Page 62 - Studio International - June 1968
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Outside London                           12 Belle. Jake and Meg on a horse. oil on hardboard.   15 Valley of the Dordogne /// 1964. oil on hardboard.
      10  Portrait  of  a  boy,  watercolour.  18  x  13¼  in ..  by   17 ¾  x  14 in ..  by  Margaret Baird in a show of naive   60  x  36 in ..  by Anthony Green at Bear  Lane Gallery.
      Emil Nolde in a show of works from the collection of   paintings  in  the  Grundy  House  Museum.  456   6  Bear  Lane.  Oxford  from June  8  to  29. The  show.
      Dr  Henry  Roland  at  the  Fitzwilliam  Museum.  Cam­  Lytham  Road.  Blackpool.  until  June  21. Works   'From Kitaj to Caulfield'. covers non-abstract artists in
      bridge until June 9. Emile Nolde. born in 1867 was a   included  are  by  G.  Cooper.  Nikifor  and  Scottie   Britain. including Donaldson. Blake.  Hamilton.  Jones
      German  Expressionist  painter.  He  was  a member  of   Wilson.  (Price range:  £20-£75)   and  Self.  Anthony  Green  had  a  one-man  show  at
      the 'Brucke' movement in 1906-7 and later travelled   13 View of  Fellows· studio at  Nottingham  University   Muller  in  Stuttgart  in  March.  1968.  He  was born in
      through Russia. Japan. China. and Polynesia. As well   with works by Peter Lewis. who holds a fellowship in   London in 1939 and studied at the Slade until he won
      as  painting.  Nolde  worked  in  etching.  lithography   Fine  Art.  In  May  there  was  a  retrospective  of  this   the French Government Scholarship in 1960. He then
      and  woodcut.  He  died  in  1956.  On  view  are  38   artist's work over the past three  years.  at Nottingham   lived in Paris.  He has taken part in many group shows
      drawings and watercolours.  including  Henry  Moore.   University  Gallery.  Lewis  says  of  his  recent  works:   including  the  Young  Contemporaries in 1956.  1958
      Picasso.  Klee.  Macke.  Feininger.  Manessier.  Herman   'Whilst at the Royal College of Art.  I became involved   and  1959;  Grabowski;  'Figuration  Narratif'  at
      and  Permeke.                            in making a folding screen  .  .  .  the spectator could   Galerie  Creuze.  Paris.  He  has  held  four  one-man
      11  Reflection  1967.  oil  on  canvas.  60  x  48  in ..  by   wander among the screens as one would a sculpture   shows in between 1962 and 1967 at Rowan. London.
      Gordon  Bryce  is  a  one-man  show  at  Absalom.  1   or a forest or a series of  buildings . .   .'   and one at  Nordness.  New York. (Price range: £20
      Princes Buildings. Bath until June 22. This artist has   14 Orbiting forms 1967, heat-molded perspex. 14 in.   £500)
      exhibited  widely  in  Scotland.  won  several  awards   high,  by  Leslie  Summers  at  Gordon  Maynard.  22
      including the Pernod  Scottish Art  Prize 1967.  and is   Parkway,  Welwyn  Gardens  City  from  June 12  until
      represented in the Scottish National  Gallery of  Mod­  July  3.  Leslie  Summers  born  in  1919.  studied  at
      ern Art. This is his first one-man show in  England.   Dulwich  College and  London  University. Also show­
                                               ing are  Michael  Evans and  Mary  Hoad.






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