Page 67 - Studio International - June 1968
P. 67

Facing page, top left, César (left) and Pierre
             Restany; top right and centre, the polyurethane is
             poured and sets; this page, below and right, the
             sculpture is triumphantly cut and, in some cases,
             signed ; bottom right, end of the party.

             communications system. We  expect from our   departure from his former work. In fact, it was an   reacts, basically and organically, as a sculptor. The
             Second Industrial Revolution the birth of a new   illustration of his new feeling, the discovery of a  Compressions  are the result of the sculptor's ever-
             poetic language, a key for a modern pursuit of   modern sense of nature. Cesar's immediate reac-  lasting search for a more and more complete
             happiness. Cesar locates himself at the critical   tion towards his sociological and technological   masterhood of the junk iron material. The giant
             meeting-point between the technical raw material   environment led him to a definition of a quanti-  three-dimensional cast of the thumb expresses the
             and its possible articulation into a metamorphic   tative mechanical language of self-expression. In so   inner narcissism of the artist and his sensual im-
             language. This discovery has changed his life and   doing he was fundamentally acting as the first   pact. The recent  Expansions  illustrate Cesar's
             definitely re-oriented his career.       real primitive of our technical industrialized   fascination at the pure beauty of a simple techno-
              Cesar had a classical background, a classical   world. In 1965, he opened the second chapter of   logical form. The expanded instant sculptures are
             formation and a classical career. Till 1960 he was   his 'quantitative' language with the enlargement   the immediate product of a chemical reaction.
             considered as one of the most influential masters of   (in a giant two-metres-high size) of the cast of his   They could not have been designed or cast. They
             sculpture in metal. Everything started anew for   own thumb. Two years later, in 1967, experi-  correspond to their own organic achievement.
             him in 1960, when he exhibited at the Salon de   mental study of plastic castings led him to the dis-  They are beautiful just simply because  they are.
             Mai in Paris his Compressions,  three cubic-shaped,   covery of the expanding properties of a plastic   Such an event taking place at the Tate in 1968
             one-ton pieces of junk iron (compressed cars). This   resin, polyurethane.        may seem controversial; it is, like a cry of hope,
             `scandalous' gesture was regarded as a polemic    Cesar, magician of modern technology, still   the opening of a new way into a pioneer's world.
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