Page 42 - Studio International - May 1969
P. 42


       LIJN: Well, can I ask you something? Was it the     cones arrive a  the same   This in­  LIJN:  It is one of the great problems of the art
       movement of the balls or was it the reflections   volvement is to me an absolute in a work of art.   world today that we are not being allowed to
       that you saw in the balls-or was it both?     I make a work and hope that it takes on   fulfil and to manifest and to grow and develop
       LINDSAY: It was both.  It was the fact that you   a life of its o  With my Liquid reflections   is   our  potential.  We  are  not  mixing  in  what's
       had two separate objects  meeting  to  make  a   very obvious, because they grow-they change   really  happening  today.  We  should  be  in­
       movement  which  allowed  me,  as  a  third   -their move          hope             volved-I mean I would like to  be involved.  I
       object, to become part of it. I find you are able       will reach that     life has  would  like  to  observe  scientific  experiments.
       to  create  a  movement in your  work that in­  to do with a presence-which is also li  and  For example,  in  the  cyclotron-the  speeding­
       volves  the  human  being  that  is  watching­    have tried   create this by the dimensions.  up of neutrons and of particles.  I'd like to  go
       most  people,  working in your  medium,  tend   Dimensions create power-the scientist's power  along  on  a  space  trip.  It is the  only  way  we
       to repel one's involvement.               field. You know if you look at the sun there is  are going  to be useful to society by observing
       LIJN: I am glad that you say that, but I did not     pre    f      sun              the  momentous  happenings  and  then  giving
       know that I was making a movement to attract         i      cons  equili­           our  contribution  to  the  advancement  of  the
       people. I wanted to create a luminous floating   brium.                             human spirit. At the moment I am just sitting
       world  which  completely  involved  me  per­    Do you think that the artist is being  in my little  room and imagining and dream­
       sonally.                                  allowed to take part sufficiently closely in the  ing  of  it,  but  today  we  should  have  the
       LINDSAY:  You are talking about the discs, but   big experiments of our time?       possibility of actually doing it.

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