio International - December 1967
P. 38

Käthe Kollwitz

                              Frank Whitford

      1867 8 July, Kathe Kollwitz   It is of course not difficult to find artists of standing who  pay. In Berlin they did not live in a fashionable district,
      born in Konigsberg (East   had nothing to do with the National Socialists: virtually  but among the workers, and they both took a personal
      Prussia); 1885-6, studies in   every artist with claims to consequence was declared  interest in his patients. It was 'particularly through my
      Berlin; 1888-9, studies in
      Munich; 1891, marries Dr   `decadent' and forbidden to exhibit. But the number of  husband that I got to know the darker side, the tragedy
      Karl Kollwitz and moves to   artists found wanting by the Nazis and who also worked  of the proletarian way of life. I became acquainted with
      Berlin; 1895-8, The Weavers   in a Realist idiom are few and far between; moreover, it  women patients of my husband who would also pay me
      (etching series); 1902-8, The   is often precisely those artists branded by the Nazis who  visits at the same time . . . unsolved problems like
      Peasants' Revolt (etching   exhibit tendencies distant from the classic Marxist-  prostitution and unemployment disturbed, tortured me
      series); 1904, trip to Paris;
      1907, trip to Italy; 1914, son   Leninist line.                            and it was one of the reasons why, as an artist, I felt
      Peter falls at the front; 1923,   Kathe Kollwitz is different. Condemned by the Nazis,  drawn to treating the working class . . . as Zola once
      The War (woodcut series);   she was responsible for a body of work which exalted the  said: "le beau c'est le laid".'
      1927, extended travels in
                              Humble, the Meek and the Working Class without being   The use of the word 'proletarian' is significant, as is
      Russia; 1933, asked to resign
                              drab, sentimental, falsely monumental, or exhibiting any  the reference to Zola. That any sensitive person should
      from the Academy of Art;
      1934-5, Concerning Death   of those other qualities normally associated with Socia-  have been tortured and disturbed is no wonder; they
      (lithographic series); 1940,   list Realism. She was pro-Soviet, anti-Nazi, and an ideal  were disturbing times, and Kollwitz suffered more at the
      Karl Kollwitz dies; 1942,   wife and mother. And the hundredth anniversary of her  hand of political events than most. In the First War she
      grandson Peter falls in the   birth was celebrated more conspicuously in East than  lost a son, in the Second, a grandson. In Berlin she saw
      war; 1943, evacuated to   West Germany.                                    the collapse of the Monarchy, the violence of the
      Nordhausen; 1943, Berlin
      appartment destroyed by   For someone of her education and upbringing Kollwitz  November Revolution, lost everything she had in the
      bombing; 1944, moves to   was unusually in touch with the problems and conditions  Deflation, watched the Weimar Republic decline.
      Moritzburg; 1945 April 22,   of the poor and the socially inferior. Both her father,  Political assassination, street fighting, were daily occur-
      dies in Moritzburg.
                              brother and husband had leftward leanings, and her  rences until the Nazis assumed power, and then the
                              husband, who was a doctor, put his beliefs into practice  solutions they found were not only personally repugnant
                              by taking many more poor patients than those who could   but brought an art policy which branded her.
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