Page 28 - Studio International - December 1970
P. 28

The sculpture of


     William Tucker

     THE FIRST OF THESE PIECES WAS COMMISSIONED   of craft procedures to the traditional materials   In any event, the active contact with Picasso
      BY THE TATE GALLERY AS AN INTRODUCTION TO   of sculpture, thus in effect creating a new   both stimulated Gonzalez and gave him the
      THE CATALOGUE OF THE RECENT GONZALEZ      order of physical objects; while Picasso's   confidence he so urgently needed: the reassur-
      EXHIBITION; IT WAS NOT USED AT THE REQUEST   cubist constructions in 1912-15 demonstrated   ance that the historic distinction between
      OF THE ARTIST'S AGENTS, WHO ASSERTED THAT   that sculpture could take its subject, structure,   `art' and 'craft' in sculpture which had come
      IT DID NOT PRESENT A TRUE PICTURE OF THE   and material from the world of things. The   near to destroying him as an artist had now
      SCULPTOR OR HIS WORK. THE SECOND ESSAY IS A   way was prepared for Gonzalez, unique   lost its meaning— that what had seemed a sign
      REVIEW OF THE TATE EXHIBITION COMMISSIONED   among modern artists as a trained and practis-  of inferiority now conferred a remarkable
      BY THE New York Times, BUT NOT PUBLISHED ON   ing maker of things. It is Picasso who is   advantage. The decade from 1930 was to see
      THE GROUNDS THAT IT WAS TOO TECHNICAL FOR   generally credited with specifically introduc-  the sudden flowering of a sensitive, indepen-
      THEIR READERS. THE FIRST PIECE WAS WRITTEN   ing Gonzalez to the possibilities of constructed   dent and original talent in a surprisingly wide
      IN JUNE THIS YEAR, THE SECOND IN SEPTEMBER;   metal sculpture by asking for his technical   and varied exploration of the possibilities of
      BOTH ARE PRINTED WITHOUT ALTERATION IN    assistance in welding the celebrated series of   metal construction.
      THE FORM IN WHICH THEY WERE ORIGINALLY    metal sculptures of 1928-31. But Gonzalez   Gonzalez was a radical through circumstance
      SUBMITTED. (FIGURES IN PARENTHESES REFER TO   had already returned to creative activity with   rather than deliberate intent. In comparison
      THE NUMBERING OF SCULPTURES IN THE TATE   the sheet-iron sculptures of 1926 onward.   with the other great masters of modern sculp-
      CATALOGUE.)                               While Picasso's liberated conception of what   ture he seems to have been almost without
                                                could be done in metal was crucial to Gon-  ambition. His diffidence and modesty, his lack
     Julio Gonzalez was born in Barcelona in 1876,   zalez's development, it is quite possible that it   of confidence in the nature of his own gift,
      the son and grandson of metal workers and   was Gonzalez's own recent work that had   make him in retrospect a sympathetic figure;
     jewellers. With his elder brother Joan, he was   initially suggested the use of iron to Picasso.   but one should remember that this lack of
      apprenticed in the family craft; together also                                      ambition cost him dear in practical terms :
      they studied painting at the School of Fine                                         throughout his most productive period he
      Arts and frequented the avant-garde milieu of                                       barely scraped a living from sales. Iron was
      Barcelona in the 90s where they met the                                             the favoured material not only for the quali-
      young Picasso. When the entire Gonzalez                                             ties he was singularly placed to exploit, but
      family moved to Paris in 1900, Julio renewed                                        because it cost almost nothing from scrap.
      this acquaintance. He was making his living,                                        Still the victim of circumstance even when he
      and had gained some reputation, as a crafts-                                        had found his way in art, the pressure of
      man in metal but at this period of his life his                                     poverty forced him to extract every possibility
      aspiration as an artist centred on painting, in                                     of expression from the material in a minor
      which his talent was no more than ordinary.                                         mode; to preclude for the most part the con-
      The aestheticism and sentimentality of his                                          scious making of monuments or masterpieces.
      early work signifies more than the influence of                                     `Drawing in space' is the conventional sum-
      Picasso; Gonzalez seems to have been pulled                                         mary of Gonzalez's contribution to modern
      not only between the restriction of his trade,                                      sculpture; and usually connotes the assembly
      from which he could earn a steady living, and                                       in 3 dimensions of linear elements, as for
      the spiritual freedom enjoyed by the Bohem-                                         example in the Large Maternity  (34) and the
      ian circle around Picasso, but between the                                          Woman Combing her Hair  (65)1  in the Tate
      physical satisfaction to be gained from his                                         exhibition; the transposition of line  drawing
      craft, where his talent was real, and the                                           into sculpture. In this particular area the
      emotional refuge provided by painting. The                                          obvious precursor is Picasso, notably the Con-
      crisis was precipitated by the death of Joan in                                     struction in Wire of 1930. What is peculiar to
      1908: his elder brother had clearly given his                                       Gonzalez, and the index of his now unique
      own life a sense of purpose which Gonzalez                                          position in modern sculpture, is the  ident-
      was unable to maintain alone. He withdrew                                           cation of drawing with making.  The seed of
      from the avant garde and for the next 18 years                                      Picasso's original cubist constructions in wood
      appears to have done little work with which                                         bore fruit in steel in the hands of Gonzalez:
      he was satisfied. Of his artist friends he con-                                     not only the assembly part by part, but the
      tinued to see only Picasso and Brancusi.                                            previous and separate shaping of parts — bar-
      He thus missed the development of Cubism                                            forged, drawn or bent, sheet-rolled, cut or
      entirely; but these two friendships were to                                         folded, volumes made by the enclosure of the
      prove of great importance when he eventually                                        void; the components thus made, joined at
      discovered himself in the late 20s. For Picasso                                     points or edges, and situated in relation to
      and Brancusi were the artists most notably                                          gravity in ways inaccessible to the traditional
      responsible for the revolution in sculpture                                         materials of sculpture. The action of the
      which occurred between 1909 and 1915.                                               sculptor's tools  becomes  the form of the end
     Brancusi applied the simplicity and rationality                                      material: the tensile potential of steel 'as it
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