Page 63 - Studio International - June 1968
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France Switzerland Theresia van der Pant has exhibited in the Nether-
16 Drawing 1960, 19+ x 12+ in., by Giacometti at 18 Nature morte en gris 1923, oil and sand on canvas, lands, Italy and England. There are ten other artists
Claude Bernard, 5 Rue des Beaux Arts, Paris 6 10½ x 25½ in., by Georges Braque at Beyeler, showing.
through June and July. Baumleingasse 9, Basle, through June, July and
17 Discordant winds 1968, tempera on paper, August. Born in 1882, Braque learned to paint in a Austria
43 x 31 in., by Mark Tobey at Jeanne Bucher, 53 rue decorator's business and later studied at the Ecole des 21 Substant 89 1967, oil on canvas and wood,
de Seine, Paris through June. The show contains Beaux-Arts in Le Havre and Paris. He took part in the 47 x 67 in., by Paul Rotterdam at Griechenbeisl,
sixteen paintings by Tobey, including the enormous Fauve movement and joined with Picasso in develop- Fleischmarkt 11, Vienna, until June 22. Austrian-
Sagittarious red owned by the Kunstmuseum of ing Cubism. He died in 1963. born Paul Rotterdam has lived in Vienna since he
Basle and Unknown journey, a recent acquisition of 19 Espansione 1967, multiple on canvas in 10 copies, went there to study at the Academy of Arts in 1959.
the National Centre of Contemporary Art from Paris. 32 x 32 in., by Eugenio Carmi at Suzanne Bollag,
Mark Tobey was born in Centreville, Wisconsin in Limmatquai 116, Zurich from June 14 until July 16. Sweden
1890, and originally worked as a commercial artist Carmi, born in Genoa in 1920, has held many one- 22 Print from the first international exhibition of
until he taught at Dartington Hall School in England. man shows in Italy, Germany, Yugoslavia and Switzer- erotic art at the Museum of Art, Lund until July 31,
In 1934 he travelled in Japan and China, and was land. He was represented at the Venice Biennales in when the show will go to America. The show covers
much influenced by Chinese calligraphy. From 1935 1964 and 1966 and in various group shows in erotic art from the Orient and Occident: hand-
he painted abstract pictures in what is called 'white Europe and U.S.A. (Prices: each Sw. Frs. 800) painted Japanese and Chinese love-scenes from the
writing'. Since 1939 he has lived in Switzerland. A 17th and 18th centuries; 'pillow' books from Japan
show of his work is at Hanover, London, until June 9. Holland by Utamaro, Hokusai and Moronobu ; and work from
20 Buffel, bronze, 10 x 18 in., by Theresia van der modern artists such as Chagall, Copley, Bellmer,
Pant at Ina Broerse, Niewe Spiegelstraat 57, Dali and Appel. The show is organized by Drs Phyllis
Amsterdam until June 12. Born in Schiedam in 1924, and Eberhard Kronhausen.