Page 69 - Studio International - July/August 1967
P. 69

John Heartfield at the exhibition of his work held this year at Jule Hammer's Theatre and Gallery

           middle generation either ruined by thirteen years   in the Tiergarten suggest. Before the  Kunstverein   are long since past. In West Berlin, though the will
           of thought-stultifying Nazi rule or else grown   took on the job of organizing big exhibitions he   is there, the lack of a hinterland and the inadequate
           prematurely grey, and a younger generation which   staged, with official support, several shows of  communications have made it difficult for
           cannot emerge because it simply hasn't got the   importance, among them a Lovis Corinth retro-  change. The situation is partly summed up by
           opportunity. Most of the private galleries aren't   spective and an impressive exhibition on the theme   Kreuzberg, the suburb where a sort of anarchist-
           interested in the work of younger artists and the   `Art Dictatorship Yesterday and Today'. Cynically   bohemia has been self-consciously fostered in recent
           public organizations 'spend fortunes on great works   he says that the money for this exhibition was only   years, and where LSD is taken and hashish is
           of art which, in a few years, will simply be presents   forthcoming when he suggested drawing parallels  smoked in the hope that Kreuzberg will awake one
           for Walter Ulbricht anyway'. Wargin himself publi  between Nazi and East German art policies but,   morning to find itself in Montmartre. Graphic
           shes a monthly gallery guide, a single sheet with   with a smile, added that he also wanted, less   artist Uwe Bremer, who came here from Hamburg,
           polemical articles and statements on the back in   blatantly, to suggest that the political and careerist   says that 'to live in Berlin raises the level of the
           the hope that something like vital discussion will   interests in the West Berlin cultural set-up would   senses almost like LSD. You see more, smell more
           once again find a place here in Berlin. He thinks it   also end in a kind of dictatorship.   and live more intensely than in the supermarket
           astounding that the city was completely without a   Ben Wargin, in an attempt to get some kind of  sanitorium of the Western part of Germany'. Per-
           gallery guide of any sort until he dreamed up his   discussion moving, recently published an article in   haps the unique and unnatural stimulae that this
           own, and even now not all galleries are prepared to   his newspaper-cum-gallery-guide about Berlin's role   ghetto-city is now giving the younger generation
           co-operate with him. 'In Prague they do things   as an artistic centre and then wrote round to critics   of artists will eventually express itself in an exciting
           much better, and their fortnightly art newspaper   and gallery owners throughout Germany for replies.   way on the walls of the private galleries here. At
           is far better than anything we could ever hope for   Rudolf Zwirner, a Cologne gallery-owner, wrote   the moment there is no sign of it. More likely that
           here, and  this  is reckoned to be the bastion of   back: 'I am not able to reply because for years now   Berlin in the end will simply exist on its few weeks
           Western culture.' Ben Wargin claims that he only   I have been unable to find any evidence of artistic   of festivals and then, like Bournemouth and
           stays in Berlin because he wants to do something   life in Berlin.'                Worthing, will retain its pensioners at the end of
           for the life of the city to which he too came as an   On the other side of the wall, Socialist Realism   the season and stand by and watch as the musicians,
           emigrant after the war like so many others. He has   rules more absolutely than elsewhere and the days   actors and artists pack their bags, say goodbye to
           in fact played a much bigger role in the city's art   when you could see an exhibition of Schwitters in   Berlin and go home.
           scene than his basement premises in an old house   a private gallery in East Germany (as late as 1949)
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