Page 49 - Studio International - December 1967
P. 49
that his wit was exasperating me. 'I'm not giving he were mad at his mother.'
my opinions. Nietzche said those things. I'm saying `What do you think of interviews?'
absolutes.' `I don't think I'll be giving any more interviews for
`But I'm interviewing you, not Nietzche.' He sat back a mass media. To give an example—I criticized painters
bit astonished. who were painting each blade of grass. The man from —
`I wouldn't trust my opinions.' Magazine quoted me as being against grass on the street!'
`What do you mean semantically when you use the
word living, in a quote. "Art has nothing to do with Seeing a room full of Ad Reinhardt's paintings was an
living" ? To me the word "living" means being alive.' impressive experience. One did not have to like or
`By "living", I mean pursuit of happiness, living it up, comprehend his work in order to receive an impact.
parties and things.... People see what they want to see What is this reaction? What words describe this impact,
in my paintings. De Kooning is the last person one would this action, this impressive experience?
ask about women and yet everyone saw opinions of Mr. Reinhardt was very adamant about two issues. Art
women in his paintings. I'm not against drinking, or is an absolute, completely independent of man. Living
living it up; I have a family and everything. But I'm does not contribute to the painting of a Fine Artist.
just saying that these things have nothing to do with He wanted his paintings to speak for themselves and
art.' refrained from 'programming.' He said what they are
`What do you think of art critics who are not themselves not. 'People see what they want to see in my paintings.'
artists ?' His studio was unpretentious, stark and utilitarian. None
`Most of my criticisms are against artists.' of his paintings faced the visitor. He seemed to prefer near
`If you could have your own school, what standards darkness when the natural light fades. His manner was
View of part of the
would you have ?' quiet, reserved, guarded, calm, patient and unpreten-
Ad Reinhardt retrospective
`Traditional academic painting. You can't teach tious. Entering his studio one saw darkness and an ap-
held at the Jewish Museum,
Surrealism, or Action painting. You can't conduct life parent emptiness. The more one sat and looked, the more
New York, November 1966-
January 1967 on a canvas. It's baloney that De Kooning painted as if the emptiness became a fullness. q