Page 41 - Studio International - May 1969
P. 41

on  its  O\Nn,  it  didn't  really  need  me  any   volume  you  see  a  colour  belt,  moving  111   the  flares  I  make  all  the  acrylic  lenses.
          more.  Well,  then  I  decided  to  develop  the   opposition  inside  the  volume-which  seems   I  mean  this  is  something  that  could  not  be
          conic sculptures.  For at that moment the only   impossible.                        made  by  anybody  else.  In  the  Linear  light
          ones  I  had  made  were  the  solid  cork  cones   LINDSAY:  I would suggest that if you made the   cylinder  I  had  to  do  all the  winding because
          with  poems  in  Letraset  around  them,  and  I   cones  for  the  pier  at  Battersea,  then  they   the pattern on the cylinder could not be con­
         thought  how  beautiful they  would  be if they   would really have the right value.   trolled by anyone else. I have to be very care­
          were invisible and transparent and the words   LIJN:  Dimension  is very  important.  To  make   ful  not  to  compromise  once  the  work  is  out
          could float in space, and so I decided to make   a  sculpture  in  a  fantastic  proportion  would   of  my  hands and into the hands of  the tech­
          some  in  clear  perspex.  Then  I  thought  I   immediately enhance it, would create a much   nicians.  I have to be sure that the technician
          would make some highway cones, which I had   more extraordinary effect.             does not bend the material instead of cutting
         loved, and I saw them as signals, pointing the   LINDSAY:  You  recently  said  that  you  don't   it,  because it is easier,  or cheaper to do.
         right way in more than merely a sort of trans­  work with your hands,  that you like working   LINDSAY:  How did you get the result in your
          port problem.                             with your mind.                           Water  discs?  I  remember the enormous effect
         The conic shape was a voluminous and heavy   LIJN:  Well, I think that's a bit of exaggeration,   they had  on  me  the  first time I  saw  them.  I
         shape  and  yet  an  aerodynamic  shape-it's   but  I  don't  feel  that  I  am  necessarily  an   imagined that I would be able-if I looked at
         something that's going up towards space, like   artisan but perhaps more an inventor. I think   them  long  enough-I  would  become  part  of
         the  Egyptian pyramids that  eliminate  them­  I  can compare it to the difference between a   them and therefore be able to float in  space.
         selves  as  they  get  higher  and  finally become   research scientist and a  technician.  I  am not   "\,Vas that your intention?
         nothing. I think that a cone has to spin.  But I   terribly interested in making the object but I   LI J N:  I  think that my first intention-my first
         made my cones truncated at the top because   have to,  in order to see my invention.   vision-was  basically  an  idea  of  a  world  of
         I  wanted  the  circle  of  the  base  to  have  a   LINDSAY:  But  aren't  you  afraid  that  at  one   light. But it was a vague one. I made the disc
         parallel  and  rhythmic  circle  at the  top,  and   moment  your  thought  and  your  inspiration   myself.  I  put the  water  in the oil,  and I  saw
         not to disappear. And I felt the way I wanted   will  be  lost  in  the  mechanization  when  it   the condensation of the drops and I thought
         to  dematerialize  the  cone  was  by  putting  a   leaves your hands?               'this is a world of outer space', and then I had
         section  in  the  cone  itself  which  would  be  a   LIJN:  I have a precise vision of  what the work   it  slowly  turning  without  the  balls  on  it.
         massive  part  of  it,  and  yet  by  being  un­  is going to be and there is nothing vague about   Afterwards I put on a ball. Primarily to see its
         balanced when the cone started spinning this   it.  I  make  precise  drawings  of  the  work   reflection  on  the  white  surface  of  the  back­
         section  would  create  a  movement  which  in   that I want made, or of the parts of the work   ground of the disc.
         itself  would  deny the movement of the  cone.   I  want made, because  most  often I  assemble   LINDSAY:  The rhythm of  the two balls made
         You  then  see  the  cone  as  a  volume  moving   it  and  certain  parts  I  make.  For  example,   me feel that I  was  being  integrated into  the
         around its  axis,  and at the same time in that   I  do  all  the  electrical  part  of  the  work.  In   vibration.
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