Page 68 - Studio International - July/August 1967
P. 68

capital, and Frankfurt is where the money and
       BERLIN                                   shares gather and change hands. The scene in   and paints in his villa in Zehlendrof. The col-
                                                                                         lagists Hannah Hoech and John Heartfield are
       commentary by                            painting and sculpture is brightest and best in a   here too, although Heartfield lives on the Fried-
                                                few larger and smaller towns on the Rhine. Berlin,   richstrasse in the East and is relatively inaccessible,
       Frank Whitford
                                                with its heart beyond the Brandenburg Gate and   even if he can occasionally come out to help
                                                the Marx-Engels-Platz, is, in spite of its shrill   organize exhibitions of his own work, as at JULE
                                                protestations to the contrary, less of a  Weltstadt   HAMMER'S THEATRE AND GALLERY in  the Europa
                                                than it was before 1871, a city of subsidized  Centre earlier this year.
                                                industry, of dogs and of old-age pensioners who   The fact remains that in spite of the activities of
                                                make up a population no bigger than that of Kiel,   the official organizations who stage exhibitions in
                                                the largest city in Schleswig-Holstein.   the  GALERIE DES ZWANZIGSTEN JAHRHUNDERTS  or
                                                 The local demands that Berlin should still be   the  AKADEMIE DER KUNSTE  or elsewhere, the real
                                                regarded as a great city on a European scale   measure of what is going on is only given by the
       `Goodbye to the great grey city' —       reach almost neurotic proportions. Letters to the   work of younger artists here, and by the way the
       how Berlin maintains the appearance      Editor, articles in the newspapers, conversations   private galleries represent them. True that, at the
       of a cultural centre                     in the bars all pose the same question : Berlin,   moment, a major Calder exhibition can be seen
                                                Weltstadt, or the forgotten left-over of the cold war ?   in the city, but there is nothing of any importance
                                                The attempts of the city's own Senate, and of its   in the private galleries. 'What we need', said an
       Once upon a time Einstein used to play regularly   interested relatives in Bonn, to stimulate cultural   artist here recently, 'is a new Herwarth Walden,
       with the model railway in Professor Kirchberger's   activity, are as ingenious as they are expensive.   with a programme as definite as Walden's', and
       villa overlooking the Nikolassee in the south-west   More money is poured into official programmes  certainly like Walden's Sturm Gallery, his magazine
       of Berlin. On any day in the 'twenties you could   than anywhere else in Europe; for freedom, if it is   and his policy of organizing not only local but
       see the movie directors Lubitsch and Wilder, the   not only to be but also to be seen to be, is character-  touring exhibitions would transform the scene
       painters Slevogt, Pechstein, Dix and Bert Brecht   ized by a high level of cultural activity. Here the   here overnight. But Walden, for all his organizing
       and Kurt Weill drinking in the Romanisches  existence of an  avant-garde  would be regarded as  genius, also had artists like Kokoschka under his
       Cafe. The Cafe is now rebuilt and refuses to admit   proof that democracy works. It must however be   wing and could roam the length and breadth of
       anyone who isn't wearing a tie. In spite of the  admitted that the official programme is superb.   Europe in search of talent.
       night-clubs and bars which cater for those with   The Film Festival has bigger claim to serious   All gallery owners here, whether or not they agree
       specialized tastes, in spite of the fact that bars can   consideration than Cannes and the Festwochen, an   about the lack of the city's status as a cultural
       stay open as long as they want and that male  annual high-pressure month of orchestras, theatre   centre, admit that it is extremely difficult to run at
       dancing is officially allowed, the great days of  and art exhibitions, has no equal this side of the   a profit. There are very few collectors and the number
       Berlin are over. The great grey city is now not   Atlantic.                       of sales scarcely makes the operation worthwhile.
       what it was; George Grosz would neither re-  But how real, how thorough-going is the cultural   There is in this little of the gallery owner's usual
       cognize it today, nor would he live here with   atmosphere in this Magic Mountain of a city,   reticence to talk about profits. The number of
       pleasure.                                where a few minutes away from the cake- and   galleries which deal more or less exclusively in
        Berlin was in any case never a capital like Paris  cream-eating women in the Cafe Kranzler, lies  contemporary art is very small and those which do
       or London. It was synthetically created as the   the Potsdamer Platz, once the noisiest and   good business are those which specialize in Expres-
       capital not only of Prussia but of the German   busiest point East of Paris but now silent, fright-  sionist masters, or those which deal in books and
       Reich and then rebuilt in the grand manner in   ening and unreal behind yards of barbed wire,   antiques as well and then sell by auction.
       the hope that it might rival anything the French   where the only movement comes from the border-  Those galleries which do exist for the promotion
       had to offer. It did, however, become a capital  guards in watchtowers, from rabbits and from the   of contemporary art usually organize other activi-
       eventually, did in fact attract talent, ideas and   rats which infest the burned-out ruins on both   ties on the premises. Here, as elsewhere on the
       money, even though the stubbornly regional  sides of the steel and concrete wall ?   continent, no opening is complete without a jazz-
       centres which had always characterized the   True, that, according to Kenneth Tynan, the   band, pop-group or poetry reading, but Jule
       patchwork-quilt of states within the empire  continent's best theatre is here in Berlin, but it is   Hammer also organizes avant-garde intimate theatre,
       continued to refuse to offer up all their inde-  in the East on the Schiffbauerdamm. True, that   discussions and film shows which enliven his pro-
       pendence to a single city. Between 1900 and 1930   two of Germany's best writers, Günter Grass and   gramme and give artists a chance to come
       more went on here in all fields than almost any-  Uwe Johnson, packed their bags and moved here,   together and talk. There is a bar in his gallery
       where else in Europe. In science Planck, and   but in Grass's case at least, Berlin was the ideal   where you can also eat and the atmosphere is
       Einstein fomulated their revolutionary theories;  location for him to sharpen his political sensibili-  informal, a strong contrast with the rest of the
       in film, the camera was given its first real mobility   ties. And according to one critic at least what he is   Europa Centre which, with its impressively
       and movies became a seriously regarded art form   creating in the city 'is no new literary centre but a   modern, opulent, soulless atmosphere, makes it a
       for the first time. In painting, Expressionism,  new Worpswede'. In any case writers, unlike   rich-man's version of London's Elephant and Castle
       Dada, the 'New Objectivity', followed one another   painters, have less trouble communicating their   Shopping Centre. Hammer's exhibitions of local
       in quick succession, and the Bauhaus, having been   ideas and bringing their work to the notice of the   artists are less than spectacular, but when he takes
       hounded out of Weimar and then Dessau, found   public. Putting a manuscript in an envelope and   on something more ambitious, most often with
       its last brief home here. It was also in Berlin that   posting it is a good deal easier than loading up a   official help, he can put on shows of lasting impor-
       Max Reinhardt created the modern theatre. The   van with paintings and then ferrying it through   tance, like the Heartfield exhibition or an impres-
       brief interlude at Weimar did nothing to shift   control-points and queues to some city in West  sive group of Moholy-Nagy's photographs.
       the cultural emphasis from Berlin: it remained   Germany anything up to ten hours' drive away.   Ben Wargin, who at the moment is acting the
       the only city in Germany where artists, writers   In spite of generous subsidies for artists few feel   role of Berlin's Burgerschreck  with an exhibition of
       and actors could come if they wished absolutely to   inclined to take them up. The poetess, Ingeborg   phalluses and other explicitly sexual objects and
       demonstrate their genius to the world at large.   Bachmann, who came here subsidized by the Ford   paintings, sat in the small garden in front of his
        Now the political situation has forced on Berlin a   Foundation, described it as 'subsidized agony' and   bullet-scarred GALLERYS, surrounded by his tortoi-
       role more provincial than that of any of its proudly   none of those who come on short term grants feel in-  ses and sculpture, and outlined exactly why in his
       particularist neighbours across the air-corridor and   clined to stay. A few of the old generation still live   view Berlin's artistic history since the war makes
       autobahn in the Federal Republic. Bonn is now   here, however. Schmidt-Rottluff, the member of  such dismal reading. He blames it on unenlightened
       the political centre, Hamburg the Press and TV   the  Brücke,  which came to Berlin in 1911, lives   officials, an older generation grown senile, a
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