Page 76 - Studio International - September 1968
P. 76

CAS Occasional Papers                               Those students of design who are no longer prepared to
      Paper 2  Flow charts, logical trees and algorithms for rules   tolerate being buffeted by the philosophical bladders of
      and regulations                                     the Coldstream-McLuhan twins will wish to look be-
      B N Lewis, I S Horabin and C P Gane                 yond the mirror-lined walls of the palace of art for some
      HMSO 4s Od net                                      help in Operation Bootstrap. For them, CAS papers 2
      Paper 6 The elementary ideas of game theory         and 6 are worth an incinerator full of those glossy
      Maurice Preston and Alan Coddington                 picture books and other comic-cut characters at present
      HMSO 3s  6d net                                     sitting on exalted shelves.

                                                           Paper 2, Flow charts, logical trees and algorithms for rules
      These papers are about choices and instruments      and regulations, is about the design of some intellectual
      for making choices in the process of doing things by   tools and how they may be constructed to work effec-
      design.                                             tively. The authors are not typographers in the accepted
      The emergence of design as a unifying discipline in   sense of that word; their disciplines lie in psychology,
      many areas of higher education is well known and    cybernetics and management, and their concern in this
      a substantial theoretical foundation has been laid for   paper is with the frustration and confusion we all ex-
      the development of patterns of thinking which extend   perience when having to find the nub of complex pieces
      across the boundaries of specialist areas of knowledge.   of information which have been structured in the word-
      Already the concept of design science is being explored.   after-word, line-upon-line form of typographic prose.
      Discussing this at the 1965 Design Method Symposium   Their contention is, that by using the yes/no system
      S A Gregory stated : 'In general the development of the   of the mathematician's device known as an algorithm,
      classical sciences has lead to the fragmentation of   it is possible to design communication structures by
      human experience and potentiality, although accom-   means of which a wide range of mental and physical
      panied by a deepened knowledge. Today the need is for   tasks can be carried out with maximum efficiency and
      the development of sciences covering the key inter-  minimum effort. Apart from interest for the typogra-
      disciplinary themes, of which design is one'.        pher, whose delight is the organization of information
      In comparison with these developments 'design' in    in ways which make sense, the construction of algo-
      colleges of art presents a totally different picture. Here   rithms is a valuable means for developing analytical
      the dominance of the practice of art over the methods   powers and clear thinking about problems, and its place
      and aims of design has denied tutors the chance even to   in the preparation of material for machine computation
      begin to develop a theoretical foundation for their work.   is well known.

      Ever since 1836 when 'design' education was first    Paper 6,The elernentary ideas of game theory, deals with
      instituted by the state to provide the skills needed for   some basic concepts relating to the complex strategies
      decorating fancy goods to boost British exports at a   involved in decision-making. In this sense it may not be
      time of decline in trade with Europe, art schools have   of such immediate value to students as Paper 2, but,
      been cut off from the mainstream of scientific and   because doing things by design requires decisions to be
      technological development, and design activity has   weighed and made at every stage of the game, the paper
      been frozen at the primitive level of craft practice   can serve to show the place of more humble efforts in the
     focused principally on the appearance of objects. At   broader context of design as the business of managing
      this level design operations can mean little more than   affairs properly.
      pattern making.
      Furthermore, by riveting attention on the appearance   Both papers will serve to indicate that when those
     of things, art education has isolated itself from the rest   responsible for design education cease to be mesmerized
     of the world's interest in the nature of systems and the   by the look of things and become concerned with the
      relationship which exists between elements in systems.   need to make systems work, the relationship between
     This, more than any other single factor, is leaving art   language and mathematics will become clearer and the
      education buried in the debris of yesterday.        place of these disciplines within the structure of design
      Even now, when the inadequacies of the system are   education will gradually emerge. When this happens
     being revealed, the legacy of one hundred and thirty-  design activity in colleges of art and design will be able
     two years of mistaking the appearance for the essence   to reach out to workers in other fields and so begin to
      is confusing the issue.                             play a creative part in the development of a universal
     A major misconception which arises from this confusion   design philosophy.
     is contained in the criticism that art education does not fit
     students for work in industry.Whilst this criticism is
     true in a limited sense, it obscures the real problem
     in education which is not about acquiring specific
     skills but about how best to develop in individuals the
     attitudes and knowledge required in a period of radical
     change in the operations and aims of society itself.
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