Page 41 - Studio International - April 1969
P. 41

Several more                              from a letter of November 15, 1968 in reply to   like girls swarmed about a super-abundance of
                                                    Phil Leider in New York :
                                                                                              long steel rods with welding gear that might
                                                    ... When I can engender a sense of cause in   impress a David Smith. But was there an artist
          remarks . . .                             fun, I am free to write ...               behind even one of the girlishly wafted torches ?
                                                                                              Well, that appears to have become culturally
                                                    from a letter of December 16-17, 1968 in reply   irrelevant as welding may have to supplant
         Dan Flavin                                 to Carol Bobb in Willowdale, Ontario:     embroidery before accomplished marriage.
                                                    Besides so much international 'show biz', I   (What do I know about art education.)
                                                    have stopped writing for Artforum to conduct a   ...Best regards and best wishes for pleasant
                                                    personal campaign of vilification against those   holidays,
                                                    who wish to persist in the formal indoctrination   Dan F.
                                                    of young American students (not artists) in art   P.S. A Max Rafferty moral (as told to me in
                                                    historical media toward degree certification.   Santa Cruz) : Most of the California university
                                                    I began with verbal attack at an art education   presidents have emerged from locker rooms as
                                                    conference at Penn State on August 4, 1967   has Max. When addressing Art Ed. colleagues
                                                    and have spoken out again and again from uni-  as a Phys. Ed. Co. Man, Max advised that
                                                    versity to professional school to pester and to   within his area, athletes are avoided as em-
                                                    persuade. But from the outset, I have found   ployee prospects because they won't 'stay with
                                                    that the most significant official response is   the job' into tenure, won't become engrossed
                                                    usually one of curious accommodation and   with salary planning and work conditions,
                                                    concomitant dismissal. I have become their   etc. ; therefore, crafty Rafferty deduced that
                                                    professional 'bad mouth' to be invited but not   artists should not be hired either.
                                                    to be believed. My pragmatics are often said
                                                    to be Utopian ...
                                                                                              Most American artists whom I somewhat
                                                    Now, I can conclude that occasionally I am
                                                                                              understand and respect seem to reserve a sim-
                                                    able to confer with some of the youngsters but
                                                                                              ilar casual caustic scorn for almost all who ply
                                                    for better or worse or whatever most of the in-
                                                                                              art critical commerce. Literally, it is as though
                                                    telligent, contemporary, well-incomed stu-
                                                                                              that, from bothersome time to time, they, at
                                                    dents are more interested in their communal
                                                                                              the mention of critics' names and/or another
                                                    cliques for eating, for sexual exchange or
                                                                                              of their apparent poor corrective opinionative
                                                    `tripping' by drugs (often a substitute for in-
                                                                                              ploys, etc., are grudgingly compelled to ack-
                                                    trusive intercourse), or whatever mutual needs
                                                                                              nowledge the existence of some perpetual pre-
                                                    —seeming ways of living ease rather than com-
                                                                                              judicial nuisance for whom a relieving (perhaps
                                                    pulsive ways of art (which, however, are some-
                                                                                              informative) 'pesticide' ought to have been con-
                                                    times incorporated into the conglomerate
                                                                                              cocted by now. For myself, I would commend
                                                    rituals of protective living in often through
                                                                                              `disadvantaged' critics to self-validating re-
                                                    `dropping out' into them conspicuously or in-
                                                                                              training within the Federal Government's Job
                                                    conspicuously within the university hideout).
                                                                                              Corps or perhaps, when required, referral to
                                                    (Art forms of personal identification and dis-
                                                                                              Project Head Start to initiate some sort of
                                                    play such as filming and theatrical perfor-
                                                                                              viable personal education along with other
                                                    mance seem to be the most desirable means.)
                                                                                              immature beginners, for even critics should not
                                                    (With so-called liberal arts degree require-
                                                                                              be discriminated against becoming useful once
                                                    ments as manipulatable and unspecific as they
                                                    are, avoiding Vietnamese military service has
                                                    apparently become a convenient goal of so-
                                                    called art students still seemingly in continuous   from the would-be voluminous could-be en-
                                                    pursuit of the teaching permit by degree or   cyclopedia, 'Foibles of American Art Critics' :
                                                    degrees.) As you may have realized, I am   There is a seemingly scrupulously observed
                                                    writing almost exclusively about Californians,   practice among most self-identified culturally
                                                    so many of whom are definitely not hot after   custodial critics that, no matter how formal
                                                    Hayakawa's tam-o'-shanter...              and presumably ambitious the surveying con-
                                                    ... Despite fetishistic communication taboos   temporary art article (or even book) proposed
                                                    against so-called literate 'linear logic', so much   to be perpetrated, one ought not contact the
                                                    related verbalization still compounds on cam-  artist or artists whose efforts are about to be
                                                    pus. Frankly, I don't object to being vocal   discussed for possibly pertinent information.
                                                    rhythmically, expressively around associated   I know from personal experience that this
                                                    ideas, McLuhanantics unabused. I will 'Irish   ridiculous reserve is frequently maintained for
                                                    on' in a Gregorian chant-like manner person-  so-called monographs, too. So often, these
                                                    ally proposed past being dry in the mouth until   critics disregard much of their former scholarly
                                                    I know that I must shut up ...             training and later reportorial obligations to
                                                    Last week, I witnessed the relatively new slick   abide so ignorantly insistently consistent. It is
                                                    art department complex of Nazareth College,   almost as though they wish to have the man in
                                                    a Catholic girls' school. The entire procedure   question a premature corpse in order not to
                                                    appeared to be little more than another col-  have their idiosyncratic opinionizing disturbed
                                                    legiate child care center but ever so abundantly   and prejudiced by his residual self-determined
                                                    equipped in the customary formal art histor-  knowledge which may be but a telephone call
                                                    ical student indoctrinational style. The elfin-   away from potential revelation.
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