Page 42 - Studio International - April 1969
P. 42

The popularization of the dubious, facetious,   ification of a provocateur. He ought to be   The pleasantly colored corner installation for
      epithetical, proto-historically movemented art   persuaded to write it out much more often.) ...   a relatively barren looking room untitled (for
      critical stereotypes of 'minimal' art and artists   Barbara Rose as muse above the art political   want of a more accurate label) (to the `innovator'
      has become so nationally pervasive already   wars is as incredible an image as Lady Godiva   of Wheeling Peachblow) ...196<a1968  (with
      that one absurdly dilettanted mid-Western   riding through the countryside in Rudi   proper emphasis on the later year) is set in to
      woman has tried to advise me that an exposi-  Gernreich's homosexually transparent undies.   contrast with the lamp barred, 'cool white'
      tion of mine within The Museum of Contem-                                            lighted, emptied room, ineffectively labelled
      porary Art of Chicago would have been more   from recently researched information in-  again as untitled but purposefully dedicated
      appropriately 'minimal' if I had restrained my   cluded in a letter of November 16-17, 1968   (your substitute referral to Mr. Hopper's
      use of colour to one hue, yellow-instead of just   for Brydon E. Smith, Curator of Contem-  pleasant painted cosmic doorway at Yale, not-
      two.                                      porary Art, The National Gallery of Canada,   withstanding) : (to Dorothy and Roy Lichten-
                                                Ottawa. (On March 2, 1964 David Smith     stein on not seeing anyone in the room) (I
      Last year, the editor of a popular American   sent me a postal card acknowledging the re-  added Dorothy's name to the previously in-
      magazine about art as usual, principally (dis-  ceipt of an exposition announcement which   tended reference to Roy's former painting
      couragingly to me) directed to publishing crit-  concluded, 'Your concept is good. Regards,   when, on opening Saturday morning, I heard
      icism, advised me that the three finest minds   David S.' The following commentary is about   of the Lichtenstein wedding of the day before.)
      of contemporary art were critics Clement   circumstances before and after receiving the   The corner installation was intended to be
      Greenberg, Michael Fried and Sidney Tillim.   card.)                                 beautiful, to produce the color mix of a lovely
      Significantly, none of these preposterously   Whether or not Smith ever came to the Kay-  illusion to render the wall junction above the
      praised, presumptuous, self-appointed, self-  mar exposition is not known to me. His friendly   `fact' of the floor triangle less visible than in
      indulgent, self-inflicting appraisers and mod-  attitude may imply that he remembered me   usual lighting. I did not expect the change
      erators on art is known as an artist first.   from our considerable conversation while I   from the slightly blue daylight tint on red rose
                                                was once patrolling the Modern's 'Permanent   pink near the paired tubes to the light yellow
      Hyper-tense, super-serious (or is it supercilious   Collection'. We never again spoke so well. I   mid-way between tubes and the wall juncture
      -well, slight matter) artfully footnotable pious   surprised myself with Smith. I guess that I had   to yellow amber over the corner itself. When
      promo-proto-art historical polemicists such as   gained substantial personal confidence through   asked about the 'gold' light somewhat unfor-
      M. Fried or Friedberg or Greenbfried or ... oh,   what I had researched as my own art. Also,   tunately available beside the vertical lamps
      bother- as Groucho Marx used to sing, 'Show   I enjoyed having to relate (respectfully) and   because of the uneven plaster work of the walls,
      me a rose and I'll show you a girl named Sam'   yet, even to compete verbally with a plucky   I complained that that phenomena was ap-
      -have just about persuaded me that English   veteran peer as definitely was Mr. Smith.   proximately what the drip must have been for
      sculptor (a rare distinction when one muses   Nevertheless, somehow, as with Kline, I never   de Kooning- an unavoidable incident of media
      about the art history of Great Britain) A.   went to visit Smith in Bolton Landing as he   use...
      Caro is the very best Cubist still practising (at   had invited otherwise.
      that, a genuine feat in post-historic artistic                                      from a letter of November 29, 1968 to Phil
      superannuation). Well, I'm glad that's over   comment on a brief note of November 5, 1968   Leider in New York:...
      with-and would you, could you believe that   left for me in the Dwan Gallery in New York   I might have enjoyed unlikely and unnecessary
      I didn't have to invoke-quote Clement Green-  by Artforum Editor Phil Leider:       comparison with painted results such as those
      berg even once to suppose it.             Phil has 'confused' a dedication `(to Dorothy   of Rembrandt or Caravaggio or even De la
                                                and Roy Lichtenstein on not seeing anyone in   Tour but with the Oblitskyed (that of Jules
      from a postal card of February 15, 1969 in   the room)' with infrequent entitling. The ref-  Olitski) - that's utterly odious. There's no
      reply to Barbara Reise in London :        erence to 'the piece across the door' is mainly   `cosmic' cosmetic on my effort.
      Most opinions tell that critics fear my retali-  inaccurate as only a partial indication of des-  It is almost incredible, your affection-afflic-
     ations against their opinionating about my   cription because the apparent specific simple   tion-adaptation-affectation, posing the ana-
     efforts; therefore, they refuse to write. I don't   act of 'cool white' light particularizing the   chronistic opposition of supposed sacred and
     know. But I have never struck a critic-not   available room is not accounted for. Also,   profane contemporary artistic attitudes.
     even one of the arch bitches of New York or a   paradoxically, the 'appeal' of the so palpably
     member of Editor Leider's 'Hitler Youth'.   illuminated interior is physically denied by the   Now that I have relative reputation, affluence
      It is irksome to realize that now that I am about   barrier structure of the light-providing lamps   and influence, I am pleased to be able to
     to stop writing with any regularity, I have   themselves. And so forth.              perpetrate ambitious schemes which were for-
     finally gained a plain, precise, 'sounding'                                          merly prevented by lack of funds and insuffi-
     writing devoid of experience cheating meta-  from a discontinued letter of November 8, 1968   cient concern among other persons to help to
     phors and the like. Well, that's that for all that,   intended for Phil Leider in New York as infor-  facilitate them. This delighted reference is to
     said Robert Graves.                        mation for an article which he was preparing   modular projects pretending to contextual in-
                                                about a then current Dwan exposition of mine;   finity such as the bright artificial barrier of the
     from a letter of February 6, 1969 in reply to   I explained to Phil, 'Yesterday, I began to pre-  `greens crossing greens' installation accom-
     Barbara Reise in London :                  pare a detailed letter to you about the three   plished for Jean Leering's Stedelijk van
     By the way, I hope that within opinions of my   different attempts for the Dwan but Sonja (my   Abbemuseum in Eindhoven in September
     last letter, I did not persuade you that my art   wife) stopped me with the censure that what   1966, or the actual barrier of blue, red and
     is some sort of programmed pragmatism. Of   I would provide would be misunderstood as   blue fluorescent light completed last year for
     course, that would be logically absurd and/or   communication and generally unwelcome. As   Enno Develing's and John Weber's poorly pre-
     paradoxical. As Carl Andre gleefully and de-  I thought about her comment, I came to agree.'   judicially entitled 'Minimal Art' exhibition
     cisively expostulated at a recent trivial...   Subsequent misunderstandings proved Sonja   which was begun in the Gemeentemuseum of
     party, and unfortunately, I must poorly para-  to be correct :                       The Hague and is presently being continued
     phrase, how could Barbara Rose find such a   ...I am writing because I thought that you   through other European institutions, and the
     plainly practical American philosophy literally   might be concerned to have some specific in-  wall and floor cornering perimeters of ultra-
     applied to the production of such useless arti-  formation about the exposition 'cool white,   violet light set upon a large near square room
     ficial art? (Carl is such an authentic perverse-   etc.' for the proposed New York Times article ...   of the Alte Galerie during last summer's vast
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