Page 55 - Studio International - May 1969
P. 55

a    s  to                            every object a quality and virtue, every being   Then  on  the  diction  level.  The  language
            th    w  all      human                  (human  or  natural)  comes into  being  before   shifts gear constantly,  moving from the bard/
                    we    f  surprisingly           our very senses,  is created ex nihilo:    narrator's  complex  and  metaphorical  tale­
                comprehensiveness                                                              telling,  to  lucid  lyrical choruses,  to  stand-up
                It    als    wa    seei  which      And her Achilles went to make amends,      rhetorical  character  speeches,  to  the  collec­
          (     its      the                        walking along beside the broken lace that hung   tive voice of the soldiers  ('We fight when the
          scientific vision) is   sought by more and   over the sea's green fist.              sun  rises.  When  it  sets  we  count  the  dead.
            ar  today.                               The sea that is always counting.          What  has  the  beauty  of  Helen  to  do  with
                    su                                                                         us?'), to the brevity and concision  of  shouted
          story­    the    'Th                      or:                                        slogans and cries. The diction seems to centre
            the                                     a shield as round as rich and big as moons in   finally in the speech of Odysseus, intervening
          retires, unt    t  ni      whe              spring                                   in the proud argument between Achilles and
          al  all  is lost, he returns to the fight and                                        his king Agamemnon,  an  argument which is
          dies gloriously -whereupon he is given a   or:                                       destroying the Greeks.  It is as if Homer were
          grand funeral. This p    t                Briseis in their midst,                    coming  home  to  harbour,  homing  into  a
            modifications   C                       her breasts so lovely that they emy one another;   voice  which  speaks  his  deepest concerns,  the
          movies of the thirties   It is an                                                    deepest concerns of his society:
          folk            it                        or:
                    the                              Why did you leave them, Hector? You       What we have got to do is not embroidery;
            st    a    fury,                         Mlho had generals like clouds,  soldiers like drops   for you the battle may be gold,
                    it                                of rain                                  the men will go through it like needles,
            is  built    th  rh    the  con­                                                   breaking or broken,  but either way emerging
          ventional plot.'                          or:                                        naked as they went.
            o          witness                      He fell as a tree falls-oak, say, or jJine­  Think of the moment when th ey  see the usual
          i  th          sulking                    Slowly at first and then,  with the bright   loot,  gold, horses,  women, tin, is missing from
          withdrawa        at the kill  of          Commercial axes at its heart,              this fight-although the usual risks are not.
          his clos         resigned                  The tall hurt trunk lies down             They do not own the swords with which th ey
            afte  h  has    Patroclus's             Among its leaves, resentfully.            fight, nor the ships that brought them here;
          killer-    psychic jo  something                                                     orders are handed down in words th ey   barely
          els  i    s        enjoy                                                             understand;  frankly,  they do not care a whit who
          aesthetically.                                                                       fucks soft Helen.
          H            in                                                                      Ithica' s mine; Pythia yours;  but what are they
                of   w    making                                                               defending?
          order of it. What was consistently pleasurable                                       They love you?  Yes,  they do.  Th ey  also loved
          abo              the                                                                Patroklos; and he is dead,  th ey  say;  bury the
              its      th    of                                                                dead,  th ey   say;
                               st            as                                                a hundred of us singing angels died for every
          spectators and listeners were  given to take in,                                     knock Patroklos took-so why thefuss?-that's
                      put                                                                      war,  th ey  say,
          through.                                                                             who came to eat in  Troy and not to prove how
          On the verbal level fi  N  no thing is                                               much dear friends are missed.
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