Page 56 - Studio International - December 1970
P. 56

of the day may be more interesting.             dots  on _    ground, I             JC I  presume  the  various  modern  heads  in
      JC Doesn't the very limited palette of colours   tell an assistant to mask out the required areas   the prints and the sculptures take off from the
      you use ever bother you?                  and make the changes. I can then see what this   many J awlensky constructivist heads you once
      RL No, it doesn't. Though once in a  while I       like and that saves me two days   saw in Pasadena Art Museum's collection?
      think,  wouldn't  it  be  great  to  extend  my     work. I don't have to use an assistant, but it   RL Yes,  somewhat.  I  mean  they  get  pretty .
      colour  range-but  then  it  always  seems  it   frees my energy for use   Moreover,   far fromJawlensky, but the idea started with
      would be weaker and more artistic. I usually   if I had to make the marble, brass, wood and   his paintings.
      prefer an even more restricted range, and if I   glass sculptures myself, I would have to pains­  JC Was it the thirties'  stylization inherent to
      can do a thing in two colours, I do. I still use           requi  techniques         these  paintings  of J awlensky  that  interested
      primary colours, but in these prints I try to   and skills. I would tum out only one sculpture   you?
      get as many variations as I can.          a    e      ye_   r  tha                  RL I guess what interested me was-'what in
      JC However, in  the  prints  your  colours  are   several diverse sculptures in one year.   the world a modern head could be about' -I
      very mixed, very secondary.               JC But you like to do part of your painting?   mean to make a man look like a machine. It's
      RL Well, they are the same colours and I try   RL Yes,  be    sc  a  done            the  machine  quality  of  the  twenties  and
      and get as wide a range as possible.  It's ,not     d    th  sa      the             thirties  that interests me. Picasso and Braque
      that  I'm  trying  to  get  purple  by  using  a   prints or the Cathedral paintings. The fact that   in Analytical and  Synthetic  Cubism  weren't
      mixture  of  red  and  blue-that's  not  what  I   so      stencil        the        particularly intetested -in the machine asp�ct.
      mean-it's the range of combinations, such as   dots exactly the way I would leaves no parti­  It  got  consciously  much  more  that  way  in
      using black and white and a small amount of a       fo  m  to  do      l    do  a    Leger's  painting  and with the Futurists  and
      primary colour in ·one painting or print and       of  ted      I                    Constructivists, the people portrayed becom­
      in  another,  using  a  riotous  combination  of   don't think it   be     sit   a desk   ing  dehumanized  by  being  related  to  ma­
      bright colours with graduated do�s. I want to   and j  be   b        marsh­          chines.  This  relates  strongly  to  comic  book
      be blatant.  I  don't see  that I gain anything   mal      time-        myself      images  which  are  not  machine-like  but  are
      by changing red to orange. The colour ra ge   some work to do.on the paintings.     largely  the  pr�duct  of  machine  thinking.
      I use is perfect for the idea, which has always       y  u        your              Then the fact that in the comics the rendition
      been  about  vulgarization.  I've  always  us.ed   paintings?                       of  a  head,  for  instance,  is  so  altered  by  the
      the  same  colours-red,  yellow,  blue,  black   RL   don            out            economics  of  printing.  Dots;  black  lines,
      and sometimes  green  on  white-but  I  think         painting    like _      grow   yellow hair, etc., are primarily the product of
      my use of colour varies considerably.                   whole                       time-saving  economies,  thus  the  forms  they
      JC In some paintings or prints the image as   painting while this is going on. I like the free­  take on are the product of  the economics of
      such doesn't seem to be terribly important to   dom    d      in relationship to the   printing.  The  art  moderne  idea  of  making  a
      ·you in comparison to the overall colour.              my                           head into something that looks as if it's been
      RL Once I know what it's going to be, it isn't      days.                           made by an engineering draftsman deals with
      important. I want to give it whatever power            p    m  more                 industrialization  and  manufacture,  which is
      I can as an image.  I mean, I don't :want to  ab        a    of                     what my painting has 'dealt with since '61  or
      lose the quality of  the image, but  once I've    the dots to delineate the cathedral, you   so.
      decided on it, I don't allow it to be an issue.  use them to disrupt the surface.   JC Do you think the thirties' style consciously
      JC But the Cathedral prints are very abstract.  RL Yes, I do it in a couple of ways; in one, all   arose out of  the idea of  combining. man and
      RL Y cs, that's the idea.  I follow to a logical  the dots have the same centres, but some are   machine?
      conclusion  Monet's  general  idea  in  a  much    t  others,, so      a  divided   RL Yes,  I  really  do.  It's  a  concession  to
      more  mechanical  way.  Of  course,  they  are                the                   inevitable  industrialization-the  opposite  of
      different from Monet, but they do deal with  others, the dots in the darker areas are double   pre-Raphaelite thought.
      the impressionist cliche of  not being  able  to  shaded.                           JC This may be a little offbeat, but has there
      read the image close up-it becomes clearer as  JC The latter cluste  to form the image? RL  been  anything  written  on  your iconography
      you move away from it.                    Yes, and the lighter, areas are also dotted. The   that really interests you?
      JC  I understand that for  the Cathedral paint­  prints are done over a flat colour such as red,   RL Yes.  I'm  intrigued  by  unusual  insights­
      ings  you  used  an assistant quite  extensively  yellow or blue, so it's possible to obtain a   things I haven't thought of. I think of them as
      to cut the stencils.                      la      co    even                        inventive,  but  not  necessarily  true.  I  mean
      RL Yes, and to paint the dots in, too.        using only four colours.              I'm sure my own insights are just as askew as
      JC But all the tedious work is done by your  JC But some of the Cathedral prints are mono­  anyone elses.  I ·have certain feelings which I
      assistant?                                chromatic, for instance, the blue one.    try  to  put  into  words,  but  I  really  don't
      RL Yes.                                   RL   of  course    l      the             believe  in  the  words.  I  think  one  tends  to
      JC As· a consequence, your  productivity  has        in one 'colour.                think up things that sound logical or insight­
      increased? Or your leisure?               The blue represents the arrival  of evening.   ful about one's work anyway.
      RLBoth.                                   JC The colours are all used logically to denote   JC What do you think is the essenti l differ­
      JC You  mean  without  an  assistant,  you  the time   day, like yellow for noon? What's   ence between your prints and paintings, apart
      wouldn't  have  been  able  to  tackle  them­  morning?                             from  the  obvious  things  such  as  medium,
      they'd have been too boring to do?        RL I'    sure-I· gue        a             scale, etc. Your Haystack paintings and prints
      RL I don't think I thought of  that. It wasn't  pretty abstract idea, but the purplish ones in   · are about the same size, I think?
      too boring for Mpnet. I like to work.  I even  red and  blue are evening too,   course.   RL The prints are a little smaller, but that's
      like repetitive jobs-but it would have taken  , JC What's the black one?            not significant. The paintings are all different
      me years, and  I  would rather  carry out  my  RL The black is on a flat blue colour;  that's   images.  In  terms  of  exactness  in  placement
      other ideas.                              midnight, it's almost invisible.          and  register,  the  prints  are  better,  because
      JC  In  fact,  using  assistants  gives . you  more  JC You seem to have trouble indicating  day­  they can be better controlled in this medium.
      freedom.                                  light.                                    Working  on  canvas  isn't controllable  in  the
      RL I don't like to repeat myself,  but if I get   RL Well, just a little bit of  trouble, and   same  way.  The paintings bear  the tracks  of
      the  idea  of  changing  black  dots  on  a  white   yellow stands for daylight.    corrections of  various  things. The  prints  are

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