Page 52 - Studio International - December 1970
P. 52

Notes on 'The                             the subtle changes in form and substance   snowflakes into crystals It contains images of
                           '                   created by the combination of lit and pro-  duality, a sun and moon tree, a tree of both
                                               jected objects, are all means which confirm a
                                                                                          man and woman, a flower garden where each
     Black Box : an                            picture of reality wider than would be possible   flower touches on some process of memory
                                               through the use of a single medium. The possi-  and recognition. The whole of this magical
     experiment in                             bilities of transformation and metamorphosis   world is inhabited by a shadowy figure,
                                               of an image through different physical states,   Piktor, who grasps at a stone and sets himself
                                                the process of change in time, provide other
     visual theatre                            aspects in the representation of an enlarged   at odds with the continuous flow of his
                                               view of reality.                           It was in this story that we recognized the
     John Epstein                              For example, a real figure walks through a   qualities of nostalgia, simplicity and magic
                                                real field which is reflected on to the stage   which we were anxious to preserve and con-
                                               from outside the building. The figure then   vey in our work. Thus the story has deter-
                                               appears lit on the stage in front of a film   mined the total structure and systems within
                                                projection of the same field. Next he is   which we work. Being our only frame of
     It is the selection, from our environment, of   walking along inside the film, himself a pro-  reference it has acted as a cohesive element in
     that which relates to our inner lives, that   jection, and then he reappears, lit on the stage   relation to the group. It gave a generally
     which can transform itself, through our   sitting in an actual cut-out replica of the   agreed focal point for decisions and a con-
     imagination into imagery, the acceptance of   field. This scene slowly fades and the figure   sistent means by which the quality and content
     those perceptions that can be extracted and   reappears walking in the real field, reflected   of our work could be referred to. Because of
     drawn inwards, that are the concern of the   on to the stage from outside the building.   the story's strong and explicit visual descrip-
     Black Box Group. We assemble selected frag-  It is this kind of journey through media that   tions the success of any image could always
     ments of landscape, images of birds and   can represent some of the different perceptions   be gauged by how well it illustrated the
     butterflies, mountainsides tinged with blue   of reality experienced on a 'real' walk in the   story: e.g. 'A tree which represented both
     light, small fir trees, figures in costume,   countryside.                           Man and Woman' ... 'They were sombre and
     flowers in the shape of large cushions, and   The construction of a box with a single, square   sunk into themselves, as though drunk with
     many other objects, projections, sounds,   opening which can be looked  into  is an   their own perfume' ... 'Still another (flower)
     rhythms and illusions, which become part of   attempt to make a structural representation   made him recall his mother's voice when he
     a reconstruction of an imaginary place, whose   of that area of human activity that lies   had wandered with her as a child in the
     atmosphere and pulse reflects our own      behind or beneath the surface. It is an attempt to   garden at home'.
     imagination, our memories and the rhythmic   reinstate the validity of an art form that   It was the starkness in the structure of the
     quality of our inner lives. Inside the Black   represents those areas of human consciousness   Black Box and the geometric nature of the
     Box appears a model of ourselves. It is this   that lie beneath the surface, and to re-  square opening that was used to contrast the
     process of extraction and insertion  inside  a   emphasize the acceptance of such feelings as   magic, flowing, jewel-like quality of Hesse's
     defined area that influences the structure and   nostalgia, lyricism, melodrama and senti-  prose. The story has been illustrated quite
     systems of our work.                       mentality that have been suppressed both in   literally rather than in any symbolic or
     It is the relationship of actual, perceived images   art and simple human relationships for so   consciously ambiguous form. Thus, when the
     to imaginary concepts, and the necessity to re-  long.                               text read 'serpent' an image of a real snake
     construct by relating solid (actual)  objects to   In order to accentuate the nature of 'the   (not a symbol, or an evil ambiguous aura)
     projected images that produces a mixed media.   interior' which is looked into through an   was painted or made; where the text read
     The heart of our work has been in combining   opening or window, a definite spatial relation-  `tree' a real tree was used. This literal
     real with projected images and following the   ship between the Box and the audience had   following of the text was enjoyed as a process
     constant transformations that an image goes   to be created. The play must be inside the   of faithfully representing the childlike sim-
     through, slipping in and out of a solid or pro-  Box, the audience outside it at a distance, at   plicity of the story as a whole. The use of a
     jected state. It is the changing patterns in the   least thirty feet.                text to determine a whole medium, i.e.
     relationships of solidity to transparency that   The action appears slowly from the blackness.   subject matter determining form, tends to be
     represent the fluctuations and inter-relation-  The distance of the audience from the play   a laborious and uneconomical process in
     ship between the real and the illusionary in   should help to represent the kind of inner   some senses. Another subject matter would
     our work.                                  distance that exists between oneself and one's   thus determine perhaps a very different form
     We have been reticent in applying the term   dreams (the consistent dream image of the   from the Black Box (although a lot of these
      `mixed media' to our work, because of its   long corridor with something at the end of it).   structures and systems would probably be
     connotations with light shows, stroboscopic   This distance should help to convey the transi-  used). Yet whether the building of a new
     effects, general aggressiveness of tone and   tory, fleeting nature of the medium, and even   system or medium for each big idea seems
     sensationalism. Nevertheless, the Black Box   to raise the question in the audience's minds   impractical or not, the truth is that the story
     could be defined as a mixed-media project   as to whether the play is happening at all.   gave the impetus and the sense of impartiality
     when the 'mixing' of the media is not seen as   Because of this distance and the quality of   necessary to bring six people together in an
     an end in itself, but as a tool used to represent   ambiguous, undefinable space that the Box   intense relationship for three years.  	q
     our most central and basic interests. The   possesses, the audience could consider the
      representation of different levels of perception,   action as a projection of their own. It is this
     the dualities and paradoxes inherent in what   kind of ambiguity that can fortify the effective-
     is real and what is illusionary, become    ness of the Box as a representative of the
     effective when represented in a combination   illusionary nature of reality.
     of different materials and processen       The frame of reference for-the work of -the   The preceding notes are extracts from the book  The
                                                                                          Black Box-an experiment in Visual Theatre published by
     The mixing of actual and illusionary space,   Black Box Group has always been the story,   Latimer Press, 4 Alwyne Villas, London Nl, Nov. 1970.
     the combination of direct light with various   Piktor's Metamorphosis, by Herman Hesse.   The play Change will be performed at the Round-house,
                                                                                          London, from December 21, 1970 to January 16, 1971.
     reflective devices, the ambiguity affected by   The story depicts a paradise of continuous,   Members of the Black Box Group are: Reiner Burger,
     the fluctuation of live to recorded imagery,    rhythmic change. Birds grow into butterflies,    Robert Burne, Lindsay Davidson, John Epstein, Carole
                                                                                          Frame, David Sawyer.
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